Reaper Girl

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Reaper Girl
Player: Raven Persona
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Asula Ostara
Known Aliases: Savage Nightshade
Species: Esper
Age: over 100 years
Height: 6 3
Weight: Don't ask
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Raven
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Criticom
Base of Operations: Heelo
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Known Abilities

Her Story

Asula was born on the planet of Avalon in the capital city of the planet Criticom. She was the last in the royal blood line princess of Avalon. Her birth was considered a miracle for her father the king was injured and was thought to be incapable of producing an heir. She hardly ever saw her father though and was raised mostly by her mother Serra and the kings sister Adella. At the age of six every Esper must go to the great computer sage Morli, an ancient AI created by the Espers to help them. All Espers genes that cause special abilities that could cause great destruction are sealed by an ancient spell wrote by ancient Espers upon conception and at the age of six they go to Morli and she unseals them.

However before Asula could go to Morli her mother and her aunt took her and escaped into this universe and ended up on Earth. They ended up using their advanced technology and intelligence to forge documents to make them American citizens and moved to Chicago. On her sixth birthday when she would have gone to Morli on her world she instead enjoyed a cake and a present of a tiara from her mother and aunt, but her happiness was about to come to an end. As she blew out the candles on her cake her mother was shot in the back of the head spraying Azula with her blood. Unable to react quick enough her aunt was also shot 5 times in the chest. Asula screamed covered in the blood of her mother and aunt as she was dragged away by masked men. They took her to a warehouse in the city that smelled of blood and rotten meat. The men were part of a cult that worshiped an order of demons known as the Devildom and needed a pure soul to sacrifice to their masters. They laid her upon a bloody altar and took out a sinister looking dagger out and plunged it into her chest. As the magical dagger was trying to suck the young girls soul out it instead unsealed a portion of her abilities. She ripped the dagger from her chest and used it to kill the one who stabbed her. She then proceeded to go through the building killing everyone she saw. In their attempts to fight back the cultist started a fire that would go on to burn down most of the city. When she left the burning building the whole in her chest had closed and she was greeted by the sight of police officers in uniform.

She was taken by the officers to their station as the spread of the fire was causing great amounts of confusion within the city. Then suddenly a man in a black suit entered the station and began to kill the officers and then shot Asula with a dart that knocked her unconscious. She woke up in a small room that was cold and white with a tiny cot in it. She had been abducted by a government agency known as Crimson Steel. She would spend the next several years of her life being tortured and trained in combat by the agency. She carried out many assassination missions for the agency and had killed more than any other agent in no time. However during the war when she was sent out as a sniper and assassin she had refused to kill some civilian targets and hesitated to kill American soldiers that were liberating a camp that Crimson Steel was raiding for secrets. The agency came up with a plan to break her once and for all.

They gave her a partner a young mutant known as Ravensky who was also abducted from her family. Ravensky had the ability to alter reality but wasn't very good at it so she could only change small things and feared her power would hurt people so she tried to not use it. They spent years working together training and on missions, and whenever they would experiment on Asula, Ravensky would comfort her. The agency noticed they were becoming very close and knew they were falling in love with each other. On night they knew it was time when they were in the cell after lights out they were about to kiss when Asula's face was suddenly splashed with blood again as a large blade was stuck through Ravensky's back. She gargled and choked on her own blood as the color began to fade from her skin. Asula sat there shocked for a moment and then quickly tried to help her. She tried to push the girls internal organs back into her body and stop the bleeding but it was too late and their was nothing she could do. She sat their crying for hours until suddenly she just stopped and got a dead look in her eyes and just sat there. The agency had accomplished their goal and broken her spirit once and for all. When they came in to retrieve the body however they were surprised when she lunged at the guards and threw one through the wall and made her escape. While she was running from the agency she entered a large abandoned looking building, but she was discovered by a mage who was dwelling there and he attacked her. She fought back and killed him but with his final breath he cast a spell that created a vortex that sucked her into it.

She awoke in another universe on a different Earth. This would go on for several more years always the vortex would come and suck her into another universe. She met many people and had many adventures during her trip across the multiverse but that is a tale for another time. Until she arrived on a desolate world with ruins all about written in a strange language that looked familiar but that she could not read. She felt something calling her to this one building in particular and made her way through the rubble into it. Inside she found a large computer that had very little power left. She was compelled to stick her hand into a hole in the interface and could not stop herself. The machine went berserk and download information of the worlds technology, history, and culture. While this was going on she realized that this was the world of her birth. The machine though had a problem and surge sending a mighty burst of energy into Asula killing her.

Now dead she was visited by Death herself who came for her soul and told Asula that when the last of any species dies she escorts them personally, but Asula wasn't ready to die and fought Death. Death took a liking to her and made her a deal. The deal was that in the mortal realm Asula would do favors on occasion when asked and Death would bring her back to life on Earth and would allow her to ask but one boon of her. Asula used the boon instantly and asked to speak with the spirit of her mother. She was quite surprised when her mother and aunt both appeared. They then went on to explain they were both her mother and that they had fallen in love with each other at a young age and that her mother had only married the king to be close to her. However they got worried when the king could not produce an heir and decided that for the good of their people they would break the law and use a Xenogn device to create one. It combines the eggs of two females to create a fertilized egg that is then split and sent into each female making them both pregnant. However the baby Adella was caring didn't make it and only Asula had survived. They then told her why they left their world with her. It was because that when Morli scanned her it would kill her as when an Esper conceived like she was would have a power known as The Source they were called Aeons the perfect Espers. The initial surge though of the unsealing would always kill them and they wanted to spare her life.

She then woke up naked in the abandoned house she was originally sucked through the vortex in. She left in the rain and found the facility she had been trapped in for so long now abandoned. She stole an old uniform from one of the lockers and then set the core to explode. As the building exploded and she watched she could hear helicopters approaching. She expected it was the agency coming to investigate and she decided she would fight them. However it was another government agency known as Omega Watch who know who she was. They explained to her that Crimson Steel was now a rouge agency and was being hunted down. They offered her a deal, if she would help them hunt the rest of the agency down they would grant her citizenship and a place to live. She was registered by Omega Watch as a hero in Paragon City where Crimson Steel seemed to be the most active.

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