Primal Force 2

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Primal Force 2
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 16
Personal Data
Real Name: Lucas Kelly
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: U.S.
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: Portland, Oregon
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Still living in Oregon
Known Powers
Dark energies, residually linked to him from the exposure to the primal energies.
Known Abilities
He can manipulate small quantities of the same energy that mutated him (the amount that mutated him would be about the equivalent of the inside of the reactor at 3-Mile Island at meltdown, while his powers would be like sitting in front of a TV). The same energy can be used to alter the flow of time.
He appears to look like any other black person, except his voice sounds like it doesn't belong in his body (because honestly, it doesn't).

Lucas was a researcher on a team which was chasing after the elusive Higgs Boson. One day, after years of research, they found it. However, during an experiment in which they were manipulating the Higgs field around a copper sphere, the experiment went awry. The unexpected result: tearing the fabric of spacetime, exposing himself and three others to energies older than the universe itself. Two of them slowly died; he and another began to mutate. He was worsening by the minute. His DNA was unraveling, the nucleotides unzipping from each other. This undoing started causing his internal organs to shut down. It was soon discovered that he could be stabilized with an infusion of uncorrupted human DNA. There were only two not in the lab when the accident happened, and only one of them standing there. Luckily, he was the same blood type. The transfusion was arranged. As the hours passed, his pulse normalized and his respiration became easier. The new DNA was assimilated into Lucas' mutated metamatrix without problem. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, different things started to manifest. At random moments the primal energies that mutated him would manifest around him, though they were much lower in magnitude (the difference between standing inside a nuclear reactor, and standing in front of your TV). Other, physical changes began to manifest as well. While Lucas was of Scot-Irish descent (complete with reddish hair and fair skin), the donor, Sam, was African-American. Slowly, Lucas started assuming a darker skin tone despite working in an underground lab most of the time. His hair darkened at the roots, and he could feel certain facial features changing over time. After about a week, he looked in the mirror and saw someone who looked biracial staring back at him. Another week passed, and the face looking back at him was black, looking almost but not quite like Sam. At first, Lucas was stunned, though not depressed. He quickly decided that he was better off black than dead. He shaved off his hair since the ends were straight and red and the shaft slowly became darker and more course as it approached the scalp. Since Sam was also about 6 inches shorter than Lucas, he started losing height as well until he was just a little bit taller, standing at about 5'6".

After some time, Lucas adjusted to his new ethnicity and height. His voice never changed, and his eyes are still a staggering gas-flame blue. For this reason, he wears tinted non-prescription glasses most of the time. His voice also sounds the same as it did before the change, and decidedly like it doesn't belong in his body, leading to some people calling him things like "potato."

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