
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Teensy car.JPG
Player: @Belle
Origin: Tech
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Elsie Alcott
Known Aliases: Teensy, Teens, Els
Species: Human
Age: 22
Height: 4'
Weight: 90
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: U.S. Citizen
Occupation: Registered Hero
Place of Birth: U.S.A.
Base of Operations: Peregrine Island, Paragon City
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: see biography
Known Powers
Trick Arrow/Archery
Known Abilities
Primarily combat support, secondary smarting off...
Lots of Arrows
No additional information available.



Real Name: Elsie Anne Alcott

Known Aliases: Teensy

Identity: Public.

Occupation: Licensed Super-Hero

Known Relatives: Margaret Alcott(Mother), Dan Alcott(Father), Ellie Sanchez (sister, superhero alias Belle), Miguel Sanchez (brother-in-law, superhero alias Deathspider)

Affiliations: The Island of Misfit Heroes

In Game Profile

Elsie always wanted to be like her older sister, Ellie. When Ellie began defending under the name Belle, Elsie decided she would become a defender as well. Although no magical artifacts fell into her hands as they had her sister, Elsie paired with a scientist friend who helped her develop a series of trick arrows. Already small to begin with, Elise was shrunk down to tiny proportions durring a freak accident durring the testing phase of her arrows. She decided to continue on her quest to become a hero and adopted the name Teensy.


Teensy is super short, and super aware of it. She's always ready with a comeback to an insult and very much enjoys trading barbs with her teammates and fellow supergroup members. It's not a mission if she's not making fun of someone or something.

Teensy began her career trying to live up to her sister Belle. Over the years she's mimiced Belle's actions, even using similar costumeing colors. As her heroic career is matureing, Teensy also appears to be maturing. She recently upgraded to a costume that does not include gloves, a staple that her sister could not fight without, and has no smiliarities to any of Belle's colors. She is beginning to recognize that, although her powers are greatly different than her sister's, they're mighty in their own way.


Teensy is an archer, trick and normal arrows

Trick Arrow

Teensy has many arrows in her quiver, including an arrow that releases a cloud of poison gas, an arrow that discharges an electromagnetic pulse, and an arrow that lets loose an oil slick. She also hides from the EPA every time she uses these...


Teensy suppliments her trick arrows with more traditional arrows. Through practice she has learned to shoot arrows at an incredible range, shoot lit arrows, and shoot a handful of arrows at once. Most often she is seen executing a quick release "snap" shot.

Additional Powers

Teensy and her friend Grapnel as seen in the RWZ


Teensy is always looking for upgrades, including the piston boots that allow her to travel by jumping above the rooftops


Roleplayed by Teensy's bossy nature, she enhances her team with accuracy and damage buffs.

Nemesis Staff

This thing is bigger than Teensy, and no, we don't know where she keeps it. Probably in the same place as her bow and quiver.

Character History

Teens vs. Cannon Knight.

Teensy was rolled into existance around the release of the archery sets, and then languished at level 6 for about a year. Eventually she joined The Island of Misfit Heroes and climed the ranks to become one of their leaders. In her early career she was rarely seen in combat without the battle robot she commisioned, CLAW v4.4. Nowdays her robot is in desperate need of an upgrade and only accompanies her sometimes. She tends to get huffy when friends ask her where her sister is, although having reached security level 50, is no longer trying to catch up to Belle.


Teensy's costumes are all spin-offs of Belle's costumes. Orange and white; pink and grey; blue and black; and a supergroup uniform.

Teensy has been seen flirting with a certain villain in the RWZ. On occastion she goes out for a beer with him, although he has to buy because she's only 4 feet tall.

Teensy sometimes thinks she's a tank and runs into battle ahead of the pack. This is not always the best idea.

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