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Sciox copy.jpg

Their reign of destruction is unending, on the fate's moon of night and day when the sky shall meet the ground. Shadowed in secret, guised in whispers. Darkest rise and lights fall and asunder the world shall split. When the Scars of the world shall touch the Heart of man, their power will be complete and the future in their grace. Pray before the path of salvation for chariots of war will collect.

Amen -Excerpts from the Prophecies of Assyria- -Demotic Script (early form Hieroglyphics)-


The Clan

The Sciox Clan, an Ancient Breed of demons created in the Forges of Hell and crafted with the magics of its eternal fire. Unlike other Demons, these Demons are created out of the will of man and not of the will of the hellish Foundry Guardian. This mystical beings were around during the crafting of the world, originally crafting the very forges that created them. But in due time the balance of good and evil was taken into place and these Celestial Demons disappeared, until War. Creation of the Roman Empire

For so long these creatures were Myths, such beings were thought impossible to craft in the Forge. Under unknown causes the fires of the Forge activated one day and kept running. The Hellsmiths unable to shut it down and wondering what the Forge was creating. The end result was massive damage to the Forge and the creation of two stars seen in the sky of the year 660 B.C. From then demonic activity increased and the Prophecy Began.

Player: @SSSS
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corrupter
Threat Level: 30
Personal Data
Real Name: Angela Sciox
Known Aliases: The Event, Daughter of End, Apocalypta
Species: Demon
Age: 2668
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Red/Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: None
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Forge of Hell
Base of Operations: Hell
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: Half Brother-Damien Sciox
Known Powers
Demonic Magic, Fire/Thermal Mastery, Enhanced Intelligence/Senses/Reflexes/Strength/Regeneration
Known Abilities
Minor Psychic Abilities, Flight, Foresight/End of Time, Enhanced Demon Abilities, Unlocking the Gate/Ability
Heart of the Forge
The Bringer of Balance, The Sight of Eternity

Player: @Full Tempest
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 27
Personal Data
Real Name: Damien Sciox
Known Aliases: Orbius, Son of Perdition
Species: Demon
Age: 2668
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: None
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Forge of Hell
Base of Operations: Hell
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: Half Sister-Angela Sciox
Known Powers
Demonic Magic, Earth Melee, Enhanced Regeneration/Speed/Strength
Known Abilities
See past the guises of other Magical Entities, Minor Psychic, Detect Magical Presences, Enhanced Demon Senses/Reflexes, Unlocking the Gate/Ability.
Scars of the Forge
Brother to the Fortold Demon, Angela Sciox.


The Bringer of Balance, Daughter of Perdition, also the Sight of Eternity, the name she adopted is that of the feminine form of Angelus which means pure. She was the Greater Star and also aligned with the Northern Star signifying her strength. Empowered the the true power of the Forge she is Hell's fire incarnate and also a pure spawn of it.


MentalControl Confuse.gifForesight: Angela's strongest and yet most inconsistent ability. This allows her to see the fate of anyone, including the fate of herself. She uses this ability as a guide and compass to make sure she is on the right path to her destiny.

Sciox.jpgSciox Clan: Being part of this Clan includes it's benefits.

FireBlast Inferno2.gifFire Blast: Angela has complete control over the fires of the Hell Forge. She can wield them and use them at her will.

MentalControl Telekinesis.gifFlight: Angela can Fly!


Orbius, Son of Perdition, he is the lower star East to the star of Angela. He is the guide, the hands, and the protector of the Prophecy, beyond this he is a demon of malice and destruction. His powers come not from the Forge's fires but that of its abilities to craft and create weapons from the Universe. Damien understands the importance of keeping Angela alive, for his own existence ties with hers. Damien is credited for bringing Angela into the Mortal realm.


Damien's personality changes with his mood and within the Gate's control. In the weakest of his forms he is silent and passive, not wanting to bother a single soul. Then when entering the final Gate he can be a mindless monster of pure insanity and power. Normally when he is in the *4th Gate* the form he is most comfortable in, he is intelligent and quick to fix mistakes and correct others. Even many times he feels a superiority to many people (heroes and villains) to those he hasn't seen prove their worth. He cares greatly for Angela, not only as a family figure but also his existance is tied to hers in some form or another.

Soul Consumption

Damien's ability to consume large amounts of souls allows his powers to surge to extreme levels. The ability's multiplicative power leaves Damien in a state of near addiction to it's immense power. As a side-effect he cannot keep this sort of rampage for a long period, dare he risk consuming his own power.

Consuming a mortal soul for Damien is much more efficient than his counter-part, Angela.


Damien is known to use the Earth as weapons, usually in the form of a hammer. In many forms his strength is comparable to above average, though when the full force of magic infused stone contacts with anything the force is overwhelming. As a demon, Damien inhierants many of the physical traits such as agility, sense, and resistance to many forms of damage. Then there is the power infused from the Forge, many of it's abilities unknown to many except the few who fear it.


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