Night Sai

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((For those with intrest in Sai, a look into her life and where she came from)) ((A WORK IN PROGRESS, NEEDS EDITING AND CLEAN UP))

Night Sai
Player: @Iname
Origin: Natural
Archetype: DB/WP
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown to all but her
Known Aliases: Sai
Species: Elf
Age: Unknown to all but her
Height: 6'0
Weight: 120lbs.
Eye Color: '
Hair Color: Silver
Biographical Data
Nationality: High Elf
Occupation: Whatever needs to be done
Place of Birth: "Home"
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Trained in various forms of combat, espionage, information gathering, and infiltration
Two blackened Sai, and an assortmant of other equipment
No additional information available.



Night Sai is a character that was created two years ago. I originally began playing this game on the infinity server. When i discovered RP exsisted in this game I quickly came to Virtue, even though I was still hero based. My first character was Mist Seeker, which many of you may know as Night Sai's former alternate personality. In time I fell in love with villians and thus Night Sai was born. Of course this event was fully explained over the course of a long and extensive RP plot line. This page is to give insight on an otherwise well guarded life story of a female elf that has serious trust issues.

Once Upon a Time: The Life Story

There once was a young Elven girl that went by the name ********* that grew up in a small town outside the larger Elven city of ******. She was the only child of two well respected parents. They lived in a cozy home amongst others. Nothing all that special about this family really.

She spent her days playing with the few other children of this villiage, running through the meadows and playing a version of hide and seek in the nearby forest. She especially enjoyed spending time of one particualar boy named *****. They spent all day together, he was older than her and took to teaching her about nature. How things are all tied together and to always know that there is something greater out there watching over us all. They would spend ours sitting in the trees talking about nothing at all. It seemed so perfect, and it was for several years.

When an Elf of her societey reaches a certain level of maturity, its time for them to become an adult. They are given a profession, one thats usually passed down from there parents, taken to the main city and begin to live there life in pursut of this profession. If was time for her to folow that path.

THey came one buetiful day with large wagons and music filled the air. You see, this was a day of celebration, when the young would no longer be considered as such. Its the day every parent dreams of. There was much feasting and dancing, the air was thick with cheer. The older generations threw themslves at each other in fits of passion and lust. The young Elven girl listened as the other children talked of how they can not wait to start there trained as a baker, a smith, or one of many various proffesions. Shebecame concerned that she herself was not yet told what she was going to become. Why her parents have not yet informed her. She seeked out her dear friend but he was nowhere to be found. She carried on through the celebration untill the day grew long. It was time for them to leave. The children climbed upon these wagons after they said there good byes to parents and loved ones. The Elven girls parents did the same, though she felt for some reason this wuld be the last time she ever saw them. The carts pulled away, heading for the city.


The Elven girl would soon find out upon arrving at the city, that her path was no to be of the noble baker, or the homeley seemstress. Her role was to serve a greater importance to the political powers that be.

She was to become one of the Dark Order.

The catch being, that because of the nature of her occupation. She could no longer exsist. She would be erased from the records and she would indeed, neveer be able to go back to her family. And she was perfectly fine with this. If was an honor to be chosen to be part of such a group. This was the way her life had been planed and she would follow it to the letter. She began training the very next day.

Her training lasted over a decade before she was even allowed on an operation. The day finally came when she was to be assigned to a squad. A squad consisted of packs of four. One leader and a diversity of talents. Your name was never mentioned and instead you were given a name by your squad that you would live by. Her squad consisted of Visor her squad leader, Light Wind (Litwin), herself now dubbed Mist Seeker (Mist), and to her surprise her friend from years ago now named Stryker.

For the next twenty or so years they acrried operations out as a squad. Unable to contact anyone outside of their unit they became something akin to a family. MIst thought she was happy.

The Mistake

THe recieved an operation. They received intel of a lab of some sorts run by a unknown organization. It was unclear as to what was happening there. They were sent in to figure out whatever was going on in this lab, and either bring proof back,or destroy if the declared it dangerous. The operation carried on just like the countless other before it. They gained entry to the lab at night and began an investigation. (I will spare you the complicated details). Someone knew they were coming. They soon discovered that it was a military facility for a neighboring state. There was a bomb. After she shook the shock of the explosion out of her head and wiped the blood from her face. She saw Visor dragging Stryker ourt of the building. She quickly looked around to locate Litwin, she found him pinned under a support beam and thought him dead. With a quick prayer she left leaving the body behind to help the rest of her squad escape. The penalty for their mistake was great. Visor came away the best with a slight burn on his back and neck, Stryker was blinded completey, and her ehrself was left with a star shaped scar over her left eye. It was nothing compared with the loss of a fellow comrade.

The Aftermath

Soon after Mist was brought before the The Council of Eldars. Apparently the state the controlled the facility accused of her home state of stealing top government secrets and they were threatening war unless something was done. The problem is The Dark Order didnt exsist. Her squad was labeled as a section of the regular military. They brought Visor in for questioning. He recounted what "exactly" happened. "Mist upon discovering the lab went against orders and decided upon herself to investigate. We, her squad, feeling responsible for her went to intercept her. She was crazed and after an argument she set the place to explode. Causing the death of one comrade, and the early retirement of another due to injury." Thats the official story. To appease the neighboring state, Mist was to be exiled from her home, sent away, never to be seen again. Effective immediatly.

Paragon City

Mist eventually after much time came across the city of Paragon. SHe quickly found herself liking the city and decided that she would no longer kill but instead take more harmless positions. She took several job as a body guard or security. SHe was doing fairly well, but she continues to have dreams of her days of dark. She missed the rush of the hunt and the slight fear of being caught. SOmethign was missing in her life.

She eventually met a man named Raven. He lured her to come and experience the isles. They there was no laws, no rules to follow. She good fullfill the darker side without giving up what she had worked for. SHe eventually took him on that offer but to hide herself from those that would know her. She took a different name. She called herself Night Sai. OVer time she found her self in the isles more and more. She tried to fight but there was something pulling, keeping her there. She soon found out that raven has impossed his will over her and has nearly taken control over completely.

She began to fight, to rip her mind from his, to regain control of herself. The stress of it was imense and it threatened her very sanity. SHe was not strong enough for such a battle. Just as she was at the brink of complete mental collapse, it happened. Her mind split in two. Night Sai was truly born. Sai was able to deal with the mental tress, she was strong she was tough and she was able to break away from Raven.

The problemw as, Sai didnt go away after words. She maintained control and didnt allow Mist to resurface, ever. She lived on as Night Sai and eventually met a large liard like creature named Rezz.

The Ministry of Order

Rezz promised Sai revenge on Raven and after long talks convinced her to join his cause. She became a loyal soldier as she always does and followed him into any battle. She rose in ranks and became a magistrate in the order along with Ryna Chylde. This carried on for some time and she never really had any issues with Mist, aside from the blinding headaches and occasinal blackouts.

Eventually Rezz had decided to merge the Ministry with the then fading Inevitable Evolution. The organization had been having severe internal issues and with the departure of Clint Sanders and a large section of IE, Rezz felt it to be best......despite what others thought.

Inevitable Evolution

Sai's time as part of IE was, less than eventful. She watched as the last fading members of a once great organization fade away and move on to other things. It soon became that only a few members could ever be seen around at any given time.

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