
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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If reading this profile made you have some thought or observation or anything like that, feel free to voice it here. I'm always happy to hear opinions, ideas, suggestions etc., because I se roleplaying as a sort of time-passing session of discovering things. And what determines how fun it is is how interesting it is, or how much room I get to improvise in new situations without all that boring repetitious stuff. And because this toon is so much more complicated than I myself am, I love discovering new sides to him that he's had all along or ought to have (had). And this of course means that any suggestion or theory regarding him has the potential to open my eyes to another side or reason or behavior of his, which could also ponentially lead to more fun. So don't be shy!

Also, I suck at this whole organization thing. So comments goes under the line or something along those lines.


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