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Very much a work in progress, do not use! Will be available at Template:PriceBox when everything's complete and working right. Feedback is welcome if anyone happens to be watching, though; could especially use some advice on trimming and streamlining my divs, it's kind of a clusterfuck at this point to achieve the look I'm after. Currently making test boxes at User:AlwaysAPrice/PBTests. -- Price 23:55, 20 October 2010 (CDT)

The PriceBox is an infobox template created by User:AlwaysAPrice. In addition to several built-in chunks, it is meant to accept external "plug-in" templates that may be created to record different information than the included common information blocks.


Quick Start Instructions

To use the PriceBox, copy the following "cheat sheet" into the start of your character's article. Fill in all fields or only those you feel are important when summarizing the character. Unused fields will not appear in the final product. Comments in <!-- --> are for convenience and can be safely deleted. See below for complete explanations of all available fields.

<!-- Style Options. Delete them from the cheat sheet to use the Defaults -->
<!-- Defaults: Border=#9b9b9b MidBorder=#6f6f6f Background=#444444;
<!--   Text=#e8e8e8 Font=Red Circle -->
<!-- Shadows on by default, set Shadows=N to turn off.
<!-- ShadowColor defaults to black -->
<!-- Main Data Module.  Set MainData=Y to show. -->
<!-- If using Powers Module below, decide between the "Main" -->
<!-- options here and their counterparts there to avoid redundancy. -->
<!-- Image & Caption -->
<!-- Affiliations Module.  Set Affiliations=Y to show. -->
<!-- Replace with Affiliations2=Y to place at bottom. -->
<!-- Identity Module.  Set Identity=Y to show. -->
<!-- Physical Traits Module.  Set Physical=Y to show. -->
<!-- Powers Module.  Set Powers=Y to show. -->
<!-- Modular Templates (usually sub-templates of PriceBox) -->

Detailed Instructions

To come.

Hacks & Workarounds

|Border=black; width:310px; padding:1em 0

Custom Styling

If none of the incorporated Styles is quite to your liking but you still want to utilize the PriceBox for its information layout, you can tailor the CSS associated with each of the layers (Border, MidBorder and Background) by setting a Style of "Custom" and including the CSS properties you would like to change after specifying the color you intend to use for each. Leave off the final semi-colon if adding multiple properties.

You can also use this without specifying Style=Custom to define any additional CSS to tweak the default or optional styles, but you will not be able to override any properties already declared in the Style being modified.

Hero Icon Web.png Hero

Villain Icon Web.png Villain

Vigilante Icon Web.png Vigilante

Rogue Icon Web.png Rogue

Loyalist Icon Web.png Loyalist

Resistance Icon Web.png Resistance

Custom Alignment Icon

I made the Alignment Icon user-friendly in that it fills in the alignment you supply into a call to "Image:Alignment Icon Web.png" and shows the resulting image (if you include an Alignment). For example, entering "Vigilante" in the template when adding it to your page will display the cracked badge icon that can be found at Image:Vigilante Icon Web.png.

Aside from making the display of the icon easier for the template user, this set-up also means it's very easy to incorporate your own custom logo either for the character or the group it's in to take the place of the alignment icon altogether.

Just upload your image as Image:UrCustomName Icon Web.png. Ideally, the image should be square, since it will be displayed at 48 x 48 pixels and if you're including your level in the provided field, it is set up to appear over a 48 x 48 pixel image. That said, you can use an image of any dimensions and VirtueVerse will size it to a 48px width, just be aware that it may bork the rest of the layout if it's out-sized.

You can also use an existing image by creating a redirect with that naming scheme that points to the existing image. When the PriceBox tries to access the image page you redirected, it will display the image at the other end of the redirect.

Then to use it, just put whatever you used as "UrCustomName in the filename in the Alignment field of the template, and it should appear in the PriceBox.

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