
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 18
Personal Data
Real Name: Celia Bellamy
Known Aliases: Nostria
Species: Human mutant
Age: 29
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 179lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Orange/Neon green
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Physician
Place of Birth: Atlas Park
Base of Operations: Paragon
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Radiation generation/manipulation for harm/healing, flight.
Known Abilities
Extensive medical knowledge specializing in mutant physiology.


Celia is a calm and confidant person who's seen it all and then some as a doctor working in Paragon city's hospitals. She enjoys her job and teaching younger mutants who just come into their powers. She's often described as a very maternal figure to those she associates with regularly. She abhors the thought of using her powers to harm anyone, as the thought of losing control of her powers when she was a child still bothers her. Still, Celia is fond of the school of hard knocks and will let anyone learn their lessons themselves, if they don't listen the first time, rather than chase them around trying to teach them herself.


Celia was born to Henry and Natalie Bellamy on October 5, 1982 in Paragon, Rhode Island. Growing up in the City of Heroes has it's ups and downs just like any other city. One of the ups was having plenty of role models active in the community to point to for the young girl. One of the downs was the crime rate. Still, the family remained happily settled into their little corner of Paragon with few incidents.

Celia had always wanted to be a doctor since she was a child, likely due in part to who often she was exposed to them with her various trips to the hospitals for this or that illness growing up. Without a physical activity to participate in, she would turn her attention to her studies and get ahead of her fellow students. She wasn't without friends or picked on, no, but she had a lot of free time in her early years when the other children wanted to play games she couldn't participate in.

Then her mutant gene activated when she was twelve after a particularly stressful week. The straw that broke the camel's back was a bad grade in English and a temper tantrum. Unfortunately, her powers manifested in an explosive manner. Her neighborhood block was demolished, but the secondary use of her mutation kept the people exposed to her alive in constant agony. It took three hours for GIFT to assess the situation and dispatch someone who wouldn't be affected by the radiation to calm her down and bring her in for containment. Celia ended up being sealed into a suit of power armor not unlike Positron had been, and her parents were unable to care for a child with such powers; this ultimately resulted in Celia being put up for adoption.

She spent most of her life as a ward of the state, living in various laboratories for study and training to one day not need the suit she was trapped in. She even registered as a hero for valuable experience and did well for herself. Her passion, however, would always return to healing rather than hurting. Even as she practiced mastery over her powers, Celia continued on with her education and eventually achieved her goal of becoming a doctor. Due to her experiences when she was young, however, she chose to specialize in the incredibly diverse and unpredictable mutant physiology. She still acts as a hero from time to time, but she primarily focuses on her place within the hospitals and her patients.

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