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Player: @sayterra
Origin: magic
Archetype: brute, scrapper, etc
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Sayterra
Known Aliases: Goat, Sayterra A'tiri
Species: female satyr
Age: 250+ years
Height: smol
Weight: 115lbs
Eye Color: violet
Hair Color: burgundy
Biographical Data
Nationality: none
Occupation: headbutter extrodinaire
Place of Birth: Akrotiri, Greece
Base of Operations: Independence Port
Marital Status: Dating Dr. Kane
Known Relatives: all deceased
Known Powers
regenerative healing
Known Abilities
fists, horns, whatever's lying around
Sayterra is a part of the Supergroup known as the Dauntless Reverie. She's fiercely protective of friends and overly sarcastic. Hero Warning: She eats metal.


An introduction

Female satyrs aren't a new thing, however, it is believed that Sayterra is one of the last. Like her kin, she's a fierce fighter, overly stubborn, and a lover of all things alcohol. Unlike her kin, she hates the rest of them.


Sayterra came to Paragon in 2004 after spending her days wandering Europe for the better part of the last near hundred years. She hails from the destroyed city of Akrotiri in Greece, a once thriving trading community and port. She and her brother found themselves dumped on Crete by a well-meaning nereid. This is where much of her history becomes muddled, resurfacing right before WWI.

After losing her brother to the war, she went walkabout from Crete into Greece, and then north into the mountains of southern France where she was recruited by the maquisard during WWII. She eventually befriended and fell in love with a man by the name of Andreas Cole, who whisked her away to Italy away from the perils of those that hunted magic beings. Wanting to live amongst humanity without fear, she struck a bargain: a glamour charm for a portion of her lifespan. For years, she worked as Andreas' personal thief before she managed to untangle herself from his deceptive ways.

She roamed further north, through much of Western Europe, up through Britain, into Ireland and Scotland before ultimately traveling across the Atlantic to Paragon.

Return to the City

2004-2009 - Called Paragon home and then mysteriously disappeared.

Upon returning to the City in 2019, she reunited with the Dauntless Reverie, regaining her status with them. Finding many of her friends and teammates gone, missing, or presumed dead, it was a rough start for her, but she's mellowed since her time away.

She can frequently be found at the Place (The Daunt HQ), the Wooden Stag, Hannibal Cannon's, The Little Leaf, or Alpha Division HQ. Currently, she lives with Dr. Peter Kane and Irons in a renovated warehouse in Independence Port.

The Dauntless Reverie

The Dauntless Reverie is a fellowship of magic-users. Sayterra was brought on board in December of 2004 after her past grouping parted ways. She considers a good chunk of them family, and is overly protective of most of them.

OOC Information

Walk up/Tell friendly.

The art featured on this page is copyright to its owner, Sayterra.

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