Teen Hawk

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'Character Lockdown due to the player joining the military.

Theres a new hero on the block...
Teen Hawk
Player: @Artificial Intel
Origin: Science (Shown as magic in-game, if I recall)
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: ??
Personal Data
Real Name: Johnathan Calsonian
Known Aliases: Teen Hawk, Hawk Boy, Hawkeye, Deadshot
Species: Genetically enhanced human.
Age: 17 or 18.
Height: 5'9
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eye Color: Bright amber yellow.
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: British, American accent.
Occupation: New Hero
Place of Birth: Great Britain, knows little to nothing of his homeland. Like a good American.
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Archery, Energy Manipulation (Roleplayed as advanced martial arts).
Known Abilities
Matthew Switchback XT, carbon arrows tipped with dulled heads for a powerful knockout blow, and a single, three blade fixed arrow, for the inevitable day that he must permanently kill a villain.

The rise of a hero

It was a stormy night in Detroit, and Johnathan Calsonian was walking home from school, alone as usual, when he came across a woman being assaulted by two men. He stood there and watched, horrified by the scene, his conscience screaming for him to help her, but his body refusing to budge. The men have yet to notice, until the woman stared directly at John, her eyes pleading at him for help. The two men turned and stared at the young kid, one of them turning his gun to him.

"Get along runt, this ain't got nothin' to do with you."

John continued to stare at the man, watching him intently as his muscles coiled within his own body, a sense of justice coursing through his veins. He gazed down the alley, assessing his surroundings, looking to see what he could do. There were garbage cans, a fire escape, a dumpster... The normal things one would expect down an alley, including the potential rapists and victim. the man waved the gun at him threateningly, as if he was going to shoot the kid.

"Get on out o' here, brat! I'll kell ye if ya try anythin' stupid!"

Before the man could react, John jumped into action. He bolted down the alley, grabbing one of the garbage can lids as he sprinted at the man, lid raised as if to shield him. He slammed into the man with full force behind the 'shield', sending him flying down the alley way.


The second man raised his own gun, and fired three rounds at John. John barely felt them due to the adrenaline rush, but all three of them struck his chest, blood pouring from the wounds, him gasping for breath as he collapsed. He lied there on the ground, face first, his vision becoming blurry.

"Damn Bartley, you shot the twerp! This was a fuckin' mugging ya dipshit!"

"The kid hit ye with a fuckin' garbage can lid! He deserved it!"

"Damnit, were gonna get life now cause you kilt 'em! DAMNIT!"

The men ran away, leaving the battered woman and the dying kid in the alleyway. The woman crawled over to the kid, dialing on her cellphone for 911.

The flight of the Hawk

Somehow, he managed to keep awake, his memory fading in and out to show him being loaded into a blue and white ambulance.

Being carted into a medical facility.

Being strapped to a medical table, as several surgeons surrounded him, operating on the boy... Then they started injecting him with some weird chemical that felt like liquid fire in his veins... Then they started watching him, seemingly pleased by the surgeries success...

It was obvious to him that he was not within a hospital, still too weak from blood loss to respond. He passed out.

He woke up in a cell, no idea how many days have gone by... Only to find that his nails have grown to fine points, thicker than what they used to be. He felt... Lighter... Stronger...

((To be continued))

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