From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
24 year old Verona Langley, Ronnie for short, was born with the ability to control shadows/darkness. From a young age, the girl was comfortable in the dark and as her powers grew, she was a member of Powers Division. Unlike most, however, she never had to use her abilities. Holding down a position as one of many assitants and secretaries at NTU, Ronnie kept herself out of trouble. And then she became a storage unit. Massive amounts of Praetorian military information were locked into her mind...and it turned her into a target. Those who know want her dead or captured. Either to protect Praetorian intelligence or to protect Primal security from incoming forces, Ronnie is now being pushed to use her powers. She's not entirely defenseless. Within her circle of darkness resides a protector.
Someone... somehow found out. Wordlessly, they found her a protector. A brief introduction. The serious eyes. Neither entirely sure about the situation. A long explanation. "Your life is too precious... the knowledge too valuable. Go with him. He will keep you safe."
The pair was left in the Etoile Islands with enough to get started. The unexpected knight and his distressed damsel.
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The dark -- Unknown... rarely understood.. seen but unseen. It closes in on those who enter it; suffocating, smothering, clinging... Sometimes it meets one that is different... one that draws its curiosity and interest... pulls its attention from terror... to intrigue.![]() Verona Fay Langley was one of these. From the time she was an infant, the dark soothed rather than scared. Where children cried or begged for nightlights, Ronnie asked for the hall light to be turned off. Where her classmates feared the boogeyman and monstars under her bed, she spent her nights safe from terrors because of these creatures. They watched over her, the shadowpup growing with her, keeping watch over her when it was dark. As a teenager, her friends would swear the shadows turned to watch her.. and she would just smile. Her parents knew. Ronnie was born with the inherent ability to see, understand and befriend the dark. Graduation brought with it acknowledgement. Ronnie signed up for Powers Division, as a good child of Praetoria... and yet she was never asked to be in active duty. Rather, she continued her schooling and within a couple years landed a job as a secretary and assistant at NTU. She started on the ground floor and worked her way higher through her exceptional attention to detail and her exquisite memory. Names, relationships, information, dates, appointments... She seemed to absorb the information and carefully catalogue it within her mind. With her love of the dark, Ronnie had inherited a gift for a near perfect memory. This would be her blessing and soon her bane. |