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Mercy at "home"
Player: @Mercy Killing
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 25 and rising
Personal Data
Real Name: No equivalent in terran languages
Known Aliases: Mercy, Big Guy, M
Species: no equivalent in terran languages(nearest approximation is Ravenous)
Age: unknown
Height: 8 feet, 0 inches
Weight: 950 pounds
Eye Color: none
Hair Color: none
Biographical Data
Nationality: none
Occupation: odd jobs around the Isles, bouncer at Pocket D
Place of Birth: outer spiral of Milky Way galaxy
Base of Operations: none
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: none on Earth
Known Powers
Incredible willpower and physical strength
Known Abilities
full extent still unknown
none carried


Arachnos File # 100111000101:

Ship detected entering atmosphere at 2 a.m. 12/1/2007. Dispatched investigation team. Reports show no evidence of ship, or wreckage. Theorized ship may still be at bottom of sea offshore Mercy Island. Further investigation found lone survivor, possibly only crew of ship washed up on shore by Night Widow's stronghold. Subject taken into custody,and, under suggestion by Seer Kalinda, kept alive and treated until subject regained consciousness. Testing begins of subjects capabilities and limitations to determine it's value to Arachnos.

Exerpt from File # 100111000101:

Being shows remarkable adaptability, and intelligence. In one month, it has learned enough of Terran languages to hold limited conversations. Again, due to Seer Kalinda's suggestion, we have taken a non-hostile approach to the being.Subject gives name as Mercy.Killing, which is nearest equivalent in this language he can supply. Subject also revealed that his race is known as Ravenous, again, in nearest equivalent. Questioning reveals that his kind derive names from functions and ideals in their society. Also states that his language is not pronounceable in Terran languages. States reason for crash was ship fell to immense gravitational forces of a quantum singularity.
Subject's home system

Subject Biological Analysis:

Subject states that he is the average in his society. Greater and lesser examples can be found on his planet. Skeletal structure and musculature virtually identical to human, with the exception that both are extremely dense, lending to greater physical strength and stamina than human. Interior organs are also virtually identical, with two exceptions: an extra organ, just below the stomach, which subject states further processes food and liquid intake so as to eradicate waste material. Lack of intestines confirms testimony,and a second nervous system, intertwined with the first, giving subject a degree of control of bodily functions and reactions. Testing indicates Ravenous can control their reaction to pain, essentially redirecting the nerve impulses to stimulate their equivalent of adrenaline production, making them even stronger and faster. Battle simulations confirm medical analyses. As a personal note, I do not believe it wise to let this being out of Arachnos control, but my suggestions are being overridden. Reproductive capability is also Terran norm, but is unkown whether interbreeding can actually occur. Genetic samples have been taken, but still defy analysis. Subject has no ocular or auditory organs, yet can "see" and "hear" at beyond peak human abilities. Stealth suits do not hinder this ability. Subject states that it is a form of "life sense", but undead are also visible to him, per testing results. Color spectrum is "visible" to it, and infrared, as well. Subject has unique dietary preferences, and is completely carnivorous. Will only eat Rikti meat, and states that terran food is "bland, and without flavor". Evidence indicates that while terran food will satisfy nutritional needs, preference is as stated.

Psychological Analysis

Mental probing has thus far resulted in a negative reading. Some of our most powerful telepaths have not gotten beyond surface thoughts.Being is remarkably resistant to psychic abilities that affect the mind. Traditional examination reveals subject personality to be purposeful, loyal, benign, but utterly devoid of a sense of right and wrong. Evidence suggests a major belief is that "Whatever works is best." plays a major part of subjects moral attitudes.

Addendum to File # 100111000101:

Kalinda specified subject known as Mercy.Killing to be a "Destined One". Release was ordered. Damn her! I have a sneaking suspicion that this will come back to haunt us. My formal objections were officially noted, and ignored. I have, however, been able to arrange surveillance of subject's movements and locations.

Field Observation of Subject

Subject began doing the minor assignments Kalinda hands out, with deadly efficiency and speed. Has taken residency in Mercy Island, which is ironic, in a way. He moved to our next agent, Mongoose, and also began doing those assignments with the same outcomes as Kalinda's. One difference: he has begun to associate with others. He took a position of bouncer at Pocket D, making surveillance more difficult, as we cannot electronically eavesdrop in the club itself. Agents have reported that he has begun associating with heroes. He has been cleared by Mongoose to do private sector work in Port Oakes. Subject has begun to show signs of a conscience. He does not do any private work dealing with kidnapping or stealing, unless it is from dubious companies or organizations. Will only do work dealing with the scum that pop up, quelling them, and keeping them in line. He retains his deadly efficiency, however,and quickly gained contacts in Port Oakes, specifically, Desdemona, followed by Mr. Bocor.

Spoiler warning: Details about story arcs or other game content follow.

He has moved his private sector work to Cap Au Diable, again showing his disdain for kidnapping and theft,unless it is from corrupted organizations. It would appear he is developing a sense of right and wrong. Several missions undertook into Paragon City were completed quickly, and alone. He took only money belonging to dummy corporations, and fronts. How he knew is currently being investigated. He was contacted by Marshall Brass, and sent to Seer Marino. Together, the two uncovered a plot to assassinate Ghost Widow, and quickly foiled it. Evidence shows that Seer Marino was investigating the disappearance of her brother, but, due to Ghost Widow's involvement, that evidence was wiped.

He returned to Cap Au Diable, continuing his freelance work with Marshall Brass. He began investigating the PTS (Power Transfer System) and uncovered several secrets that we prefer to remain hidden. Amanda Vines, reporter at WSPDR, was also involved, and, by Lord Recluse's own orders both her and Mercy were spared.

Spoilers end here.

He began taking jobs from Cage Consortium employee Vince Dubrowski, and also Crash Cage, daughter of the CEO of Cage Consortium. He is currently between contacts and jobs, doing minor freelance work on Sharkhead Island, still keeping with his no kidnapping, no stealing policy. He recently assembled a small team to take on the Ghost of Scrapyard, and defeated that specter with ease.


I was(and still am) a big fan of the nonhuman comic characters, both DC and Marvel's. Metamorpho,Beast, Hulk, and the Thing being my most favorite ones. I wanted to make someone like them, a monster on the outside, but human on the inside. Torn by the desire to be "normal", these heroes struggle with the conflict they feel, being reviled and feared by the very people they try to help. I chose the brute AT because I already have Mercy Killing made on Victory server, as a tank, and being a bad guy kinda helps the whole angsty thing. I RP him as good, to a point. He lives in the Isles, and does "questionable" things, because nobody else will do them "right".

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