Sybell Bell

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Sybell Bell
Player: @halfhazardKnight
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Confidential
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 112 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Sacramento, CA
Base of Operations: Sacramento, CA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Too many to count!
Known Powers
Electrokinesis and Electron Sense
Known Abilities
Eidetic Memory and a knack for prediction, based on what she knows.
Odds and ends, most notably knives and metal objects
No additional information available.

The Person

This is little more than OOC knowledge. While I could go on and on about her various lies, I don't think that would be very useful or entertaining, so...

So. You're left with what? A short description? Yeah, unlikely. But hey, I guess I've got a good bit to get off my chest, given how much I lie about who and what I am. My real name -is- Sybell Bell. Pronounced Sai-bell. I know I'm just talking, but just go with it. I think that's about one of the few consistent things about me from person to person. I am a natural blonde, I don't bother with an alter-ego, given how flimsy one can be, and yes, I am -the- Bell family's daughter. Old money, in case you didn't know. Of course, the work I'm taking on is causing them no end of grief, but I guess they understand, being ex-hero themselves. At least I hope they do, or I'm going to be in some serious trouble.


Oh boy. This is going to be the good one, considering even I'm not entirely sure what they are, sometimes. Well, basics, of course. Electrokinesis and a good, almost visual sense of electrical currents. Yes, I can see people through it, and get a general idea of brain activity. Not that I can make much sense of it in a hasty situation, but outside of it... yeah. It generally sees use as a situational awareness-type thing. Combined with a very good memory and the willingness to try your hand at fortune telling, though? I can fake being precognitive, at least in a fight. Long term remains anybody's guess, though. I'm just good at guessing. It mostly makes up for what could be called a deficiency in what actual output I have. I -can- be powerful, just not at anything beyond melee range, and even then, that's more controlled bursts. Which creates an opportunity for an interesting little weapon. Give me a ferrous pellet, and I can show you a railgun. Armored targets only, with extreme hesitance, I'm not out and about to kill people.

Oh? One final note: Don't touch me directly. Direct skin contact feels like licking a nine-volt battery's contacts, or so I'm told.

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