Misty Francis

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Misty Francis SL07.jpg
Misty Francis
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Misty Francis
Known Aliases: Misty
Species: Human
Age: 22
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Confidential
Biographical Data
Nationality: USA
Occupation: Freedom Fighter
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Paragon City (for now)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

In the beginning

I was born in the township of Salamanca, RI. Salamanca is a small, rural community just a little north and west of Liberty Harbor in Paragon City. Life is, or at least was, simple on Salamanca. You woke up in the morning, went to class, hung out with your friends, and talked about the antics of the heroes and villains down in the city. That sort of thing seemed very far off - if only we knew.

In my senior year at Salamanca University, on Halloween Night of 2004, reports of strange creatures invading Paragon City began to flood in over the airwaves. We didn't think that this would effect us, no, we went on with our costume contests and late night parties. It wasn't until late at night that we began to feel the creep... that is what I called it at least. An eerie feeling, a gentle creeping feeling that crawls up the back of your spine trying to warn you that something is seriously wrong but you're brain is too stupid (or in my case enebriated) to acknowledge it. It was a mystical warning to anyone listening that the mystical realm of Croatoa had begun to engulf Salamanca.

Panic and Chaos!

The darkness which spread across Salamanca could not be ignored for long. Strange creatures roamed the streets attacking anyone that stood still long enough and the police were quickly overwhelmed. News reached us at the University as citizens sought refuge in the strong campus buildings. Nobody knew, but some creatures could pass right through the walls (or in the case of others, break through). Soon, people began to flee the campus running like scared rabbits into the night. Others sat quitely rocking back and forth hoping beyond hope that it was just a really bad trip. Neither seemed to do any good.

Some of my fellow students and I hatched a plan. The Green Line had recently been completed and would take us strait to the heroes of Paragon City, we only had to get there. It was a leap of faith, we didn't even know if it would be running with everything going on. Some voted to just hide and wait, surely the heroes would come. I'm sad to say, I was one of those cowards who wanted to wait. I never found out what happened to those that went for help... all I know is what happened to those of us who remained behind.

The Cabal!

We sat quitely through the night, hoping to hear the voice of Statesman or anyone telling us that everything was going to be alright. Instead, we began to hear the cackling, crone-like voices of old women wandering through the ground level. They called out to us, they knew we were still there. They even knew our names! The sheer terror of the night before, and the eerie scratchy screetchy voices seemed to have immobilized me. Then, without warning, one uttered words in an odd sounding language and I was up on my feet - no longer in control of my own body. Like a rag doll, or a puppet, I was marched out and down the stairs, the few others who remained behind were lined up next to me... each coming robotically down the stairs controlled by this ancient crones spell.

She told us that she was a leader of the Cabal, and that we were lucky to be women for the Cabal had little use for men, at least living men. She told us that we were also lucky, in that she was recruiting members to join her order - at least some of us were lucky. She could teach no more than 3 or 4 at the most, and there were 5 of us, at least one would have to go. The crone taught us each a simple chant, something which would reveal our inner magical potential. We said it, one by one, and she judged the response. I didn't see a thing, but she seemed to approve of what she saw.

One was selected for exclusion (as she called it) from her teachings. With a powerful incantation one of my best friends fell to the ground as electrical current enveloped her. With an ethereal shriek, her spirit seemed to coalese above her and flee off into the night. It seemed no matter to our new mistress, she matter-factly pointed out we'd deal with her later.


In the beginning, Darkness and Fear kept me in line. Later, curiosity about the wonderous new magics I was learning, and eventually a growing desire for power. As time passed, the heroes never came... I often passed the Green Line in my duties and wondered why? Had Paragon City befallen the same fate as we? Could the mighty heroes have been defeated? My mistress seemed to know my thoughts, she told me forget such things and continue my studies.

I could feel that the magics of Croatoa were growing stronger and Salamanca was falling deeper under it's mystic spell. There seemed to be some resistance, the elders within the Cabal seemed concerned at certain events. During one of my missions to gather roots and herbs, I met a woman. She told me there was strength within me, more than I know, and that the Heroes of Paragon City had no idea what was happening here, and that they wouldn't unless someone warned them. I asked about her and she told me, passing her hand through a nearby tree, that she and the magic of the region were now bound together, she told me it would have to be me.

Something inside me snapped, I don't know if the lady did it, or if it was something that had been hiding inside me this whole time, but I just started running. The Green Line was far away, but I had some control over magic and I might just be able to make it. Some of the creatures tried to stop me, but I just kept running and dodging, trying to give the creatures wide berths as I ran. The Green Line!

Breaking News - Plague Sweeps Across Paragon City

People looked at me oddly on the train, but not as oddly as I might have expected. My heart was still racing when I stepped off the train in, well, I wasn't sure where... but it was definately in the City. The famous war walls told me that. I was reviewing a map of the train routes, trying to figure out how to get to Atlas City Hall when some sort of alert sounded. In the distance, I could see a powerful force field come up around a part of town. Speakers crackled in the distance and people were told to remain indoors until further notice.

It was hours before an officer came up to me, seeing my outfit he asked if I was a hero or a villain? I thought, that's a silly question, but I guess being unknown as I was they probably wanted to be sure. After a brief interview with the officer, I was asked to report to Officer Flint who needed heroes to help out with the problem. I asked what the problem was but the officer was reluctant to discuss it. He just glanced around at all of the people, I guess he didn't want to worry them.

It took some time, but I was able to help and discover the source of the plague and provide documents that allowed for a cure to be manufactured. I felt good, like I had done something useful! I received letters of reference from the local precinct and a local hero. Things were looking up, even better - I got directions to Atlas Park.

Atlas Park

One of the first people I met when I arrived at Atlas Park was Ms. Liberty. She had always been a hero of mine, and she was responsible for coordinating the training of new and upcoming heroes. She and I spoke at length about the situation in Salamanca, and she asked me to inform the City Representative inside the hall. She would likely have gone herself if not for the impending threat of invasion from the Rikti. I hadn't realized it, and I'm still not sure what happened, but somehow I had gone from 2004 to 2008! So much had changed, the Rikti were back, these weird Arachnos people were a looming threat, and I even heard someone talking about odd people from the future.

The City Representative wasn't much help. She assigned me a Security Level of 02 and told me to report to Azuria for assignment. I tried to tell her about Salamanca and Croatoa but she just told me that everyone has problems and that she could help me with mine when I was a higher Security Level. I hoped that Azuria could help. After explaining to her what happened, she agreed to have her people look into it, but in the meantime she asked if I could help her with some problems. Paragon City seemed to be a very help me and I'll help you sort of place. I agreed.

I spoke at length with numerous people around Atlas Park on the subject of Croatoa and Salamanca, someone mentioned knowing a gal out there named Katie, but for the most part people seemed to have problems of their own. Ms. Liberty could see my distress and took me to the side. She told me that she truly felt for me, and for the people of Salamanca, but that there are so much going on that resources were stretched thin. She recommended that I work with others, help resolve some of the lesser problems of Paragon City, make allies, grow in personal strength and reputation, and then one day return with those allies to Salamanca to win the day.

When I look in the mirror, I am reminded of the horrors of Salamanca. I still wear the garb as a reminder of what I nearly became and how important it is to resist the darkness. One day, I will return to Salamanca, for my friends, for my family, and for all the good people that wait for a hero...

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