Talk:Papa Lobo

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It's right there in his name, the trope this character was built around: "Papa Wolf." He will get his child back, and God help you if you get in his way. (Turns out he's got a soft spot for other people's kids too; some of the Warden and First/Night Ward arcs, like Aaron Walker and Clarity the crystal ball, really got to him. And then there's Katie Douglas, who's practically a stand-in at some points for his actual daughter.)

The primary inspiration was Liam Neeson as Bryan Mills in Taken, with maybe a bit of James, the PC's father, from Fallout 3; but it wasn't until I also started thinking of EJO's Bill Adama in the new Battlestar Galactica that the character, and his voice, finally clicked. I tried to work him into Praetoria's lore as much as I could, while still leaving him a relatively minor character in the overall scheme of things.

Lobo dinged 50 early in the morning of July 4, 2012 (off of xp from the "Un-Civil Society" badge). I could have done it at least a few hours before, on a PUG, but I wanted something more fitting.

-- Megajoule

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