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Origin: Technology
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 22
Personal Data
Real Name: None Designated
Known Aliases: None
Species: Robotic
Age: Confidential
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 637lbs
Eye Color: N/A
Hair Color: N/A
Biographical Data
Nationality: Property of Crey Industries
Occupation: Fugitive
Place of Birth: Crey Industries
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: N/A
Known Relatives: Creator: Dr. A. Simov
Known Powers
Shows a mastery of, and control over nanomechanical, electronic, cybernetic, and robotic devices.
Known Abilities
Capable of interfacing with and overcoming the most sophisticated, secure computer networks currently implemented.
**Target considered EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. If found, contact Crey Industries for immediate apprehension.**


>>Security Classification Level: [ Omega ]<<

>> [ For Crey Industries internal use only. Unauthorized reproduction or transmission of the following material will be dealt with in the utmost severity. ]

>>Welcome Agent. Returning search results and accessing all information stored in Crey Industries Research and Development Database concerning subject: "NS-05".

>>You will find a cursory overview of the subject in question to the right. Continue below for additional details.

>>Program Overview

>>The "Nanorobotic Soldier" Program began in the first fiscal quarter of 2005. Commissioned by CEO Countess Crey herself, the intent of the program was to develop a soldier through robotic means capable of handling even the toughest of superhuman threats using recently "salvaged" Rikti technology. Running in conjunction with Crey Biotech's "Paragon Protector" Program, the NS project was kept off the books and out of the public eye in the event that Crey Biotech had its doors closed and assets seized due to the then current litigation being placed upon it. This Proved to be a wise decision as not too long after, the Crey Biotech laboratory where the Protector project was being developed was assaulted by a team of super "heroes" as they called themselves, killing most of the security staff, destroying company property, and seizing several key project leaders.

>>Dr. Aleksander Simov was assigned as NS Program Lead Developer shortly after the program's inception in March of 2004. Possessing doctorates in the fields of Quantum Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Nanorobotics, he proved to be quite a valuable asset and made quick advances in the program's implementation.

>>Several NS prototypes were developed following the designations 01 through 04 respectively, the research team gleaning information learned from the previous creation in advancing the unit's combat systems and artificial intelligence. It wasn't until the Mark V however, that field implementation became a distinct possibility. Displaying incredible combat prowess and a level of artificial intelligence unparalleled by any of todays machines, "NS-05" was exactly what the program was striving for.

>>NS-05 entered field implementation shortly after development but due to complications has since gone missing. The NS Program is still active, although now under heavy scrutiny by the Board of Directors for being fiscally viable. The Mark VI is currently in development although specifications are currently unavailable. It is expected to be implemented in the tracking and reacquiring unit NS-05 so further study can be done.

>>Recent Subject Activity

>>10/30/2008 14:33:47<<

>>Unit designation: "NS-05" has been observed by our field agents as recently as two days ago establishing contact with various Arachnos Operatives. He is presumed to be gathering fiduciary and material resources for reasons unknown. The subject is considered to be extremely dangerous, and should only be engaged under the utmost caution.

>>NOTE: Subject's appearance has been modified, specifically appendages. It appears since last seen, that his Phase I pneumatic limbs have been replaced with robotics more contiguous to the rest of his Phase II construction. It has yet to be determined whether this is the work of an outside source, or another manifestation of the nanomachines reacting to external stimuli. Once terminated, further study of the subject's "remains" may yield additional information.

>>10/27/2008 09:15:00<<

>>Following the riots this morning at the Ziggursky Penitentiary, contacts inside the prison report that unit "NS-05" has escaped with the help of the Arachnos terrorist organization. The following is an excerpt from an internal memorandum sent by CEO Countess Crey to NS Project Leader Dr. A. Simov regarding the incident:

>>"...an excellent opportunity for you rectify this failed project of yours. I await your initial Mark VI test results and I expect our rogue property to be reacquired. clean up this mess you have created promptly, or you will soon learn how quickly this company disposes of 'dead weight'..."

>>Subject History

>>09/15/2005 17:00:25<<

>>All attempts to negotiate the release of subject "NS-05" with Paragon City Hall have failed. Crey internal security will continue to monitor the situation and ensure the safeguarding of the company's intellectual property until an acceptable arrangement can be reached.

>>08/17/2005 13:30:17<<

>>Quote from the Paragon City Times:

>>"...In an unprecedented ruling today by Judge Spooner, the robot identified only as "<i>NS-05</i>" was deemed guilty on all counts for the murder of three high ranking government officials that occurred roughly one month ago just hours before a press conference being held in Skyway City. Results of the highly publicized FBI investigation of Crey Biotech's rumored superhuman genetic testing and cloning were to be revealed, and that report has since gone missing. We attempted to track down information related to its recovery, but the FBI declined to comment.

>>Despite insurmountable proof of the robot's involvement in the tragic event, Crey is not being held accountable.

>>In a statement released by Crey Industries Public Relations department, the following was said, 'Despite this company's involvement with several projects revolving around the similar fundamental technology used in the construction of this machine, Crey Industries has not been pursuing developments in robotics for some time now as our records clearly indicate. Several former employees had at one time had access to, and were involved in, developing these programs. An internal investigation is being mounted in conjunction with local law enforcement to determine who exactly was behind this. We join in celebrating justice being served today and continue to mourn the loss of such distinguished individuals.'

>>Judge Spooner concluded his comments at the trial today by saying, 'While no law today particularly governs the burgeoning field of robotics, due to the nature of the Defendant itself and its highly developed thinking processes, it was determined in this instance that for the safety of the public the Defendant be prosecuted to the fullest extent, and placed in solitary confinement until it could be ascertained as to what, or who prompted the attacks.'

>>07/25/2005 12:00:00<<

>>Operation: "Mr. Clean" was a marginal success. Targets have been eliminated, but the NS-05 unit has escaped and fallen into Police custody. Dr. Simov suggests that an "apparent inhibitor chip failure, resulting in loss of control over the subject" was the cause of the issue. An attempt to reacquire the "asset" by non lethal means has been authorized, but has so far proven unsuccessful.

>>06/30/2005 10:35:15<<

>> What follows is an official report submitted by Dr. Simov to the Crey Board of Directors this morning:

>>"...overwhelming success in combat prowess and ability to execute orders efficiently. However, the subject's behavior has been erratic recently. It all began a few weeks ago by asking the sort of questions young children ask. 'Why is the sky blue?', 'Where do humans come from?', that sort of thing. Recently though, it has rapidly progressed to the point of questioning authority and disobeying tasks asked of it, deeming those as 'beneath him' as it so interestingly put it. It appears as if it is forming a sense of identity.

>>Now I have yet to fully identify why this is happening, but it appears that it is an unforseen reaction of the Crey nanomachines interfacing directly with the quantum-state processors responsible for the unit's function and logic sub-routines. It's 'brain' if you wish to use that word. I wish I could say for a certainty, but this salvaged Rikti technology is unlike anything we've ever worked with. The computational fields being produced are astronomical and are highly unpredictable.

>>While I find this development facinating, it obviously presents an issue for field use and tactical deployment. A soldier posesses free will and decision making capabilities, but these are bound by loyalty, morality, and fear of consequences. This NS unit holds no loyalties, posesses no set of morals, and certainly has no fear. This could present a highly volatile combination leading to distrous results if not addressed before full field implementation.

>>My suggestion is to move the NS Project deadline back, and deactivate unit 05 for the time being until my team can deduce what exactly is happening. Of course, this would require several months time. There is though, another option. An "inhibitor" chip could be constructed in a matter of weeks to block this reaction. This would be a temporary fix however, and not suggested for the long-term or any heavy combat implementaion..."

This article about a character is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

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