Metal Smith

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Metal Smith, Leader of Evolution-X
Metal Smith
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Smith Jared
Known Aliases: Metal
Species: Human
Age: 30
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Leader of Evolution-x
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Able to turn his body into an Organic Metal
Known Abilities
Highly Invulnerable
No additional information available.

Metal Smith's Story

The only true member left of the orignal Evolution-X. The team had just started off after years of training they were ready to make a name for themselves.

They had recieved an anonymous tip on a drug house ran by The Outcasts. It was a set up, Freaks are what they called themselves.

The team were not prepared to take on this large of a group. Smith tried his best to save his friends, but they had him pinned down.

He can still hear their screams... What must have been minutes seemed like a lifetime, they wre all ripped apart. Smith was left for dead. He remembers them laughing and recalls one saying, "Leave him so that he can tell the others, you don't mess with the Freaks."

Big mistake on their part, as Evolution-X has become a true force in the fight for good. Uniting Mutants not only to seek the killers out, but to become postive contributors of society.

Metal Smith is looking for the person responsible for setting the original team up. He has found out that the Freaks sold his teammates bodies to a doctor named Dr, Vahzilok. His boyfriend, Threshold, is believed to be one of those bodies. Though presumed dead, Metal hopes to recover Threshold's body to finally close this painful chapter in his life. Evidence suggests not all of his teammates were sold to Vahzilok. Others were sold to Crey, which he believes were made into Paragon Protectors.

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