Space Lord

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There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.
Space Lord
Player: @BloodTears
Origin: Confidential
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 28
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Four of Five, 4, Space, SL
Species: Devine
Age: Equal to that of the Universe
Height: 7'0
Weight: 255lbs (on Earth)
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Maintaining the balance between Good & Evil
Place of Birth: The Plane (of Creation)
Base of Operations: Paragon City (currently)
Marital Status: N/A
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Gravity Control; lift, propel, gravity distortion, crushing field. Force Field; personal force field, deflection shield, insulation shield
Known Abilities
Flight, Teleportation (team and foe)
Specialized medical equipment allowing Space Lord to aid self, aid other, and resuscitate a fallen ally.
While on Earth, many of Space Lord's abilities are limited. Through time passed on the planet he will reacquire lost skills and extend his abilities.


The origins of the Universe have been pondered for ages. While many theories and "truths" exist among the realms of science, religion, and everything in between, only five know the true origin. The Five. These are the ones that occupied the Plane of Creation before the "Big Bang" (which in reality was much more complex than what the term suggests) set forth the network of realities and dimensions we know as the Universe.


The original entity. The prime existence. "God" for all intents and purposes. Not merely an inhabitant on the Plane of Creation, One IS the plane of creation. One created the four beings (Eden Mother, Infinite Chronos, Space Lord, and Xartac) that would be responsible for maintaining the fragile Universe for all time.

Eden Mother; aka Two of Five. Overseer of life throughout the Universe. She is the life essence under which all living beings multiply and evolve.

Infinite Chronos; aka Three of Five. Master over time and space. Responsible for insuring continuity within dimensions and assuring the progression of the Universe.

Space Lord; aka Four of Five. Overseer of all positive forces ("Good") in the Universe. Responsible for mantaining the Good side of the delicate balance between Good and Evil. This balance is essential to the continued existence of the Universe.

Xartac; aka Five of Five. Overseer of all negative forces ("Evil") in the Universe. Along with Space Lord, Xartac shares responsibility for maintaining the balance between Good and Evil by promoting the causes of Evil.

Space Lord vs Xartac

On Earth, there is a famous song by the band, The Rolling Stones called Sympathy for the Devil in which The Devil proudly takes credit for a number of tragic events which have occured through the course of human history. As if, what he does is essential to the prosperity of the race. Well, take away the ficticious Devil and substitute Xartac and you will have a good idea of what he is.

I myself do not have a song written about me, or at least none as catchy, but if I did it might be called Empathy for The Lord. It would feature such events as the start of Democracy, the abolition of slavery (first in Egypt and most recently in America), tearing down the Berlin Wall, and the birth of every champion of Good from Jesus to Ghandi to Mother Theresa to Martin Luther King Jr. But I digress.

Over the span of time Xartac and I have pitted the forces of Good and Evil against eachother in countless battles of an endless war. A war that must never be resolved, for the Universe, in all its complexity, relies on the conflict between Good and Evil for its existence. One might compare the existence of the Universe to that of fire; remove the wood or the oxygen and the flame will be extiguished. However, if you maintain the right amount of wood and oxygen the flame will keep burning forever and the fire will grow.

While we have waged the afformentioned battles all over the Universe, we discovered approximately 2000 Earth years ago that a nexus for Good and Evil existed. That nexus, which would act as the focal point for balancing Good and Evil throughout the Universe was on Earth. It has moved with the rise and fall of major civilizations through the years to finally end up here in Paragon City. Here, Xartac and I use our devine powers to influence the forces of Good to be better and the forces of Evil to be worse, never allowing one to have full victory over the other thus ensuring the continued prosperity of the Universe. File:SLx4small.jpg

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