Nether Striker

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Nether Striker
Player: @ Freeze Flare
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 35
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 250
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Engaged
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Known Abilities


OOC Note

As my first VV page I ask that you bare with me and enjoy the experience along side as I learn my way through. Nether Striker's story has evolved through RP on CoH and still does, I will try to keep the page updated as Nether's story unfolds. For the story never ends while there are characters to be played....


Nether Striker currently is in the Grey Enterprises Super Group


Nether Striker still can't remember his real name but is starting to remember some troubling details from a past that is long forgotten in memory. He remembers the fires that burned and the screaming of a woman, darkness and numbness, but most of all remebers awaking in the dawn of a new day infront of Ms. Liberty. Her words were soft and gentle but stung deep "Are you ok?" Puzzeled he himself didn't no the answer to that question. "You've been here awhile" She smiled and outstretched her hand. Though he was grateful for her act of kidness he couldn't bring himself to act in like kind, just the sight of her standing in all her glory before him stirred something in Nether long lost in history. But it was not only Ms. Liberty that uneased him but all hereos around him. He doesn't quite understand why he held such grudges against other Hereos. When his mind wonders into the darkened coridors of his thought he ponders if at one time he may have been a villian. But when he saw Tamarilla Grey and others fall in battle he rushed to protect them, that he knows is not the actions of any villian. He has found a few people that could have helped him remeber his past but they have been lost and no longer in reach for questions to be answered. He must now just wait and see what destiny has been layed out for him to complete.


Nether Striker seems to be shy at times, but he has many things on his mind and keeps his thoughts secretive and locked away. Though he says what is on his mind when he feels the need to speak, he is blunt and to the point. There are very few people Nether trusts in this time of darkness and they are the few friends that have shared their hearts and souls to him. Nether tends to protect of them all, almost to the point of obssession. He has lost so many close to him in his past that he doesn't want to see them fall or for them to be in danger and be powerless to save them. He is beginning to open up to those close to him, because of a women that he has come to trust.

Story (( Updates occasionally ))

Warmth of the morning sun crept over me and slowly burned into my eyes as though I had not seen it for a century, as I laid starring into the sun my thoughts still screamed with the sounds of a woman in pain. My heart ached near to the point of tears at the blood curdling cries from a woman whose name I could not recall, even her face began to vanish from my ever tormented mind. Even simple thoughts ebbed away into nothingness.

As my mind laid open and confused, and my sight still staring into that of the gleaming sun, a voice broke through bounding evermore with an echoed soft comfort I had not heard in years.

"Are you ok? You have been here awhile."

Though the voice was warm tho a coldness crept over me that told me in the deepest places of my soul that I had heard this voice before, it was not be trusted. Gazing up at the women I thought that one may find her beauty breath taking, her golden hair and her garments only suited to that of a hero. She outstretched her hand to help me, but I rose to my feet unaided. Though wobbly under my own power I would not take from this woman, even the simplest of things should be scrutinized for there motives. She laughed and gazed down at me from her podium.

"I'm Ms. Liberty, welcome to Atlas Park hero."

She crossed her arms and continued greeting other new heroes to this city. Paragon was expansive but at one glance it obviously needed help. The thought of being called a hero angered me for reasons again unknown, but the thought of helping this city with it's dire situation did not.

I sat with a heavy heart in Atlas Park trying to remember anything of myself, a name, birthday, friends, but nothing came to mind, only the bitter chill of knowing that I had been wronged and I needed to find out how and why. The constant noise of the new heroes excited to be registered and about to find their destinies was deafening. How little they knew that half of them would find only pain and heartache before their careers were over. Many of them traveled across the square to the sewers talking of Hellions and a place named King's Row. Many grouped together and traversed deep into them. I didn't need to be grouped with anyone, I travelled alone.

For years I travelled alone, never trusting people for more then an evening of fighting crime with them. They talked and were blissful with one another. I would listen to them talk and feel ashamed to be with them, peaceful everyday talk while trying to right wrongs that have occurred. I would still fight along side them until I could no longer stand. Most nights I would find a bed in any place I could. Having no home didn't bother me at all, in fact it was better then having a false sense of protection from walls of wood and stone. I was never far from the action on the night streets. Though most other heroes found it a disgrace to see one of their own sleeping on a street corner. On one night I found myself awakened by a hero asking me to follow him, he lead me to a group of other individuals that called themselves Hero Dawn. A great group of individuals that agreed to aid me without wanting in return. They offered me a bed and people to call on, not that I would call. They had teleporters so I could get around and a safe to put my things.

On one evening I was feeling very odd, a feeling that I had almost forgotten, a feeling of loneliness. No one would notice if I didn't fight the crime that I did. I could have dropped off the planet and no one would care. But a voice broke my concentration creeping over me through a speaker on the wall, sounding confused and worried the woman pleaded,

"Is there anyone out there that can help me right now? Someone is trying to take over my company and I need a hand here."

I stared at the speaker for what felt like an eternity, why was I concerned to pick it up? I had to coax myself over to the phone to answer it, she continued just as I reached it.

"Hello? Is anyone in tonight?"

I reached over and took the phone slowly putting it to my ear, the receiver was cold but I felt a warmth creep over me. I shook my head to try to get the feeling out of my mind to answer the woman.

"What do you need help with?"

There was a pause and the woman took a moment to answer, I could hear her breathing and others talking in the background at a distance.

"I'm Tamarilla Grey, who am I speaking to?"

Tamarilla took on a tone of command that screamed out with strength and courage. Though her tone was less then desirable to me. With a slight hint of disdain in my voice I answered.

"Nether Striker, now mind telling me what it is you want."

I hoped on one hand she would just get to the point and leave me alone, but on the other hand I was hoping for more then just a brief reprieve in the deafening silence.

"It's not really something I can do over the phone Nether, would you mind taking a few minutes and coming over to Grey Enterprises? I could really use your advice here."

With a sigh I answered, but deep down I was grateful to be called upon to help her.

"I'll be right there."

The meeting dragged on for an eternity but I gave her what advice I could. I even to my surprise offered to check up on the man she was meeting with. He lied to her on more then one detail and the news came to her with a blow. She was disappointed but to my astonishment understood the motives of the man. She declined the mans offer, but offered to help him build up his company in an honest way. I reeled from her compassion to a man that would have destroyed her if he had his way. After hours of being with her and her higher commanding men she asked if I wished to accompany her and he captains on a few missions she had in her files, and again I was pulled to help her.

For days I would start feeling alone and in that moment Tamarilla ( Who would remind me to call her Tam ) would call asking me if I wished to join her in the fight for justice. On days she wouldn't call I found myself awaiting her, I hadn't felt a wanting like it before to my recollection. Every time I would see her, she bore a smile and greeted me warmly. To my surprise even on occasion asking me out to dinner.

On a warm bright summers day after a long grueling party she dragged me to we sat for hours telling our stories to one another. There was a lot she told me about herself and I felt awkward not being able to tell her much at all about my past. When I told her I could not recall my past she looked at me with a saddened worry that unnerve me, she was concerned for me and cared but why was she so worried, how could not remembering my past hurt anyone but me. She took a break in our talk about me and declared something I believed no one would ever declare. Her love, her heart for me burning with a passion only she could give.

"I'll be there to help you Nether no matter what, we'll find out what happened to you. I swear it to you."

Touched and completely overwhelmed by what I had heard I leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips with as much passion as I could muster. The look of bewilderment on her face was frightening until a smile unlike any I had ever seen crept over her face to reassured me that I had done the right thing. She wrapped her arms around my neck tightly as I completed the moment by giving her my heart in return. I could not and still cannot recall a moment in time when I was happier.

It was during this time I met others that would find a place in my heart, not to the same degree as Tam but a strong sense of belonging began to find a home in me.

Hereon is more then a handful but never a dull moment with him around. He can find humour in everything. Every person he meets would be in his sight to protect, no one will get through him to his wards. The pain is evident on his face when any of us fall or get hurt. Hereon is an incurable flirt and finds himself in hot water because of it at times, but everyone is glad to be his friend including me.

Where do I begin to describe Baby Get of Fenris? I guess the only way I can is to say she is the daughter of Tamarilla Grey. Fen is bright, spunky, in a constant good mood, she loves to party and have fun. Roping everyone into her blissful good moods is always a joy of joys to her. She is as tough as nails and fights viciously for the freedom of people oppressed. Now dating Hereon, there couldn't be a better match for him. She offsets him well and vise versa. Maybe soon we can see if they are a match made in heaven or just maybe a disguised match made in hell.

Jaccob Shaw and Valara Conehay, Tam's captains I have learned to trust them well. Val is quiet and shy, though nothing escapes her notice. She is the grand-daughter of Jaccob Shaw, which is surprising to me at time when I look at Jaccob. Jaccob is more outspoken then Val and is always there for any in need, he has an old world charm and honour to him. Something about him burns in me everytime I am around him though what that is I have not yet discovered.

Rayne moved to Paragon from the Rogue Isles and she is trying to do right, but many things keep her from doing this. She is mistrusted by many I care about but something about her pulls at my heart, a pleading in her soul that compels me to help her. Her story is a long one that will come to pass I guess.

Angelic holds a place in my heart in many ways, best friend of my past and still holds such a position. She had a rough time adjusting after her wrongful imprisonment and then having to break away from my nemesis Smasher who broke her out of jail to train her in the art of a stalker. But when we met again I could see her bright soul come to life once more, the brightness in her eyes cried out a happiness to see me. It wasn't hard to bring her into Paragon from the Rogue Isles, just need a friend with great computer skills.

Kaylin Morganna is a firm but compassionate teacher, a master in the Nether world energies she has been around longer then any other I know. She is the Master of the Tower dedicated to magic in all it's forms. Without her I never would have found Angelic. She continues to teach me and I continue to learn more about my past from her. Misunderstood many would see her as arrogant and dark, one may even go as far as to say she is evil.

There was another I met in this time but I hesitate to tell you about them. There is always a danger in playing with the nether world, the constant pulling of negativity and darkness eats away at your very soul until only shreds of shadow follow you. It started simply by a raising rage, it's head tormenting, and blinding me from the light of day. Tam always says that everyone has and hides their beast from the world around them, I never fully understood until mine raised it's ugly head striking out at my nemesis Smasher. A demonic version of myself it seems, instinct rules that side of me. I know my time of controlling it could very well come to an end. I try with desperation to keep those close to me far from it's thirst for vengeance and bloodshed.

There are some that I haven't talked about to you because they are lost in their own darkness. They are simply evil and plotting constant chaos. They play a great role in my life, but I will not give them acknowledgement in my own words.

But then, there are some that have passed into the Nether world just as fast as I have met them. Forever lost to this world I miss them. I loose myself on occasion pondering why they left so soon, or why they had to be taken. I wish them well for all they must now endure, but for this I will let their spirits rest, please understand why.

A shout could be heard from down the long corridors of the underground home, shouts of pain and screaming of orders.

"You should have known better Smasher then to have gone after the master of the tower, you are becoming careless in your pursuit for vengeance against him." The woman's voice was harsh and filled with an angered disdain. Though it was not her shouts that echoed through the halls.

"Damn you to Hell Get, Morganna will pay for her betrayal, trying to protect Nether and helping him take angelic from me Again! She is my wife Get and you will get her back to me, or kill her. Either way Nether will not have her.... Kill the master of the tower first and get her out of the way, she knows far to much to be around Nether. He will know his past before long and that GET, will NOT DO!!!" The man laid on a bed half exposed to the crowd forming around him, while the woman referred to as Get stood beside him staring Smasher down with hate in her eyes.

"You don't order me Smasher, I take orders from one, and you are not it. Be glad Doom is not here to hear you foul little man. You want them dead, you will have it... but not until you give me what I want." Smasher turned his head slowly to Grey questioning her intent. Her mind forever closed off to those with with telepathy, though he tried all he saw in her mind was a river of blood passing over a mountain to the ocean below. Smasher always pondered whether the images in her head where from memory or just a thought to throw off mind readers. Still gazing into his eyes she continued...

"I want what all want Smasher. Infamy, to bath in the blood of my enemies, and most of all, the joys of a certain mans comfort. There is a man that has caught my attention his friends call him Hereon. I want nothing more then he and any child he has to be mine. Strong, as close to evil as one can get and still be a hero. He holds something that I am wanting more over then you can ever believe Smasher. I will have him one way or another." Leaning over the bed Get pressed her weight into the clotting wounds Smasher had on his chest. She smiled as Smasher screamed out in pain and anguish, "Do we have an understanding Smasher?" Smasher eyes widened in pained surprise, gritting his teeth he nodded and tried to speak. Mumbled words escaped him but Gets keen hearing picked up the words clearly,

"Yes.... Get, you take out.... Kaylin Morganna, and I'll give you one better.... then what.... you want." Gets turn to be surprised she tilted her head and stood up slowly loosening the pressure on Smasher's chest, the five deep burn marks left on his chest by Kaylin began to bleed profusely once again.

"What did you have in mind Smasher?" With a smile Smasher answered her.

"You know, we could talk to Piston and have him help you in getting to Paragon to see Hereon for yourself." Reaching out his hand he grabbed Get and pulled her closer to him, near on top of him. "And don't worry Get, I won't tell Piston what you want with Hereon." Chuckles emitted from Smasher as he released his grip on Get. Pained from the wounds and laughter he continued "Get me my laptop and I'll show you how we're going to do this... your going to be able to get closer to Hereon then you ever imagined."

Hereon sat having a drink in the local bar, waiting for something, anything to keep him focused on something other then himself. Alone and silently calling out for memories to fade, having feelings that he seldom showed to his friends. Gazing up from his drink he noticed a piece of his heart walking in to sit beside him. Her gaze hung on the floor and small tears fell from her unseen eyes to the floor below. Looking around Hereon wondered how no one else in the bar could hear the pounding of her tears hitting the floor. Placing his hand slowly under her chin after she sat down he lifted her head to look into her eyes. Her normally bright blue eyes where reddened and swollen with tears, streaks of tears fell from her face and her quiet breathing was so soft that one would think she wasn't breathing at all. Hereon gently wiped her tears from her face and pulled her in close to hold her. He spoke softly to her in questioning tones, he had never seen her like this before,

"Come on Tam, what's wrong?" Tam rested her head on his shoulder drawing in a quick breath,

"It's Nether, I don't get it Hereon why would he do this to me?" Her voice was cracking under the pressure of her pain that was pulling her close to the brink of falling apart. "I've always been there for him, I've always taken care of him.... and with this new...." tears began to flow ever more to the point that Tam could no longer speak, she just huddled close to the man that once professed his love for her and promised he would always be there to protect her. Even though Hereon was now dating her daughter Fen she seemed to know she could trust in the protection of that long ago promise.

"Tam I know this is hard but whatever it is you can tell me. It must be hard to see Nether so close to loosing it with that beast inside him but he said it would never hurt any of us." Hereon held his friend even tighter stroking her hair back. "And anyway I thought the two of you went home to sleep?" Pulling back slightly so she could look Hereon in the eyes she spoke softly,

"We did, and then I got a call that Kaylin had been murdered Hereon. Nether lost it... I tried to tell him what I had been told over the phone and he let that beast of his out and he...." lower her head back down and crying she continued with three words that would pound in Hereon's mind fueling a deep rage he had always tried to hide "he hit me." Pulling Tam out at arms length so he could see her face once more, he looked into her eyes to see if there was anything that tell him that this was a sick joke of her imagination. Seeing nothing more then pain and hurt his breathing shot to short ins and outs. As Hereon tried to wrap his mind around the news he just heard Tam continued to speak,

"Do you ever think about what we could have been together Hereon?" Hereon's mind spinning from the grave news he had just heard stopped in a instant at the question proposed by Tam. Memories flooded his mind of the passion he held for her, the embrace that lasted for eternity, the kiss with grand passion they shared in Atlas Park. He tried to push the ever mounting memories to the back of his mind only to have the scent of her peaceful perfume waft into him pulling him closer to her. He couldn't shake the feeling of her in his arms but by thoughts of his girlfriend Fen.

"Yeah Tam, sometimes... but that was a long time ago. I'm with Fen now." Hereon could feel the soft nodding of his friend.

"I know, just... I think about it a lot.... and Fen has been hanging around with Flares a lot and they are getting really close now. I don't know what the hell I'm saying right now.... I guess I just miss the safety and comfort of your arms Hereon. How you always made me feel special and protected. I told myself a long time ago that I would never let anyone hurt me again, but there I go finding myself in the darkest of night being held by someone that wants more then just to love me. Only to have Nether hurt me in the night to making himself feel powerful and stronger then me." Tam nuzzled her head into Hereon's shoulder and gently moved her hands down his spin. Hereon closed his eyes feeling the passion of the woman in his arms, forgetting for a moment his girlfriend was at home alone while he was here with Tam.

"Tam, your going to be ok I promise. He's not going to hurt you again you have my word." Keeping his eyes closed not knowing what to do with his hands that clung to her back he could feel the soft kiss upon his neck from the lips of a women he tried desperately to push out of his heart a long time before. But at that moment he realized his heart still screamed for her. He took Tam's chin and raised it once more to look into her soft ocean blue eyes. Tam's eyes told many stories to his heart, he stared into the deepness of them. Lost, he found himself loving that which was discribed as forbitten to him now. He whispered to Tam calmly knowing his intent clearly, "I will make him pay Tam, and yes I think about what we could have been more often then you think." Tam blue eyes pleeded with Him as he leaned in to kiss her passionately, but hesitation crept over him, his heart torn between two woman, a plague that seemed to follow him constantly. Pushing that all aside for the moment of passion unfolding infront of him he felt the soft kiss of Tam upon his lips. A kiss he had longed for in the dark places of his mind. As they parted from the unexpected show of affection Hereon almost missed Tam speaking softly to him once more.

"I'm going to stay with Jaccob and his wife, you can reach me there if you need me Hereon" She smiled brightly gazing into his eyes. "I've missed you so much." Tam hugged him tightly and stood up from the couch they were sitting on. "I should go Jaccob is expecting me." Hereon stood still reeling from their kiss and hugged Tam warmly. Tam walked gracefully across the floor leaving the soft sent of her perfume behind as she disapeared down the stairs. Hereon drank the rest of his drink in one long sip and left walking home to ponder what he had hear.

As Hereon left a man dressed in a long trench coat and large rimmed hat aproched Tam now sitting at a corner booth with a smile on her face to beat all smiles. The man approached from behind her placing his left hand on her shoulder he tilted her head back with his right. Tam gave no resistance to the stranger moving her in such ways. Once Tam was looking at the man he leaned over and kissed her passionately on the lips, slowly closing her eyes she smiled at the strangers expression of love towards her. The man spoke with a smile on his face.

"Well done Get, well done indeed." Get the twin sister to Tam was able to fool one of the people that knew her best. Tam was safely tucked away in the Rogue Isles. It was time for Get to play the greatest role of her life, her own sister. Get smiled with more vigure then before as she spoke.

"Why thank you Piston, I thought you might like it. You trained me well my love."

The day started like any other I opened my eyes and wondering if this day would bring hurt, pain or suprises that could brighten the darkest of hearts. Rolling over I realized I was at Tam's home but she was no longer there. A meeting, a mission, something had to have called her away in a hurry for her not to have woken me. I craved the silent I love you that I could see in her eyes when she would leave me for the day. After hours of not hearing from her I began to worry, Tam would have called me by now. After the day began to turn into night I finally got it in my head that something was wrong, something was keeping her away. I had to do something other then sitting at her home awaiting her. I had to find her, and find her before she fell into harm.

Time burned into my mind as I raced through the streets looking desperately for my heart. Has it been taken from me, is she laying injured bleeding crying out for help, a cry I can hear only in my mind. As my spirit raced and screamed out for anything to give me a sign I froze in darkened hollow fear, there she was with her soft hair falling to her shoulders, a smile the gleamed with admiration, fingures ran through her hair in soothing strokes, by not I but Hereon. Standing in sight of all they embraced eachother, not caring who would see them, lost in their own moment of peace, tranquility, passion. Hereon's eyes closed with his hands caressing her, Tam's eyes narrowed with a soft smile, she held on tightly to the man before her. Why? What was it that I have done to loose her? Rage built in me, the pain shot straight to my mind and heart. I was loosing her, and I didn't know why. I spoke before I could stop myself, I wished nothing more then to see Hereon the man I called my friend to bleed. I could see him in my mind, holding her, embracing her, kissing her..... All of that would come to an end if I had anything to do with it.

"What the hell is going on here Tam?" I spoke through clenched teeth. Her head raised up slowly and calmly, her smile of admiration fading away at the mere sight of me. She turned her head from me and rested her head on Hereon's chest. Hereon, my friend, glared at me with furry in his eyes. A furry I had only seen him reserve for his enemies. Hereon took a step forward, placing the now shaking Tam behind him. Hereon spoke to me with a harshness that turned my blood cold. What had I done to see this side of him.

"Someone should ask you that, what the hell Nether.... Tam deserves so much more then this. How could you?" Trying to remember anything that I may have done, I came up with nothing.

"Hereon I don't understand what is going on here?" I took a step back keeping distance between the two of us. Looking at Tam to try and see what I had done, I saw nothing. Just coldness from the woman I loved, a coldness I had never seen from her, even against our enemies she was compassionate. Starring into the bright ocean blue of her eyes I saw things that were never there, callousness, deep seeded anger, and a love for Hereon beyond friendship. Unknowing to my mind my body moved forward to a woman I almost didn't recognize. A hand stopped my movement towards her quickly. Hereon pushed me back with force, my mind snapped back into the moment at hand. Focused on my friend he continued to speak.

"She has always been there for you Nether, how could you hurt her? Why? Why would you do this?" Hereon's eyes were searching for an answer I couldn't give. Shaking my head to try and remove this dream from me that was a nightmare I couldn't seem to wake from.

"Hereon I don't understand, what did I do wrong?" I pleaded with Hereon for answers of my own, trying to find truth to this unveiling horror. I could see the tears fall from Tam's eyes from where I was. My heart acked to go hold her. She softly cried in a deep pain. Heeon looked over his shoulder to her and softened almost immediatly. As I went to go to her, Hereon took her in his arms and soothed her, the look in his eyes were not from a friend to another in pain, but I could see a long standing love between them. Their eyes locked into one another and she spoke tenderly to him as if they were the only two in the world that could see them. I will always love her, but her happiness comes before me. I turned to walk away from the sight of loosing my love when I heard her words like daggers in my chest, burning deep trying to find my heart.

"I told you Hereon, he wouldn't remember hitting me, it's that beast in him." My head snapped around over my shoulder to look at them. Rage continued almost over spilling my defences to contain it. Speeking without thought, my rage became directed to her, starring at her intensly,

"WHAT!?! I would never and have never hit you Tam, how could you say that?" continuing to walk towards them, my rage grew to unbareable lengths. I didn't see Hereon charge towards me, I was focused on her eyes and the feeling of her coldness, her lies dug deep into me. I knew I needed to learn to control it better, but not one part of me would hurt her in any anger. She is all I have to keep me, her gentle compassion keeps me from myself and all it's darkness. Something was different, terribly off with the woman of my heart. An aura about her was missing, repaced by another. That was not my love. the ground came to meet me as I felt Hereon connect with me, pain rushed through me crippling my momentum to her.

"Damnit Nether! You swore to protect her and look what you have done to her. LOOK AT HER!!!" My eyes locked with Hereon's paying no more mind to the woman standing behind him, that was not Tam. Her look was my love, but her eyes were to cold, callous. Where was she? Pointing I screamed at Hereon pushing him off of me.

"That isn't Tam, I would never hit her Hereon.... Never!" I pointed with one hand to the imposter and pushed Hereon off me with the other, getting up I could hear her crying with more vigure.

Starring into her eyes I froze again in an astonished horror at the thoughts passing through her mind. I could see a river of blood passing over a mountain top to a vast ocean below. I could see a smile creep onto her face as I was lost in her mind, what manner of hell did she come from? I could see her in my mind walking towards me with a grace fitting her frame, blood dripping from a katana held in her hand. Bodies littered at her feet she past over them with no mention or mind. She stopped in front of me kneeling in the deep blood of the soaked ground. She smiled a vision of beauty in the blood soaked wasteland. Resting her sword at my feet she drug into the river and pulled to the surface the body of my love. My breath escaped me in one long endless flow. My vission came back to me as I starred at the woman standing behind Hereon. She smiled at me coldly, moking me. My blood boiled up looking into her deep hollow eyes.

Unknown to me I was about to prove her right, prove that I couldn't control the beast within me. Pain flooded my body and mind till I could no longer help but release the beast within me. Seeing my hands raise up before me adorned with claws and fur, my mind drew a blank as I laid my concience down and allowed instinct and conviction take over me.

(( Story continues on go to Nether Striker2 and enjoy ))

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