
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: @Nephili
Origin: Science
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: 14
Personal Data
Real Name: Natalie Martin
Known Aliases: Confidential
Species: Human
Age: 22
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 162 (126 without prosthetics)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero Villian for hire.
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Sharkhead Isle
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.



None currently


Natalie's powers come from several unconnected radioactive experiments that were performed on her over the span of a few months. As a result, while powerful, her abilities are also somewhat unpredictable, and rather difficult to control well. Although she's at least learned how to prevent the sort of collateral damage which lead to her exodus to the isles, she's still rather cautious about using them, and recent events have caused her to forgo them completely whenever possible.

Physical Description

For the most part, Natalie is a fairly average twenty two year old human female. Her blond hair hangs to mid back, and since she came to the isles, is usually left unstyled, though she ties it back when fighting. While her face is fairly attractive, her deteriorating vision has forced her to hide it behind thick glasses, much to her embarrassment. The first thing people tend to spot, however, is her arms... Her right to the shoulder and her left to the elbow having been replaced with cybernetic prosthetics. While fairly new, they're also obviously poorly maintained, and rust, scratches and dents mar the paint all over them. They're also bulky enough that she's been forced to modify her costume a bit, the cloth not covering the mechanical replacements, leaving the garment somewhat lopsided, with just one arm.


While friendly enough, Natalie tends to be a bit high strung... years of growing up in the shadow of two heroes, with the expectations both her parents had to her, have left her a perfectionist, and she's seldom one to forgive mistakes, both her own and others. Her nerves have only gotten worse as her condition has deteriorated, and she's taken to partying rather hard in the D to unwind whenever she can.



The daughter of two second string Paragon heroes, Natalie's parents were determined that their daughter would follow in their footsteps. Though she showed no signs of powers as a child, her parents were confident she's bloom sooner or later, and put her through hours of training after school every day. But as she grew older, even puberty yeiled only the changes any other girl her age was going through, and it became more and more obvious that she was, to their horror, normal. Luckily, they thought, this was only a minor stepback, one that, they were sure, science could solve easily. And indeed, after several nuclear powered experiments, Natalie was shooting beams from her eyes with the best of them.


While she wasn't sure she WANTED to be a hero, Natalie knew what her parents were expecting of her, and did her best to fufill their wishes, skipping college and putting on a costume straight out of high school. However, after a few months on the the job, several of the first criminal's she had arrested were dying in prison, and even innocent bystanders were showing signs of sickness... evidently, radiation fueled powers were not the safest thing to be throwning around the streets of paragon. Faced with multiple manslaughter charges, Natalie fled to the isles.


Natalie was fairly lucky, in that though she was new to the isles, she was able to find a niche for herself rather quickly. The training her parents had given her since she was old enough to walk was know less applicable over here, and though she was reluctant to be working with criminals, there was enough infighting between the various factions on the isles that she was able to avoid having to actually fight against the heroes of Paragon. She avoided fighting in the open at first, not wanting to cause any more of the suffering she'd caused in paragon, though in time, she learned to control her powers enough to avoid such collateral damage. For a couple years, things went fairly smoothly for her... she had to get glasses around the beginning of the second year, despite having had 20/20 vision throughout high school, but she didn't think much of it. As time passed, however, her vision continued to deteriorate.... as did her dexterity, having more and more trouble with dropping things, her fingers and hands feeling numb occasionally. Eventually, she managed to find a doctor she trusted enough to try to figure out what was happening... finding, to her shock, that the same radiation that had been the end of so many villains was slowly destroying her own body as well. She managed to get in touch with one of the scientists who had helped her gain her powers, but though he was able to confirm the findings, there was little he could do to help her... the cause of the problem was the combination of all the different treatments her parents had tried, interacting in unpredictable ways. In the end, all he could do for her was replace her right arm and half of her left, which had deteriorated to the point of uselessness.

Current Events

Not wanting to risk capture any longer, Natalie returned to the isles with her new limbs. Luckily, she had a bit of money saved up from various jobs, but as she's unwilling to use her powers, not wanting to hasten her body's slow deterioration, those funds are slowly running out.

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