Saber Wulf
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

Saber Wulf | |
Player: @FullMoonRising | |
Origin: | Mutation |
Archetype: | Tanker |
Security Level: | 19 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Lance Kalil |
Known Aliases: | Saber Wulf. |
Species: | Lycanthrope |
Age: | Late Twenties |
Height: | 6'3" |
Weight: | Muscularly built |
Eye Color: | Chocolate Brown |
Hair Color: | Bald. Very little Body Hair |
Biographical Data | |
Citizenship: | U.S. Citizen |
Occupation: | Unemployed currently |
Place of Birth: | Paragon City |
Current Residence: | Confidential |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | None |
Known Powers | |
Physical Transformation | |
Known Abilities | |
Lycanthropic Shape Shifting. Increased Regeneration. Superior Strength. | |
Equipment | |
Nothing special | |
Footnotes | |
N/A. |
Contents |
((This page is currently a work in progress. Check back as updates occur for more information!))
Early Childhood and Adolescence
Lance was born an only child to Katherine J. Kalil and Charles M. Kalil. His father was a man who spent most of his life working very hard to try to provide for the family, allowing his wife Katherine to stay home and take care of their son. Lance was always a happy-go-lucky kid, and he was the apple of his mother's eye in that, always laughing, smiling, and attempting to show his beloved parent every last little joy that he experienced while he was growing up.
He was attentive in school, and got very good grades. Far from being dull, even with his wild exploratory desires and grandiose dreams of the future, his parents found further reason to be proud as he grew through elementary school and into middle and high-school.
Popular among his peers and teachers, he got a good deal of scholarships to some of the best schools, easing some of the financial worry of his family.
He lived during an age of blooming heroism, surrounded by children and parents who were developing powers. Lance himself, however, never did, and instead of denouncing them for who and what they were, he worked hard to be just as formidable a human being, instead of a blessed entity.
With that mindset, he looked to the future and his place in it. While it was extremely hard being surrounded by all of those who were different than he was, he thought of possibilities that were well beyond the capabilities of even superheroes.
Death in the Family
Just after he graduated high school and was about to start college, his mother developed a terminal illness. Becoming bed-ridden due to the horrendous treatment that she had to endure to fight the cancer that was slowly taking over her body, Lance became tempted to turn away several of the scholarships so that he may care for the maternal figure that he had grown so attached st. Encouraged to do otherwise, however, he begrudgingly went to school anyway.
He struggled a little to keep up while his mother kept on sinking deeper and deeper into the illness. Feeling hopeless, he tried his best to keep his positive nature on the outside so that his mother would laugh and smile despite her condition.
When nothing seemed to improve her ailment, Lance desperately sought help outside of doctors. He lived in a world of superheroes, those that had abilities to cure illnesses and take away pain in a heartbeat. It was, of course, their duty to take care of things like this, wasn't it?
In that, he directed his search to heroes that would help, and found himself mostly ignored. He made phone calls, and visited them personally, finding many busy, and few available. Finally becoming desperate, he pulled an empath with miraculous healing ability aside, and pleaded with her to help his dying mother.
Her response was simple. "It is not my place to interfere in the natural course of action among human beings, only to prevent unnatural pain due to human interference."
His mother passed away shortly after.
Higher Education and the Pursuit of a Greater Goal
He kept the anger deep inside, and let it motivate him in a different way. A world full of heroes, and nobody would help the one person who meant the most to him. Thus, he used the scholarships to his benefit, and went to one of the best schools in the vicinity of Paragon.
"If they won't help people who are struggling like she did, then I will do what they cannot, even without super powers."
His motivation got him near straight A's throughout his entire college career, pursuing a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology. His goal? To find a cure for cancer.
Working through his B.S. and M.S. degree, he woke every day with the drive to step forward and work hard for this newly found dream. While quietly infuriated at the super-heroes of the world, he never showed it. He only strived to be more.
Employment at Crey Biolaboratories
One of the leading Biolaboratories in the world, Crey, had been in Lance's plans since his endeavors began in college. Here was an opportunity that he could not turn down, and when the employers there saw his resume and heard his stories and drive to participate in the supposedly "miraculous medical applications" that they were developing, he was hired near on the spot.
He began work at the bottom of the totem pole as many did, those his talents allowed him to become one of the leading cancer researchers at the facility. With the experience and title now under his belt, he began to pursue his goal, unaware of what was going on no more than twenty feet underneath his office. For years he struggled with others who were supposedly working for the same ideals, and for years, he thought that he was making great headway.
His aspirations seemed just within reach.
The Accident
Working into the night to finish a project that he had started, he was surprised to suddenly find the lights go black, and all of the emergency florescent bulbs turn on. In a panic, he put everything he could in the cooler, and moved from his lab, taking his coat off and watching the others start to move toward the emergency exit.
He, however, decided to stay behind, but only briefly. He wasn't about to leave his notes behind and abandon everything that he had been working on for all this time. Fetching his files, he immidiately began his attempt to flee the facility. . .
. . . only to come face to face with something that was far from human. Terrified, he attempted to move beyond it, though the growling, snarling monstrosity was far too fast, chasing him and swiping its claws at his flesh.
He was fortunate to only take a few scratch wounds, though as he turned the bend toward the exit, he felt a sharp pain run up his shoulder. The creature had bitten him.
Slamming the door of the fire-exit, he heard it click shut with a heavy thud. The creature was locked inside. The building was sealed.
He felt it best to avoid the hospitals or doctors, well knowing Crey's presence might be there as well, his trust for them having plummeted in this terrible experience, and for obvious reasons. Where had that creature come from? Was it an accident? Had it appeared from that very facility? Or had it come from the outside.
Regardless, it was only a bite wound, and he wasn't about to take any chances. It stung and itched a little bit, but other than that, it wasn't bleeding very bad, and probably would heal with a minor scar, or so he hoped. Taking a shower and cleaning up, he changed out of his office clothing into something more comfortable, about ready to flick on the television and forget about the night. He would go into work the next morning and find out that it had been some loose hero-bait that was cleaned up, and things would go on as normal from that point onward.
That was when there was a knock on his door, however.
Rising to answer it, he found what could only be described as a proverbial S.W.A.T. team standing there waiting for him. However, it wasn't the P.P.D., as they all wore the emblem of Crey on their tanks and uniforms.
Immidiately, they tried to apprehend him.
Struggling against their assault, Lance managed to break away and bolt out the door into the night.
The First Change
He avoided major roads, and kept to the darkened alleyways, hearing his pursuers close behind him always. He thought that he might be able to find safety if he could get to the P.P.D office that was near to his home, and he moved his feet as fast as they would carry him through the ins and outs of the winding Paragon alleys.
Footsteps became heavy, and he felt himself slowing down, becoming winded. He knew that if he kept this pace he would be caught, so instead of running, he attempted to hide.
Bolting into one of the nearest doors he could get his hands on, he gently closed it behind him and caught his breath.
His lungs burned, his limbs felt as though they were aflame, and his mind reeled with confusion at all the goings on. He was confused, frightened, and no matter how hard he tried to calm his out-of-control thoughts, they would not settle.
The room was dark, rats having scurried out of sight the instant he darted inside. The only light was that of the moon, which was slowly coming into view from behind a thick cover of clouds.
His eyes naturally moved to the silver sphere in the sky as though called to it, hypnotized by its light. He couldn't help but stare for what seemed like an eternity, until he felt his head suddenly throb and his twist in pain that was unlike anything ever experienced.
He resisted the urge to cry out, knowing that he might be caught by his pursuers if he was to scream, though every limb hurt so much that he couldn't help but exhale a silent cry of despair.
Vision faded in and out, and he tried to look to his hands as a point of focus. . . only to find that they weren't his hands anymore. Staring in alarm at the clawed, black fleshed digits in front of him, he squeezed his eyes shut, curled over in agony, and let out a scream.
The creature that had bitten him was nothing ordinary to be ignored. That monstrosity was a werewolf, and now, with its mark upon Lance's flesh, it was his turn to transform.
When Crey found the room due to the scream, it was empty.
By the time that morning came, however, it was a crime scene, and the site of a brutal, multi-man homicide.
Recent History
Well knowing now what he probably was, Lance never went back home, and he never went back to work for Crey again. A lucky man in and of himself, he managed to escape being pinned as guilty for the murder of those men that had chased him the fateful night of his first change, charges never being brought up against him, and him avoiding going into the Police Department to even discuss the issue.
At this point in time, he lives his life in any way that he can: working odd-jobs, staying on the move, and always trying to be that one person, now with "powers" that he hates, trying to make a difference.
His Lycanthropy
The origin of Lance's Lycanthropy was that of a simple bite wound. A werewolf, which had been apprehended by Crey in an underhanded scheme (if not outright doublecross) from the streets of Paragon had been brought to the secret facility which lied underneith Lance's very office building.
Dr. Anthony Conrad, the lead scientist in charge of the experiments going on at the facility in question, used the blood of this lycanthropic creature in an attempt to engineer a biological weapon. The disease was spread from one test subject to the next, thus infecting a good number of individuals with the strain directly.
No technology is perfect, however, and when a computer and security system's failure plunged the facility into darkness, it let loose the monstrosities into the facility at large. That included the section of offices that had up until this point been unknowing of the dastardly experiments going on there.
Lance came face to face with the captured beast who was fleeing for its freedom. Seen as a possible threat to that, it attacked, and sunk its teeth into Lance's flesh. The bite wound was all it took to transfer the disease.
The Strain
The viral strain in and of itself was that of a long running bloodline of trueborn werewolves, the one caught by Crey part of a family which embraced its feral form as a natural and normal part of itself along with the hunt and change as something to be cherished. The hidden connotations behind this are still unknown to Lance, and the capabilities of his feral form are still being discovered.
The problem that this poses for Lance is that: Any control that he seeks to gain is going to be past an age-old curse. Fighting it and containing it is, and never will be, an easy task for him.
His Transformations
His transformations to and from the creature a long, arduous, and extremely painful, sometimes taking several minutes to complete from start to finish. More often than not, though, if he doesn't fight againt it, the entire change can finish within a minute or two. The shift is far from seamless, and takes its toll on Lance's human body, often causing tremors, spasms, and several other physical symptoms.
The shifting of his bone and stretching of his muscle is extreme enough to be heard outside of his body if you are in proximity to it occurring.
Physical Description
Being a werewolf, Lance of course houses two forms in one body. Both are described below.
Human Form
Physical Appearance
Lance is a tall man, standing at about 6'3" and very powerfully built on top of it. While not overly "hulking" in any way, his body is as fit as a fiddle, muscularly shaped and athletically built. His skin is of a tanned color, darkened by natural exposure to the sun, his head shaved, and oddly enough, his body free of most body hair, an odd contradiction to his canine form.
He has chocolate brown eyes, and generally seems to wear a light-hearted expression when conversing.
Clothing and Adornments
Lance wears what would typically be seen as casual attire. T-shirts, khakies, tank tops, and jeans. He often wears a bandanna to cover his bald head, and does little special otherwise in terms of nick-knacks.
Wolf Form
Physical Appearance
In contrast to Lance's human form, "Saber" as he likes to call himself is a massive creature in both height and weight. Two feet taller than he was as a human being, the wolf is covered in jet black, seemingly pristine coat of fur which masks the blackened flesh lying underneath.
A terrifying sight to behold, Saber sports near wolf-like features, including a long snout full of sharp teeth, canine ears, claws, and haunches. The human portions of his body are covered in thick, daunting, and bulging musculature, perverse strength rippling through the changed monstrosity.
Long claws decorate both his hands and haunches, and burning yellow eyes pierce through even the darkest of streets or chambers.
Clothing and Adornments
Saber is what one might call practical, but in a wolf-like sense. He doesn't like wearing armor, he doesn't like wearing jewelry. He doesn't like wearing near anything at all, as that would slow him down or alert others to his presence. He feels that he is the perfect hunter as he is, and doesn't need to change anything about his natural state of being to enhance that.
Personality and Temperament
As a Human
As a Werewolf
Powers and Abilities
Lycanthropic Strength
While most Lycanthropes seem to excel in means of agility and speed, Saber, for whatever reason, shaped up to be a rather powerful creature in size and strength. These gifts, however, were not limited to just the wolf.
Every transformation seemed to elevate his body to greater and greater physical prowess, closing the gap between his canine form and his human self. On top of physically seeming imposing, his actual ability in relation to that strength far surpasses even the way he looks, able to lift, move, punch, throw, and everything in between with a rather astonishing amount of strength.
Improved Regeneration
If he is cut, he will bleed. If he takes a bullet, it will penetrate the flesh. He is not invulnerable in that sense. Though given time, those wounds will heal, and at a much quicker rate than any normal human. Open wounds won't stay open that long, and bullets that enter the body will find themselves exiting in little time.
Such is the way a werewolf is.
High Pain Tolerance
Even though he can be cut, lashed open, or take a bullet, don't count on it really holding him back. While the damage is indeed done, and if stacked upon in great amounts, he will fall, the wolf shows little regard for pain, and will continue to come at his foe even when full of a clip of rounds.
The biggest danger that this poses is that he doesn't slow down due to strain on the body. If he can defeat his foe before they bring him to a state of unconsciousness or death, he will. No wound will keep that from happening.
Physical Transformation
The staple of the Lycanthropic monster, the ability to shift between forms. Lance has the ability to control his changes and force himself to transform into the wolf. As of this point in time, however, it is not something that would really be a boon to him due to the amount of time that it takes for him to go from one form to the other.
Under full moonlight, he must change, and he will. When changed, he adopts all the abilities listed above.
In-Game Powers
Below is a table of powers that have been chosen in game.
Willpower |
Super Strength |
Pool Powers: Speed |
Pool Powers: Fitness
Patron Powers
Friends, Allies, Relatives, and Foes
Friends and Allies
White Fenrir ~ A shapeshifter who can assume the form of a white wolf (Or the other way around, for that matter), Fenrir and him seemed to develop a pack-like relationship fairly quickly. He has hopes that this new, quiet companion can help him get to understand the wolven aspects of himself so that he might better control the rather volatile "Saber".
All of his relatives are deceased. He has, however, started to form a bond with the family of trueborns that bit him.
In a more generic sense, he has little regard for some of the more sterling heroes of Paragon City. As of recent affiliations, however, he has also developed some deep seated ill-regard for some of those who live on the Rogue Isles.
Organizations and Affiliations
The Codex - Operating in secret, Lance was chosen as a possible asset to the Codex, whom he agreed to help in their endeavors to build a better Paragon, one shady action at a time.