Phoenix Cycle

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(New Page, Major work in progress... EVERYthing subject for change.))

"With Great Responisbility Comes Great Hilarity" ~ Sir. Francis Bacon.


So, I "Phoenix Cycle" greatest of the greats, has decided to make a Virtue Verse for my favorite Superhero of all time!... ME!!!! So where do I begin? My perfectly groomed hair, my warm /bubbly/ personality, my chick magnet-ness? Perhaps.

Alright Idea, I don't have many of them but this one might work: I'll read my fan mail...

Here, other users from Virtue Verse can ask me personal questions, and I will answer them! Sounds easy right? Need help doing it? Click edit at the top of the page. Get used to technology folks! It's the Future?

  • Q: What the hell were you thinking when you made this character? <3: Ryan

A: Made? Made!... How insulting! I "MADE" the maker!... Wait.. Then I'd be the maker... My head hurts... This has to be some sort of fallacy, what ever that means...Next question.

  • Q: What do you do in your off-time PC? Would.. you like to chase butterflies with me? Divine Maiden

A: Ohhh, It's a lady... My off-time, simple. Extreme underwater basket weaving, as well as competitive touch volleyball. And chasing butterflies with a hot mama? When, where? How?

  • Q: Sorry. Another butterfly question. Do you always get distracted by bugs when you're talking to other people? Like friggin butterflies? Nigredo Fist

A: Valid question, The answer i- Ooooh Butterfly!!

A: Your name sounds familiar. Can't put my finger on it. Well Abe, I have the super sweet powers of Fire manipulation, Regeneration, and Rebirth (which is a pretty neat thing if you ever see it.) You see, I go through a normal life in a day, die and become new the next, only to repeat the "cycle"... think "Groundhogs Day" meets "Harry Potter" (only Hetero.)

A: Yes, the "Red Light"... Get it? Good... Now beat it, and make a Virtue Verse. Kids these days.

  • Q: My mommy says I shouldn't eat ants but I wanna eat ants 'cause they taste like raisins an raisins are yummy. What do I do? Child On the Streets

A: Never thought I'd say this but, Eat ants to your hearts content... Do what you love... Maybe balance out your diet with some worms... Thanks for asking Child that apparently lives on the streets.

  • Q:

  • Q:

So, that was fun? R-right? Who knows, Who cares? I sure don't...

WELL! Lets see, I break this so called "4th wall" quite often, So often infact that I'm doing it right now....

And now too...


Wow... Does the "Cycle" end?




Nope. Damn the creator.



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