
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Origin: Science
Archetype: Corruptor
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Meatbot
Species: Human
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Violet
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Known Abilities

Metro Flower was a posh urban center located in Independence Port, but now infamous for what the media called "the Metro Flower Incident", a failure in urban planning that caused the entire neighborhood to go up in flames. Dozens were killed or purported missing in the accident, their bodies most likely scorched to ashes in the fire. In reality, the destruction of Metro Flower was not an accident, but a coordinated attack by the Council, an elaborate smokescreen allowing them to abduct a fresh batch of test subjects for their latest experiments.

The goal was to use science to replicate the dark powers of the Nictus without requiring the expenditure of Nictus fragments. The most successful of these experiments was one which took inspiration from the demons of the netherworld. By turning the subject into a kind of "artificial demon", researchers were able to harness suffering as a catalyst to generate massive amounts of dark energy. The embodiment of this line of research was a young girl who had been kidnapped during the Metro Flower Incident. After being subjected to a daily regimen of drugs, surgery, and torture, she began to manifest a dark flame, corrupted by energies drawn from her own suffering. What was left of her broken mind was ripped out of her by Kheldian mind control techniques, leaving her a perfectly obedient living weapon. It was at this point that the Council gave her a new name: Ravian.

Along with the other "lab rats", she was subjected to trials designed to measure her power. These included field tests which mostly involved a lot of murder, as well as live combat against other products of Council experimentation, including Galaxy soldiers, Vampyri, and Warwolves. The lab rats that failed the trials were deemed failures and shipped off to be used as fodder for other experiments. The ones who passed were sent to a different lab for the next stage of modifications. These trials eventually led to her obsession with proving that she was "useful", and her fear of being "thrown away".

The Council had always instilled in her the idea that the strong ruled over the weak. The Archons were strong, so she had to obey them. The Council was strong, so the world must bow at their feet. That was the way things were supposed to be. Ironically, this core ideology was what backfired on them. When the lab where Ravian was currently being held was raided by a team of heroes, she logically recognized the heroes as stronger than the Council. From that point on, she seamlessly transitioned into obeying whatever the heroes told her to do. Unnerved by the girl's evil appearance and feral nature, the heroes took her back to Atlas Park and quickly dumped her on the Vindicators, known for their philosophy of reforming former villains.

Thus began Ravian's "rehabilitation" period. When she was not confined in the Ziggurat, she was being sent out under the authority of the Vindicators to various heroes and hero groups to assist them. She met some interesting people along the way, but ultimately, they all sent her back to the Vindicators. Either because they were uneasy about having a former supervillain at their backs, or after seeing her kill somebody in cold blood, or just because of her frustrating lack of common sense.

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