Proxis pandemonium

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Proxis Pandemonium
Player: @ItsTheSheppy
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Proxis
Known Aliases: none
Species: Homo Superior
Age: 29
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Rogue Isles
Occupation: Violence
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Cap Au Diable
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
The act of matter moving from a state of high order to high disorder gives Proxis incredible physical strength and resistance to damage, as well as a healing factor.
Known Abilities
Super Strength, Invulnerability, Regeneration.



According to the laws of thermodynamics, all matter exists in the universe in various states and levels of entropy. This can also be referred to 'high' or 'low' states of order. Solids, such as ice, have high molecular order and therefor low entropy; gases have low molecular order and so has higher entropy. The movement from low entropic levels to high ones gives Proxis superpowers, as long as he is in close proximity to the event.

These powers include super strength, a high regeneration rate, resistance to damage, and incredible physical stamina.

Also, Proxis absorbs this power on two levels, short and long term. On the short term, Proxis becomes more powerful instantly, his strength and resistances compounding exponentially, but it fades fast if he's not exposed to violence and destruction for too long. Over the long term, his body absorbs this power steadily and slowly, making him more poweful overall.


Proxis is vulnerable to low entropy. Ice, fine crystal, and other things that are complicated, delicate, solid, or possess high molecular order drain him of his powers. Breaking these things, however, gives him inordinantly high amounts of power. As a result, he is very vulnerable to ice, but gets suddenly empowered if it starts to melt.


Proxis is cold, calculating, and ostensibly very logical. His path of villainy is a chosen one. He came to the conclusion that if breaking and destroying things adds to his powers, then the logical endpoint would be the breaking and destroying of many, many things in order to get to his true potential. He is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to get to this goal.

Deep down, however, he is a deeply disturbed individual. There is no telling how far he'd go to attain power, and if pressed, a viscious, strongly anti-social streak can be uncovered. Much of the time, however, he is content to wreck and destroy in businesslike silence.


Proxis is a member of the Destructo-Rangers.

He has worked closely with:

Dr. Defect

Professor Mental

He is a sworn nemesis to the Galacto-Rangers.


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