Moon Diamond

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Moon Diamond1.jpg
Moon Diamond by Chu Butterfly
Moon Diamond
Player: @Vieira
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Stalker
Security Level: 32
Personal Data
Real Name: Charisma Edwards
Known Aliases: Moon
Species: Cat/Human Mutation
Age: 19
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 134lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: British
Occupation: Part time hero
Place of Birth: England
Base of Operations: London, England
Marital Status: Interested in Dusk Man
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Enhanced sight, smell, hearing, balance and reflexes.
Known Abilities
Skilled in various forms of sword combat
Array of knives and daggers


Moon Diamond is essentially a Cat Girl, but she does not like people using the term to describe her. She is a former cat burglar who grew up in London, England. She is now the "side kick" to a shadowy, mysterious hero named Dusk Man, who is trying to set her on the right path.


Early History

Moon Diamond was raised as Charisma Edwards, by a middle class family in London, England. Charisma's abilities began to manifest when she was a toddler. She quickly learnt to walk before she could talk. She loved to climb the stairs in her three story home in the city centre, then work her way back down again. Her parents noted that she had near perfect balance and never seemed to fall over when she insisted on walking at their side.

Charisma was always a mischievous and and bright spirit, who loved the thrill of getting in trouble and causing chaos. Her kleptomaniac tendencies started at the early age of ten years old, where she would smuggle cookies, sweets and treats into the classroom for her friends at primary school. Her teachers often noted that Charisma found it difficult to concentrate in class and it was very hard to control her behaviour in front of her fellow students. She was hyperactive and it was hard to get her settled into her school work.

At the age of eleven, Charisma was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). She was given medication which looked promising - as for two or three months, her personality completely changed. She became much more mellow. Her grades began to climb, her attention was much stronger and her teachers found it much easier to teach her. However, the difference did not last long. Her medication took an adverse effect on her as she turned twelve years old.

The new effects changed Charisma into the being that she is today.


Charisma was born with a dormant gene passed down through her family for generations. It was a little known fact that her great, great, great. great, great grandmother had practiced black magic. She had experimented with spells on herself to give her cat like abilities, but when the traits did not grow, her grandmother had given up the practice. Charisma's family did not mention the activities of their ancestors, due to the shame brought upon their family all those years ago.

Centuries later, the DNA began to mutate. The recessive genes began to become active as Charisma took more of the medication for her ADHD. The process was not overnight. Charisma began to change in subtle ways as she reached adolescence. Her love of climbing that had been prominent throughout her childhood became the centre of her focus. She would frighten her teachers by taunting them when she got bored of work, climbing and jumping across desks or scaling the walls during physical education. She loved to drop down from great heights and awe her class mates when she landed perfectly on her feet, only to be suspended with each feat for encouraging dangerous behaviour. She found that her sight and hearing became much clearer, she claims that she was even able to see in the dark sometimes.

Her physical mutations started when she was thirteen years old. At first, they were not too noticeable. Faint outlines began to appear across her forehead, cheeks and the bridge of her nose. They looked like freckles, but slowly they transformed into circular markings. Not long after this, more drastic changes began to form. She grew chestnut brown ears, the same colour as her hair, and a long brown tail. When she became agitated, she would make hissing sounds deep in her throat.




(More to come as I go!)

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