Saruken/Challenge 1 - The Hollows - RP
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
The golden staff made a faint sound as it whistled through the air. Saruken's hands, though wrapped in cloth, deftly spun and twirled the weapon with little effort on her part. Her movements were graceful, like a dance. She leaped up, flipping backwards, and the minute her feet touched down, her back arched back. Her staff came around in circle above her, in a blow that would've nailed opponents gathered about her...that is if she had any opponents. No, the only opponent she was facing out on the roof of her parents home in Founders Falls was boredom. A month ago, she would've been down below, laid out on her bed and running her cell phone bill through the roof. She'd be discussing prom decorations, the dress Saru was going to have her mom and dad get her for the dance, the guy she was going with. A month ago, she was simply Saru Summers, cheerleader at St. Crispin's School for Excellence, and a member of the in crowd. Then she'd made that visit to that pawn shop...and curiously picked up the coin. The coin that held the powers of the Monkey King of Chinese legends.
Now, she had no idea who the hell she was. When her powers had first started to emerge, Saru had felt something taking over. It was like they had a personality all of their own. And oh how she'd fought it. When Saru would've been content to go with the in crowd, even when they did things she didn't quite agree with, this personality saw fit to call her would-be friends out. She acted strangely, showing off, becoming way too competitive in damn near every aspect of her life. She taunted and tormented folks, but admitedly in jest most times. It was so unlike the perfect girl. On top of the split personality, she'd sprouted a monkey tail. Oh how she'd had a time trying to hide it from her "friends" and her family. Eventually, the split personality seemed to win evidenced when Saru woke up one morning with a hero's license she'd never even remembered obtaining. It was the powers' personality that had driven her to steal Kattie's communicator...and eventually led to her entrance into Teen Phalanx.
As the weeks passed by, it seemed the conflict between her own personality and the personality of her powers dwindled...melding, until the line between the two was blurred for the most part. Her parents had found out about her powers, after her tail was discovered. Instead of being ostracized, they embraced it. Her dad got in touch with a publicist, her mom became her image consultant...and in a short amount of time, Saruken, the Monkey Girl, was out in the public's eye. Even now, Saruken action figures and plush dolls were making their way to toy store shelves. Her publicist said that in order to push her product, she'd need to keep herself in the spotlight.
Saru could care less about that. She felt the boredom seeping in through her. She needed a challenge, or else she would explode or something. The idea hit her then, as she leapt forward, bringing her staff down in a strike that struck the roof top.
The following morning, Paragon's media outlets were providing information from a press conference Saruken had called. The blonde teen, dressed in her green tights and golden vest, read from a set of cue cards in her hands.
"Gang activity in the Hollows, despite the efforts Paragon's heroes, continues to rise. I say this not to impugn the efforts of those operating in that area. I respect your hard work, and acknowledge that many have made great strides to bring peace to the area. I say this, mainly..."
Saru sighed in frustration, muttering as she looked to her publicist. Her words weren't audible, as her face was turned from the mics...but those who could lip read could clearly tell she wasn't happy with her speech. There was a moments pause, where the only thing that could be heard is the click of many camera shutters. Saruken looked out to the crowd...and promptly chucked her notecards over her shoulders. A startled murmur ran through the crowd of reporters. Her hand thrust out, and in a cloud of golden light her golden staff appeared. A defiant, over confident look crossed the young girl's features, as she continues on without her publicist's politely worded speech.
"Hey, Trolls, Outcasts, and all you other gang bangers runnin' around the Hollows. I'm coming for you. Prepare for a nice long stay in the Zig. And to Frostfire...see this staff? Look forward to it connecting with the side of your head, cause I'm coming for you."
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