
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: Tever
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Andrea Tandy
Known Aliases: Confidential
Species: Human
Age: 52
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 237 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: US Citizen
Occupation: Petty Crook
Place of Birth: Kings Row
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: None Living
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

Long history on this character. Loooong history. She started out as a fan character for a game called Medievil. Not the war sim; it was about an evil necromancer who accidentally brought his arch nemesis back to life (sans jaw…and skin…). And you play as the skeletal Dan Fortesque trying to chase down the necromancer guy. It was an awesome game, and then they made a sequel and completely screwed it up. And then they remade the first one, and that was even worse. I was so sad.

Anyway, Druu evolved from being a half dead skeleton thing to a cyborg a few years back when I went on a sci-fi kick, and even changed gender a couple times before I finally settled on this incarnation.

Oh, yeah. Her name is from way back when WotC released Magic: The Gathering on the SNES. I don’t know if Sandruu the Lion exists in the actual card game, but he was a guardian of the forest territory on the console. This has absolutely nothing to do with my Sandruu. I just liked the name.


Physical Description

Her body was badly damaged in an explosion, and much of it was replaced with cybernetics. She has variety of replacement limbs, ranging from obviously mechanical to nearly indetectable. She dyes her hair green, and always wears glasses or goggles of some sort.

Character History

Druu was born Andrea Burns on October 5, 1955. She was gifted child born to a poor family, and as a result, her genius went largely ignored until 1972. She was underpaid and overworked as a secretary at a small IT company when she met the man who would become her husband, Steve Tandy. Together with two of his buddies from college, they opened TandyCorp, a company that specialized in the medial applications of robotics.

The company never really got off the ground; ten years later, they were still the only four employees, taking in barely enough to keep afloat. With such limited facilities, their only recourse had been to sell ideas to third parties. They were in the process of merging with a larger company when the building was destroyed in an explosion. The actual blast was caused when some trolls lined several of the lower floors with dynamite. Druu’s husband died, along with countless other trapped innocents. She herself woke up in the hospital days later with three amputated limbs and massive organ damage from fire and shrapnel.

She spent five years on a morphine drip with one working lung and a feeding tube down her stomach. With money from a lawsuit against the city, since she couldn’t sue the anonymous heroes themselves, she commissioned WetWare to build a new body for her, of her own design. It would be another three years of trial and error before she could survive outside the hospital.

It was 1990. She looked relatively human, and tried to fit back into society at first, but her attitude ensured that no company would hire her. She was snide at best, hateful and rude at worst. No one could stand to work with her for long, and she spent the next sixteen years in a downward spiral of unemployment and depression. Her parents died: her father, of AIDS contracted by a mistress no one had known about; and her mother, of suicide shortly thereafter.

One day in 2006, she finally woke up, said “Fuck this”, and started to rebuild herself into something less human and more weapon. She was tired, and she wanted revenge. Finally in 2008, she was reasonably satisfied, and went out to kill a bunch of heroes. She quickly found that she couldn’t do it, and not just because she was arrested and sent to the Zig within twenty minutes of her first attack. Fortunately, the constant state of rioting in Ziggursky meant she escaped after only a few hours in holding and took an Arachnos flier to the Rogue Isles.



Druu is at her best when she can sneak up on someone and knock them out from behind. Although she wields a katana, she’s had no formal training, and it shows. She’s gotten better, but a real trained swordsman would notice that she has more of a tendency to flail around with it in an actual fight.

Power Boost

She can, for a very brief moment, divert most of her power to her robotic arm to increase it's strength by 80%. However, it's very much a one-shot thing; doing so leaves her vulnerable and partially visible to anyone else who might be around, or the enemy himself if he didn't go down in one blow.

Chameleon Circuit

Named for a part on the TARDIS from Doctor Who, the Chameleon Cicuit allows her to blend in with her surroundings up to a point. She's generally very good at being unseen, but once she attacks and the enemy knows she's there, it becomes a lot easier to find her. As a result, her main tactic involves taking the enemy out in one blow, or running away until they lose her again.


Alternately called her Jedi Mind Trick or just Blinker. This is a device in the palm of her robotic hand which blinks a hypnotic suggestion to whoever looks at it. The victim will promptly forget that she is there, and even if others are fighting her around him, he will not perceive why. The effect lasts five seconds, usually just long enough for him to lose sight of her again if she runs away.


She was born with a slight healing factor, not good for much besides making scrapes and bruises disappear before her parents noticed them. Shortly after the accident, its effects started to increase until it was affecting her aging process as well. Most damage is gone as soon as she takes it, and worse injuries (such as breaks, third degree burns, being impaled through the stomach by a Rulaaru Overseer, etc...) are gone in a matter of hours. It would probably be able to regenerate her lost limbs if she weren't psychosomatically stopping it.

Weaknesses and Limitations

For all her bravado, Druu is a coward. She became a cyborg out of terror at living like a glorified vegetable. She moved to the Isles to run from her life. She became a villain to run from her past. Even her use of stealth is fear at facing her enemies head-on, although she was quickly forced to get over it or die.

Creator Contact Information

Global: @Tever
Official Forums: Raven Lord
VirtueVerse: Tever

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