Michael Holiday/Holiday Inc.

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Holiday Incorporated is a small, family owned paranormal investigation agency. Originally based in New York, the current office is now in Paragon City, and is run by the third-generation Holiday, Michael Holiday. Holiday Inc. is open to the public.


Company History

Holiday Incorporated was founded in 1965 by the former hero contact and Midnight Squad liasion, Augustus Holiday. The business became an overnight success, thanks to the support of many magical heroes. Augustus' original intention for the company was to act as a bridge between superheroes, magic, and the common man. Here, normal citizens could consult Augustus on paranormal matters they were curious about, as well as seek counsel on paranormal circumstances they had of their own. It did not become a detective agency until Augustus' son, James took over the business in the early 80's.

Under Dr. James Holiday's supervision, the company became a place the average Joe could come to to rid himself of the numerous problems paranormal incidents could cause. Gifted with an eye for detail and lateral thinking, as well as possessing the mystical knowledge his father had handed down to him, James was an exceptional paranormal detective, able to root out the most bizzare of problems. Detective work was a perfect fit for the company, and it is now the staple of it's success.

The newest owner, Michael Holiday, has since moved the company to Paragon City. Michael decided this would be a good entrepenurial move for the business, seeing how Paragon is a nexus for all things magic. However, while not a complete failure, Holiday Inc. has hit a low spot under Michael's supervision. While Paragon is a cauldron for magic, it is also goverened by hundreds of superheroes, willing to take on all manner of mystical and paranormal problems that may arise. Since then, Holiday has tried to market his company to those who are plagued by paranormal situations that fall below the radar of the average superpowered cape.

Holiday Inc. Pricing Chart

Mike Holiday does not do work for free. His current multitude of services include:

Of course, Holiday is subject to change prices as he sees fit, as well as charge for any other services not listed on the bill. 15% gratuity is appreciated...and also mandatory with the bill. Holiday is open to other terms of payment. No credit cards accepted.

Corporate Info

Holiday Incorporated is located at 35 Astral District Apt. 5B, Skyway City, Paragon City, RI. To contact Mr. Holiday, please call 1-800-HOLIDAY (1-800-465-4329). Established 1965.


Holiday Inc. has numerous ads in local newspapers, including an ad in the Paragon Times. Holiday also has a local T.V. commercial, that rarely airs before 11:00 pm. It is notable for it's bad acting, and catchy jingle.

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