Talk:Dawn and Dusk

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Feel free to discuss things about Tomasu here!

Maybe we'll do the out-of-game RP here, i.e. The stuff going on when people visit Tomato in hospital?

TOMATO!!!! ~ @Soft Sky

PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS AND GET OFF OF VV, jaykay <33 ~ vamos a la playa!
MEBBEH NOT. We're in a class we're we don't do work right now- we talk about moral stuff- right now we're talking about tasers and usage of them. 0.o
As long as you slip me into the conversation. - one for the dagger another for the wonderful leaf...I think that's how the song goes..

♥ :D ~ @AwkwardEnvy

oocly, I can just imagine Haldy and Envy getting terribly lost in the hospital hallways, somehow ending up in the maternity ward, and eventually giving up and just using the hospital intercom systems. Whatever. Continue. @Majidae

Conversations in Hospital

First Visit

Tomasu is lying in a hospital bed. Upon entering the room, you find him awake working away at something with his good hand- one of his sculptures. Seeing you, he quickly hides it under his pillow and smiles.

Ross snoops in, fully clad in a nurse outfit, an armful of cards and some flowers are tucked under his arms.

Instantly, Tomasu begins to blush. "Uh, R-Ross!" he says in surprise"

He snaps up, as if discovered. Pulls off his nurse mask and says "How did you know it was me.." evidence of his ginger hair poking through his nurse cap. "I mean I know you ha-" he pauses, noticing Tomasu's complexion "Are you blushing?"

"Erm... uh... Am I?..." Tomasu scratches the back of his head and hopes the nurses left his mask in the room when they helped him get changed into hospital clothes. He lets his eyes do a quick check. Nope.

He smiles and shows him the cards and flowers "Ermm..." he looks down and pauses "I got these for's stupid...but I just...really want you to come home.." grins sheepishly.

Tomasu grins awkwardly back. "Uh, wow! They're... really nice." He adjusts himself in the bed. "The doctors say I'm getting released in the next 24 hours, so you won't have to wait much longer... How've you been?"

Grins big at the news of his release. "Oh, I've been good, tired, we all miss you" he smiles and looks down "What were you doing before I came in?

"It's a surprise. You'll find out when I get out." says Tomasu with a cheeky smirk.

Quirks a brow and smiles "So...." looks down and shuffles his foot "I was wondering..." coughs and blushes a bit "Ermm..." an idea snaps in his head and he pulls out a blue Dum Dum and begins to suck on it. "Uhh..."

"...What is it?" Tomasu asks, obviously with no idea about what Ross may be talking about.

A noise suddenly comes on over the speaker, adressing the entire hospital, including Tomato's room. The voice is unmistakably Envy's as he yells in his slightly scratchy voice; "TOMATO NAKED!"

Tomasu facepalms. "Envy..."

Ross blushes bright red and mutters "Damn you, Envy.."

"Uh... so... anyway... what is it you wanted to say?" asks Tomasu,trying to change Ross's focus away from Envy's comment. Spare him embarassment.

Ross begins to kick at the floor and looks down "Uhh..I was wondering if you.." fiddles with his fingers "Wanted to go see a movie...?" looks down and blushes.

Tomasu has a look of surprise, although it's not of the bad kind. "I-I'd love to!"

Looks up, almost as if he wasn't even expecting an answer "Oh...ermm...Great! I mean, of course when you're out of the hospital and stuff but yeah!" smiles big.

Suddenly, a doctor and some nurses enter the room. "Sorry, sir, but we have to ask you to leave. We're about to do the final part of the surgery. He'll be out in about three or four hours."

He looks to the nurse "Oh, sorry. Bye, Tomasu!" he skips out of the room and awkwardly blows a kiss.

He blushes and blinks as the doctor sedates him. "Bye... Ross..." he says as he drifts off to sleep.

Text Messages to Tomasu

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