
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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There once was a heroine Zeya,
Who knew that the law would betray her.
She turned in her masks,
And if anyone asks,
She's begun a new life as a slayer
 --anon, circa 1993

Player: @zeya
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: workinprogress
Personal Data
Real Name: Susan Ellen Castaneda
Known Aliases: Red, Blackie, Z
Species: Human mutant
Age: 39
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: superhero (retired)
Place of Birth: Lake Wotil, WI
Base of Operations: Port Oakes
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Diane Castaneda (mother), Hector Castaneda (father), no known siblings
Known Powers
Mastery of various manifestations of electricity and lightning
Known Abilities
No additional information available.



September 19, 3:17 am Susan Ellen Castaneda born in Ran Blackfoot Hospital, Lake Wotil, WI


January 07, 09:14 am Susan Castaneda arrives, late, for school -- "alarm clock didn't go off"

April 04, 8:37 am Susan Castaneda arrives, late, for school -- "power out"

May 03, 5:15 am Paramedics called to home of Susan Castaneda whose mother reports, "she can't get out of bed." Paramedics report Susan appears alert, responsive, calm. "I feel fine. I don't remember not being able to get up."

June 01, 6:32 pm Edison Corp. receives irate call from Diane Castaneda. "Of course the power's been out. Our entire freezer is thawed out, everything in the fridge is ruined!" Apologetic call received 7:27 pm, "My daughter unplugged the fridge. The humming was bothering her."

July 29, 8:10 am Diane Castaneda calls manager to report she will be late for work, "You know Susan. She woke up in the middle of the night screaming, we've just got her calmed down now. No, no. She's fine."

September 25, 3:17 am Edison Corp. experiences widespread blackout through most of Lake Wotil. Problem traced to faulty transformers.


May 14, 4:15 pm Coal Ridge High School in Lake Wotil notifies parents due to unexpected clock malfunction, students will be returning home late.

September 07, 3:17 am Edison Corp. reports power consumption "reached negative levels, citywide." No reports of lost power or interrupted service.


January 30, 11:15 am Coal Ridge High School in Lake Wotil notifies parents due to cafeteria malfunction, hot meals not available for lunch

September 19, 3:17 am Edison Corp reports power surge lights up most of Lake Wotil for 15 minutes, traffic signals showing three colors all directions. No known cause.

September 19, 11:37 am Susan Ellen Castaneda lands in Paragon City, having flown without assistance from Lake Wotil, WI, and registers as super-hero Zeya, classified mutant, archtype blaster, power over electricity.

The Making of a Young Mutant

Diane Castaneda reports her daughter was always very helpful, pleasant, and someone they expected to do wonderful things some day. Both parents fully support the child's decision to leave high school early and enter community service.

Hector Castaneda reports he's always encouraged his daughter to be respectful and polite to others, and view her place in the community as a sacred trust.

Both parents mention their daughter keeping a diary, but neither knows what became of it. Diane remembers she helped young Susan pick the diary at the stationery store.

Downfall of a Hero


September 22, 1:19 pm Susan Ellen Castaneda sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole pursuant to deaths of three security guards and extensive damage to privately held property on or about the ninth of April of that same year.

September 30, 4:27 pm Susan Ellen Castaneda, registered superhero id Zeya, placed in Zig stasis cell C721A89 after six execution attempts resulted in regeneration of subject.

Rise of a Villain


January 15, 3:17 am Zig stasis cell C721A89 reported destroyed in Arachnos breakout attempt. No signs of occupant.

Blackie making friends during her escape

Random Notes

The limerick describing her rise as a villain was entirely motivated by spite. At the time it surfaced, she was still only just beginning her long, long sleep in the Zig.

The locals pronounce Wotil as "waddle." Ran Blackfoot hospital was named for a notorious incident involving a paramedic and an underaged patient. Its official name is Rance Blackmon Hospital. Unmined coal cannot be found within 700 miles of Coal Ridge High School.

Yes, her name would be Red 1-Z-1 if the character manager would accept that many spaces and dashes.

I have never created a character named Zeya on the Virtue server. She is, however, my first lvl 50, and still alive, well, and heroic, on the Guardian server. However, there has always been a downfall story for her that I've never brought into the game. This was as close as I could pen it in CoX ink.

Though I considered a stalker incarnation, I recalled the many, many times during her career with her hero SG that she fell in battle, rose, and immediately launched herself at the enemy again, never bothering to see if the odds had shifted even a little in her favor. She's thrown ball lightning to draw fire away from her tanks, she's covered her controller's retreat with her own headlong charge. No hero inherent fit her as well as defiance; no villain inherent would do except fury.

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