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Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology.
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Player: @Epelesker
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: 25
Personal Data
Real Name: '
Known Aliases: '
Species: Humanoid sand golem
Age: Unknown
Height: '
Weight: '
Eye Color: '
Hair Color: '
Biographical Data
Nationality: possibly British?
Occupation: Former pilot
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: '
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Sand manipulation and integration
Known Abilities


The being known as Sandsweight claims to be a former pilot, and the victim of a devastating crash when he ill-advisedly flew over a desert in threat of a sandstorm. The site where he wrecked his aircraft was said to be an ancient ritual ground in ages past. Spirits that had persisted there from the ancient times felt compelled to "save" the gravely injured man and invoked the powers of the earth to transform his body.

Powers and Abilities

Sandsweight is now a magically-sustained, highly sentient golem construct that is composed of sand, though he has taken on a human appearance. As such, he does not have to eat, drink or sleep in order to function properly, and it is assumed that he no longer ages. He has free control over the sand that composes his form: often hardening his fists to stone-like quality or turning himself into a localized sandstorm, and can reconstitute other sand or dust from stone erosion into his form within a small radius. He tends to also store various small objects within his body and can retrieve anything he places there at will.

The source of his power and "lifewill" is bound to a ruby gem that is stored in his sand body. If at any point this gem is separated from its owner past a certian distance (it can be held by Sandsweight without penalty), he will become unable to move. Destroying it effectively can kill him, however many spiritual and shamanic wards must be breached before such an event is possible. These same wards make it difficult, not still not impossible, for Sandsweight's "mind" to be read.

Other Information

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