Talpa Rex

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¡Voy a hacer ciencia a él!
Talpa Rex
Player: synthozoic
Origin: Science
Archetype: Dominator
Threat Level: 11
Personal Data
Real Name: Adolpho Kirchner Bilado
Known Aliases: El Topo, Topo, That Argentine Bastard!
Species: Human
Age: 50
Height: 1.47m
Weight: 57kg
Eye Color: Small black and piercing. Sensitive to bright light.
Hair Color: bald, black and gray.
Biographical Data
Nationality: Argentina
Occupation: Electrical Engineer, polymath, crackpot and evil genius.
Place of Birth: A small village outside Resistencia, Chaco Province
Base of Operations: Currently on the lam in the Rogue Isles.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Apparently none
Known Powers
Earth Control, Electricity Assault
Known Abilities
His gauntlets can project force fields that shape the earth and hugely accelerate crystal growth. As an auxiliary function they project large bolts of electricity.
His digging gauntlets, betavoltaic batteries, assorted artifacts of dark science!

(This is my take on the Fantastic Four's oldest villain, The Mole Man. With a little Yellow Submarine thrown in for good measure.)

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