From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Amelia Wood was born with an unusual feature, nothing so shocking that she would have been shunned by society, but purple hair. The bouncing little girl was a bit tomboyish rather playing in the rough and tumble games than with girls of her same age playing house and with dolls. The purple hair didn't bother her, and she thought it was funny that she didn't have to dye her hair to make it look the way it did.
Childhood turned into preteen social events, dances, boys, and fashion. Her hair still the brilliant purple it was when she was born, but the small changes to it started to get noticed by her when looking into the mirror. The soft hair didn't brush as well, loose hairs were replaced with small tufts of purple feathers on her comb. Surprised, but not shaken she continued as if she had never witnessed the image in her mirror.
No longer flat chested and her body looking more like a woman than a boy, though she still dressed like one, a fashion savvy one at least. The growing pain weren't as usual as one would think, pain around the lower part of her shoulder blades and her back would periodically hurt for no visible reason. It would eventually be found by a doctor, small hollow bones began to form in her back slightly moving below the skin. Whatever it was, was alive, but not something that seemed operational.
She was held in the hospital for a few days to monitor her back. A late night, the pain was so unbearable you could hear the screaming from her room down the hospital halls. On her stomach, clenching her teeth as they try to subdue her pain through her IV. The places on her back began to move even more as something breaks through the skin momentarily, and then quickly jut out, two small cherubic purple wings flutter.
Perhaps the worst would be over, living with purple feathers as hair and wings couldn't be all that bad, could it?