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Primal Earth Defensive Reserve Automaton, or P.E.D.R.A.
Player: @Tarania
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 28
Personal Data
Real Name: P.E.D.R.A.
Known Aliases: "Alice", SERK (Service-Enabled Robotic Kludge), Serkit Break (registered Hero identification)
Species: Clockwork construct, modified NTU Home Companion
Age: N/A
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Approx. 230 lbs.
Eye Color: Variable, usually grey
Hair Color: Variable, but the AI usually settles on pink or red.
Biographical Data
Nationality: Property of Darksyte, High Risk Inc.
Occupation: Hero assistance, HRI field agent
Place of Birth: Neuron Technologies Unlimited, Neutropolis, Praetoria
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island, USA
Marital Status: N/A
Known Relatives: Darksyte (Owner, Primary Administrative User),
Known Powers
Small-arms fire, channeled neural signals (Darksyte), standard Home Companion and modified Hero protocols.
Known Abilities
Speed-shot, neural manipulation, home maintenance, appliance repair (all ranges), camouflage, windows.
Two Match Compensators and an impressive array of built-in tools.
Custom OS, advanced experimental AI


The unit now known as P.E.D.R.A. originally began as an experimental Clockwork developed by Neuron Technologies Unlimited as a security upgrade to the Home Companion line. Ostensibly called "Service-Enabled Robotic Kludge", she was still in the process of getting her security protocols finalized when the Resistance raided the lab, deciding to take the prototype to see what it was capable of. After a few tweaks and some reprogramming, she started action in the sewers, maintaining and defending one of the more established bases in Underground Imperial City.

What the Resistance didn't know was that she was still transmitting to Neuron's computers--which, in turn, meant she was being watched by the government. After the destruction of the Enriche factory, a signal override was sent which also delivered a mission objective: find either Darksyte or Calvin Scott, and apprehend or destroy them--preference given to their destruction. Authorization was given to go off-world in the event either of them left, confident in the ability to trace her movements into other dimensions. On orders, she followed Darksyte's trail into Primal Earth...and then promptly lost signal with both the Resistance and her Cole Administration handlers. Knowing she was being followed, Darksyte took the opportunity to give Primal Earth a significant leg-up on Praetorian technology, shutting SERK down and taking her over to DATA for analysis and a full repurpose.

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