Red Brass Cannon/Blog

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Brooke Williamson's Blog!

Entry 1!

Hey guys! <3

This is The Red Brass Cannon, D-List Hero Extraordinaire!

Well, FORMER Hero.

Now I've lost my license and stuff... :(

That SUCKS!!!

I mean, like, really? I didn't do anything that bad!

I rescued Lonbow from some Maltese Cowboys, and THIS is how they repay me? D:<

I mean, yes, I did use my new stuff, like I wasn't supposed to.

But I needed to!


I mean, Rebound and Frostfire and I were like, not gonna be able to do it on our own otherwise.

Ya, Frostfire, that villain became a hero! A /licensed/ hero!! WTF!? Not fair.

Anyway, we like, kicked the cowboy butts as they kept coming, and I like, used my new stuff, and like, none of the Malta guys recognized me.

For a while.

The last wave of guys shouted my name finally, I guess they figured me out.

But like, they're not in any position to be telling on me!

Maybe Longbow did it?

Or Frostfire, getting brownie points?

I know Rebound didn't do it, she's my friend!

But SOMEONE told the Council ( city council, not the nazis... ... well, not THOSE nazis, LOL ) and now my license is just gone.

GONE!!! D:

This is so sad.

I mean, I've met nicer VILLAINS than these council peoples!

Like Mister Vile ( I think ) at Pocket D!

He's VERY nice, and he's an 'Obliterator' or whatever.

That makes him a villain, right?

Anyway, so I'm technically a villain myself now, if I do stuff in Paragon.

Even if I do GOOD things.

Thankless job... ;_;

I still can go about, but police are supposed to arrest me on sight. None have tried thus far, I think that's a good thing!


On a nother note, I think I have a rash or something on my left arm.

The one with the flesh?

Yeah, that one.

It was like, all itchy, and so I like, scratched it, and like, skin came off, and was all discolored and stuff.

I think I have to go to a doctor about it.

I wonder if Etoile has a doctor I can see that ISN'T a mad scientist person.

I don't think they'll do much for me in Paragon, considerring my status.


So anyway...

Leave a comment, or least lemme know you're reading, Paragon!

And the world, I suppose.

And we should like, totally make a petition so I can be a hero again!



Lots of Love <333333

Red Brass Cannon


- Brooke Williamson : Wait, I used my real email for this blog!? And the page title has my name in it!? How do I change this? Someone?
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