Riley Neumann
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
The Resistance is our future, step up now or live in the past.
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Who is Riley Neumann
Riley Neumann is currently a Resistance Leader in Praetoria. She is a woman of fiery passion for the Freedom of Praetoria. She is often seen in the Streets of Praetoria giving rallies to the people about how horrible Cole really is. Riley is also known for leading a small group of Resistance around Praetoria, named SeerHunt. Despite the fact she is a highly wanted criminal in Praetoria, she has enough contacts up above that allows her to roam topside without being arrested every five seconds. The common people of Praetoria think of her as a menace that has good intentions, but irrationally lacks faith in Emperor Cole.
Riley was born and raised in Imperial City, Praetoria. Her family was a pretty normal family, no signs of powers or even resistance from Cole's rule. Around the Age of 16, Riley started to show signs of powers, things would either fall at slow speeds around or or extremely fast. During this time, Riley's mother tried her best to help her control her powers, and the success her mother was unknown to her for the longest time. At the age of 18, her world began to fall apart on her. After being randomly selected by the Police to harass, her father came to the rescue and attack the police, failing due to their armor and non-lethal weapons. Because of the attack on Police Officers, he was promptly arrested and executed for the severity of the crime. The Neumann family was put under heavy watch, so naturally, Riley and her Mother kept low from sight. After a small accident with Riley's powers, the Seers found that Riley's mother was indeed Psychic, and put into Praetor Tilman's Seer Facility. These events led Riley running straight to the Resistance in Neutropolis, and having feeling sorry and relating to her, Calvin Scott put her straight into the Resistance.
Fresh Meat
Riley promptly joined the Warden Branch of the Resistance, feeling the Crusaders were nothing more than Rouge Praetorian Police. Once there, she befriended a few of the newer recruits, and indirectly created a smaller branch of the Resistance, SeerHunters. Despite the fact SeerHunt is small and will most likely stay small, they have made a great impact on Civil Freedom in Imperial City. Riley quickly rose the ranks of the Wardens, because of her great leadership skills. During her time as Fresh Meat, Riley was detected by a Seer for having Psionic Powers, and was attacked and put into the Psychiatric Hospital, where she found her mom under Critical Care. After escaping, unable to rescue her, Riley was enraged with anger and hatred for all of Praetoria, even the people. During her phase of hate, she met another Resistance Member, uncover in the Loyalists who managed to remove grow close to her, and even fall in love. Paeson von Stadt was his name.
Riley now leads Psion, which has been recognized as a Sub-division of the Wardens. Paeson von Stadt fell too deep into the Loyalist and sided with them. When he saw Riley after changing sides, he attempted to arrest her saying,
"Riley, you know you can't keep this up. Sure, we don't have rights we had before Praetoria, but what use do we have for them? Cole has given us a Utopia. I love you, so much, but the people of Praetoria come first, and I will do what I have to in order for them to be safe. It's better to be arrested than for me to kill you here and now. You can become a Seer, and we can be together."
Riley now helps the Warden Cells of the Resistance, using TPN to show the people Praetoria is built on lies. Despite the fact her loyalty is to the Wardens, she considers Psion's efforts more important.
Warrants for Arrest (Praetoria)
Emperor Cole has stated any Powers Division or PPD member to find Riley is to arrest her, no matter where.
- Murder
- Seers
- Powers Division
- Destruction of Imperial Property
- Clockwork
- Buildings
- Graffiti
- Hacking Imperial Computer Systems
- Seer Network
- PPD Databases
- Clockwork
- Treason
- Joining the Resistance
- Leading a Resistance Faction (Psion)
- Terrorism
- Bombing several buildings in Nova Praetoria and Imperial City
- Denial to join Powers Division
- Narcotics
- Fixadine Dealing
- Stealing Confiscated Fixadine from PPD
- Assault
- Praetor White, Berry, and Tilman
- Kidnapping
- Seers
- Civilians
Riley is about to control and manipulate Kinetic Energies, this is her only real power, but it's a power that can do and mimic a lot of other powers.
Kinetic Bullets
Riley, with a lot of focus, can literally speed up her bullets for a sharper hit, or slower for a duller hit. This ability is useful in case of friendly fire, as she can take the speed from the bullet, and give it to the accidental target to give them time to evade the bullet with ease. Since she can control the speed of the bullets, she uses non-lethal rounds in her guns. So, if lethal force is needed, she simply increases the Kinetic Forces of the speeding bullet to make it lethal.
Kinetic Healing
Drawing the Kinetic Energies from a target, Riley can create an aura around the target to speed up the healing process in bodies of allies. Despite the fact this ability heals, it does not cure people from illnesses or broken bones. It'll speed up the healing of broken bones and illnesses, it won't give an immediate cure or fix.
Kinetic Energize
Using the Kinetic Energy from targets, Riley can transfer that energy to herself and her allies. With this ability, she can increase natural Kinetic Energy Output Levels, enabling them to run faster and fight faster, allowing them to recover from endurance drain faster, or even add Kinetic Energy to attacks, increasing the power heavily. Riley has been known to use this ability to Supercharge her legs to jump great distances.
Riley isn't a strong Psion at all, she only inherited a small amount of Psionic Power from her mother.
Riley is able to lift small to medium objects in the air and move them around some distances. She has been known to lift herself in combat to avoid enemies who can only attack in melee range. Since she is such a weak Psion, she can't propel herself to great speeds without passing out from the extreme strain.
Normally, Riley is able to gain a sense of feeling around people, and emit a strong sense of her own emotion, which is what helps her be such a great leader. With her ability, she is able to utilize the emotions of others to make them perform at their best. Riley can chat with people around her immediate area, but not miles away. If a person is in REM Sleep, she cannot communicate with them, period; if they are in any other state of sleep, she can make minimal contact. She cannot use this power to cause harm, because it would harm her if she tried.
Allies (Preaetoria)
Neutral (Praetoria)
- Resistance
- Longbow
- The Syndicate
- Powers Division
Enemies (Praetoria)
- The Praetorian Government
- Emperor Cole
- The Praetors
- Paragon Police Department
- The Destroyers
RP Notes
Text Fighting
Despite the fact Riley is currently low level/non-50, I will take level into account, because of this, Riley will never engage anyone she knows she cannot face without serious injury, but her heroic demeanor will allow her to fight with someone a few levels above her. Security/Threat Level is in game for a reason. PM me if you have an issue with text fighting with level, and I'm sure we'll find a solution.
I also will not metagame, so neither should you. My bullets are not autohit, neither are her Kinetics or Psionic Abilities. You cannot auto hit Riley, but if you shoot at her/punch her 5 levels above her, I will give you a pretty good darn chance on hitting her.
Psionic RP
Psionics is the hardest damage to resist/defend in the game, probably for a reason. I will play this, so should you. If my character attempts to read your mind, please have a good reason to defend it or resist it. If your character tries to read my mind, I would give a good excuse to defend/resist your move... if she could actively defend herself.
Since Riley has a very weak Psionic Ability, she can't seriously read minds to interrogation levels, unlock mind locks, restore memories, etc. However, RP Wise, I take your bio into consideration, and everything in your bio, Riley will get a sense of, unless your bio says otherwise. It's not metagaming if you publicly announce it in your bio and don't say people can know it otherwise.