Terra Ad Astra

From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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"Terra Ad Astra" is Portal Corporation's designation for an alternate universe.

In Terra Ad Astra, humans were taken from Earth in antiquity by more advanced species with corporate interests. Human beings, or "Terrans" as they came to be known, are used as easily-replaceable slave labor.
Compared to other candidate species these interstellar mega-corporations had exploited for this purpose, Terrans have relatively high reproductive rates and meager living requirements.

After languishing in slavery for thousands of generations, Terrans would spread across populated space, and even beyond it, laboring in mines on derelict worlds or serving as disposable soldiers in Corporate
military operations. In spite of becoming almost indispensable to their masters, the species as a whole has been unable to rise to any appreciable level of status or respect in Corporate space.

(( WIP ))

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