Talk:Killing Dance/A Pound of Flesh

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Sometimes @Jarissa gets so stuck in her writing that she can't sleep until she accomplishes something, and a passable edit job can count toward that requrement. APoF has been in 3rd draft for more than half a year, waiting for its turn to get reworked for VirtueVerse posting. It is preceded by "Chimes" in the Infinity Inc continuity; it is followed by a month of tense days not currently worth an interesting tale, and then the explosive reintroduction of an early prototype into I.I. business.

Not a friendly reintroduction, either: Red Klaw, the first Alpha to survive the Hybrid Minion creation process, is back in town and making trouble wherever he can....

This villainous vignette was a collaborative work between myself and the player of the "Killing Dance" character. I'm hoping he will have a chance to start creating character pages very soon -- his talent for visual effect in costume design has always impressed me. --Jarissa 03:13, 19 October 2012 (CDT)

Cast of Characters

Characters appearing on-screen in this work include Hybrid Delta swordsman "the Killing Dance" and two corporate employees from the Behavioral Design division: Aron Cesari [spoiler](who, having wimped out of doing his job properly, will not be alive for long)[/spoiler] and Jun Soto.

Ahhh, Jun Soto. This was an almost completely random invention of an NPC character, unpowered, almost unremarkable, who took on a life of his own in very short order. One of Soto's defining characteristics is that he is never afraid of the Hybrids, not even when common sense would make it a reasonable idea. He is not a good man, make no mistake, but he is a competent man; and he is interested in the individual, not the emerging Hybrid society.

At any rate, many other characters are referenced though they do not appear. Some references include Brigid's Verse, Director of Behavioral Design L'Wanda Onyaemaechi, Hybrid Delta Series minion Kinba Kushi, and company owner Simon Arkangel.

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