From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Savepoint by Artgutierrez | |
Savepoint | |
Player: @check | |
Origin: | Tech/Mutation |
Archetype: | Mutation |
Security Level: | 50 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Brooklyn Tyler |
Known Aliases: | O2, RC, Bro-bot, Boo |
Species: | Human |
Age: | 16 |
Height: | 5' 6" |
Weight: | 102 lbs |
Eye Color: | brown |
Hair Color: | brown |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | United States |
Occupation: | Drone Pilot and Student |
Place of Birth: | Ocean City NJ |
Base of Operations: | Paragon City |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | mother Alissa, father Scott, brother Brice |
Known Powers | |
various | |
Known Abilities | |
none | |
Equipment | |
sensory deprivation interface | |
No additional information available. |
She knew they were getting ready outside her tank. Her hands were against the smooth stainless steel of her "room" and every time someone disconnected a hose or brushed against it she could feel the faint vibration. A whisper came to her from Intuition.. "Brooklyn.. when they move you it might make you sick from the motion, I just wanted you to know" The computers voice was so faint that any regular person floating in the same liquid would be unable to perceive it.
Her entire world tipped to one side and she felt vertigo.. there was no more up or down this wasn't like hooking up this was forced on her suddenly when the lift truck picked up her tank. "you will be just fine, I'm sending you something to calm your tummy now.. " The Dramamine rushed through one of the many tubes.. it sounded like a river to Brooklyn, a real river somewhere out there with stones and fish and people playing on the shore. She felt the sick feeling subside and she made a promise to herself to find that shore someday and skip a stone.
The ride was disorienting and tortuous, Intuition sent more medication so she might sleep through most of the drive. It would monitor every life sign a hundred times closer then a patient laying in intensive care.
In the drivers seat a skinny middle aged man is glancing at an overly complicated gps while his partner is about to nod off. He says "I'm not looking forward to the guard taking this to stage four" . The passenger jolts a bit and replies "what you don't want to see grown men cry for their mommies when they drown them for the firs time?" and he laughs a little shaking the sleep from his bones. "No it's not that I just.. They will take something that could help people like her and turn it into a weapon, and the people that could use it to live life won't get the chance once it's weaponized". "course they won't.. you wouldn't give someone in a wheelchair a fighter jet to go pick up eggs would you? Maybe they will turn out some cheap version to the public.. I don't think its likely though". "At least she gets to use the prototype, pretty sweet deal really, for her". The large van pulls into the parking lot of Westbrook the only sign of life is a lone student walking down a path nearby who quickly rounds a corner and disappears out of sight. The van slowly makes its way to the loading dock it's engine laboring is the only thing that gives away how heavy its cargo is.
"Brooklyn, it's time to wake up you are at your new home. Testing of self sufficiency is in its fourth hour and all is well". She opens her eyes only because the action has been hard wired into her genetic code, all she sees at first is pitch black and if distracted enough that's all she will see. The darkness is slowly replaced by gray and seems to stretch out into infinity. Her time spent in deprivation has trained her mind to fill in the blanks with loosely controlled imagination. She feels a shudder as the tank is placed in its spot and the micro generator is tested. It hums loudly for a few minutes making her gray world jumble and shake as her subconscious tries to bring shape to the sound.
She waited floating in the gray world, breathing in the liquid like it was air. It was supersaturated with oxygen allowing her to take very slow deep breaths that didn't strain her at all. "I will reconnect you with her in a few minutes Brooklyn and you will really see the difference in delay speed being in such close proximity to your primal" The machine spoke so naturally and the excitement in its tone was apparent. When Brooklyn was happy, it was happy.
When she opened her eyes this time she saw a hallway. The drones systems were still going through a few system checks she watched her H.U.D. a moment before thinking it away. She didn't want to see the ugly green letters she wanted to see the school. Intuition finished the diagnostic and with a snap the umbilical popped off the back of the robot and recoiled into its housing. She didn't even turn around to regard her steel room she set right off to explore the school with ten times the bandwidth she had previously had to deal with.
She could almost swear she felt the light breeze from a nearby ventilation duct on her new metal skin.
Whats there to be said huh? I'm far away from you and I'm floating in a liquid that's heated to the exact temperature of my skin, I can no longer tell where I start and it begins. Instead I feel the input from the robot your looking at, I see through its eyes and hear with its ears. In my head when I reach out to touch your hand the robots arm moves while mine doesn't. Its a lot like a dream but that dull distance is slowly focusing as I get more accustomed to direct cerebral input. Theirs a big computer out there and its making sure I don't get overloaded its learning me as much as I'm learning it. Yea I know you think I'm crazy to do this.. You need to know one thing. I volunteered for this.
My senses began to sharpen when I reached my fourteenth birthday. At first it was amazing I could hear conversations across a room.. then from down a hall then from across the street. I could smell my neighbors cookies baking in the oven then a gas leak across my neighborhood. My glasses were thrown away yet over the next five months it would all form my personal hell. It was simply to much for my brain to process it left me writhing on the ground in pain or paralyzed as my brain tried to deal with ten thousand times more information per second then the average person.
The insurance company flagged my father, which in turn brought the attention of a watchdog organization. They came to my house and tried to interview me.. but their voices were so loud I just cried. Their cologne gave me migraines. They spoke to my family at length I could hear them talking clearly through the earplugs.. the earmuffs and the sound dampening layers in my room. They spoke about helping me and about how the Government was very interested in my future. They wanted to look at my DNA and compare it to other people, they also wanted me to go into a new program. The Idea was they would find a way to blunt my perception of the world, to bring it back down to normal levels.
They arrived two months to the day after their first visit. I was placed in the back of a large truck with six feet of sound dampening material all around and driven to my new home in Groom Lake Nevada.Once there I was well taken care of. I will spare the details but I reside in a sesory deprivation tank. I'm directly connected to a rather advanced computer that's only purpose is to interface with the world for me. They say I will be able to go to school again via proxy sometime soon as they are deciding on which one would be most suited for me.
The Heavy Hitter
"Brooklyn, they are requesting your presence in the ready room mechanic bay nine"
Intuition was in a great mood today and its voice was bouncy. Brooklyn was napping and the quiet happy voice was enough to wake her. She twitched in space.. her dream was fading what was it.. she was.. who was there? It was gone now replaced by the soft voice repeating kindly and with urgency.
"ok ok ok, lemme wakeup.. a little.." She opened her eyes to darkness and waited for the hookup to a presence in the Vanguard Base. It was like falling asleep.. when your brain stem sort of detaches from your brain.. that falling feeling some people felt right before they fell asleep.
The room was impossibly bright and surprisingly clean for a mechanic bay. They were talking but why were they so far away and below her..several feet below her vantage point. Had they put her into a security camera? Oh this wouldn't do!
"WHOOA!! hey hey!!!" A man was waving at her. She focused on him and he was beautiful, with dark eyes and a smart in control look about him, his voice was rich and smokey and his hair was all messed up cutely on his head. "oh my" she thought.. but it came out anyway she heard a deep digital voice mimic her own thoughts.. "ooh myyy" it said. She almost squeaked what had just happened..?
"Brooklyn your subvocalizing, try to relax a little, they routed you into the MVAS your in the machine now, just take some deep breaths, there you go. I see your heart rate is beginning to normalize. That man is Lieutenant Ganas he is very nice and will be going with you on your orientation assignment" Intuition was perfect in distracting her from the Lieutenants beaming smile that surely would have made a nine foot tall robot act bashful. "The computer you were to run the orientation simulation with is in need of repair they did not tell me until after the hookup started so you went right into the robot"
This was not the way it was supposed to work, orientation could take several hours and sometimes more then one attempt had to be made. It was supposed to gradually introduce the major parts of the machine to the pilot. This was a shock, as her brain began to process stimulus points that were supposed to make her aware of her new body. It was disorienting to say the least as her brain went from the perception that she was a sixteen year old girl in a tank asleep, to a giant robot towering over several Vanguard soldiers standing around her.
"Hows it going in there soldier?" Ganas flashed that smile again and before she could even point out she wasn't military, Intuition shushed her quietly. "He doesn't have a high enough clearance to know you. He will refer to you as Operator Two" Then Intuition was gone and it was just her and these soldiers. Was this some kind of test?
"So lets get going huh O2? Im Ganas this is Terna, Max and Carl. I heard you didn't get the prep course but you have more time hooked up then anyone I've ever heard of. I'm sure you will do fine.. I will take it easy on you" He said the last part like a used car salesman and it really worried her.
The MVAS information was flooding her H.U.D. height weight and all the statistics that she did not care about. Then it flashed on the screen a section of the display that was not present in her two drones back at school.
.............................WEAPONS SYSTEMS ONLINE.....................................
She briefly froze in place seeing those words hovering in the air above all those little peoples heads. Ganas was putting on his helmet and besides very minor differences she could not tell any of the solders apart and then suddenly her H.U.D. finished a testing process and roughly in the center of each of the solder a green dot appeared, when she focused on the dot the soldiers name flashed into existence on the display. "ok then" she thought, her apprehension was melting, this was going to be exciting...
or terrible
Two Months Later
"Brooklyn you are wanted for debriefing in ready room nine" Intuition stated in its mostly flat tone.
"ok.. ok.. let me save this homework. Ready when you are" She sounded tired and distracted.
Her vision was suddenly filled with a small steel and concrete room with a simple table and one uniformed man sitting at the other end. It was a man she has seen before but she couldn't remember his name and neglected to ask Intuition what it was.
"Hello there, this will be an informal debrief on operation and interaction with the MVAS unit" He did not pause to let her even get a responsive hello into the one sided conversation. He just flipped open a manila file and kept talking. "You have piloted the MVAS sixty three times averaging two hours twenty minutes per exercise. We have given a close look to your reports and a closer look at the information gathered by Intuition. The data you have helped collect is priceless to the program. With the tweaks you have helped bring about, the MVAS platform is ready for deployment. As of O'900 tomorrow it will be in full use by the Vanguard Swords." With that he closed the file and sat back with a bit of a smile. Her mind was still soaking up the hasted words when it began to dawn on her what he was actually saying. "Your specific skillset is no longer required by the MVAS project. As of right now access to the machine will be terminated. I have put in a recommendation that you be considered in the first string of any further remote drone programs as a civilian contractor. We will also be downgrading your Intuition to below contractor level access." She suddenly remembered who this man was.. and why Intuition had been silent.. it was already downgraded. This man was the one that had first gone to her parents to get her on board his pet project. He knew everything about her situation having negotiated the terms of her use in Vanguard Research.
"Brooklyn, we talked about this a while back remember?"
"Yes Sir, I was to beta the MVAS until it was brought up to standards or it was junked"
"You did a great job of it, rooting out all those bugs, the programmers almost couldn't keep up with the changes. The data you brought to the table couldn't have been found in a thousand simulations. I credit you with a big part of why it was approved to move to the next stage."
"thanks, it was fun to drive it and work with soldiers all over the place"
"unfortunately the upgrades to Intuition have to go with it, not like you will be needing that sort of information at um.. Westbrook right? Not like that stuff could help you pass a history test." Now he was patronizing her and she knew it. He had taken her and let her move up a little and now he was putting her right back in her place. "you still have the praetorian conversion and a service contract as far out as you want it to go, with basic system support. That is quite a deal for you I even heard that they have made some real progress with your dna probably will have something solid in a few years. You will get to help real people Brooklyn real soldiers." He stood up and pulled at his uniform to straiten it even though it didn't need it. "If you need anything just let me know" With that and a practiced smile he was out of the room. She knew that even if she did need something the best she would get is one of his underlings. He was the kind of man that only appeared when he needed something from you. Even the debrief would be put in his file, very by the book and cut off before he actually started talking to her. The H.U.D. counted down the bounce back to her home and within a few moments she was swimming in the inky blackness again.
She didn't know how to feel at first about losing access to the big robot. It was surely fun and made her feel invincible but the exercises she had been going on had started to get more and more violent. That had not set well with her, she did not like to see anyone get hurt not even the Rikti. Maybe that's why they stopped letting her pilot because she had let slip a few times to Intuition those exact thoughts. She glanced through the remaining commands that her computer would still respond to and right away she noticed the list was less then a third of what it used to be. It was back to its original configuration not much more then a well made personalized PDA with emergency life support built in.
She flicked the homework back into the display and smiled just a little to herself. She was doing homework.. and she was not in a hospital or mental ward. Their were no more black outs or seizures or migraines. Whats the loss of a robot compared to that.
She had her whole life ahead of her.
ooc description of Brooklyns abilities
Just the regular human senses multiplied and multiplied outside the scope of what a human being is capable of processing.
She can hear really well as long as their is a sound wave that gets to her even in a diminished capacity like a vibration. Her brain does not filter out background sounds and attempts to present the sound to her with as much importance as a conversation. Her range of frequency that is audible is wider then other people.
I see her sense of smell and taste able to pick out every ingrediant in a dish including all the crazy chemicals you see on labels. Instead of tasting a food or smelling a food she has a marked parallel of ingredients that all march through her sense at the same time and make it impossible for her to ever taste a dish as intended ever again.
Her sense of touch is something Ive thought about in detail. When a person touches something small like the head of a pin it is magnified to their perception about four times. When someone runs their fingertips along a roll of tape searching for the end when their eyes can not find it. Sometimes it takes a few passes to pick it out of the background static of feeling the actual tape itself. Brooks sense of touch is so magnified that she could find the end of a piece of tape on a roll that was no thicker then a few atoms. (gold can be hammered to 1 atom thick for reference) Her sense of touch was a huge reason she is in a tank and seldom touches the inside.
Her sight is better then most peoples but not just in clarity she has no blind spot as her nerves do not route the way they do in most people. She is not overly great at seeing things very far away but her ability to focus on things very very close and with clarity would set her apart. What we might use a 200-400 magnification for she could make out with her naked eye. The spectrum of visible light is wider for her as with sounds.
of course the above describes what she might be capable of if her brain could take the bandwidth of information and actually process it all consciously. As it is when to much input is gathered by her senses it literally overloads the brain causing side affects like blackouts, seizures, memory loss, disorientation, nausea, vertigo, fainting, amnesia.. ect ect. She is no stronger, smarter, faster or more durable then any regular person. In fact she would be considered feeble in strength and durability. Her immersion dulls all the senses to nearly nothing. Her computer system introduces mere shadows of sensory input filtering sound for her, cutting out background hissing to nothing, blurring out video she is not focused on directly. This lets her brain function nearly normal as the information presented by the computer is carefully controlled.
To her the entire world is on the other side of a keyhole.