The Armored Pinnacle

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The Armored Pinnacle
· Natural/Magic Defender ·
Psychic Blast
Player: @Wiccan Lullaby
Real Name
Samantha Jiles/Ylondriel
Talos Island
Third Seat on Right Hand of God/Guardian Angel
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Pyora the Fallen
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Unknown - Appears mid twenties.
102 lbs
Body Type
White with a hint of a tan.
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Healing, Empath, Telepathy, Demonic and Divine Aura Sensing, Cleansing, Abolishing of Sins.
· Equipment ·
Sword/Bow and Arrow


The History of Sam

The woman before you is no mere woman at all. Her piercing hazel gaze will burn through you as if you are facing her judgement. Her fiery red hair hangs in wild waves down the white clothing she adorns herself in. There is more than magic about her, there is more than anything this world offers. Her aura is that of divinity and angelic essence. Samantha Jiles grew up to the age of 19 thinking she was just a normal girl with a few metahuman capabilities. Such capabilities are as stated: She could heal wounds with the touch of a hand, and pass over a great feeling of happiness and warmth where ever she went, and feel what others feel if she wanted. But when her calling from Heaven was recieved upon her open heart and ears, the angel Ylondriel was awoken within her and they became one. Through many trials and tribulations she has found herself upon the Third Seat at the Right Hand of God. She reveres the Father in the highest standards and his will becomes her's. Before taking this seat of power next to His throne, her freewill remained in tact. Now that is no longer, she only can obey his command without any question, and is very proud to do so. She is a fierce angel in battle, donning a sword and bow and arrow.


Samantha has always been known to be kind and always go out of her ways to help others. She has always possessed a heart bigger than the world and was never afraid to show her emotions and empathy of others. She loved her heavenly Father dearly, and loved all those around her, whether they served Him or not. She always held a smile upon her face and an endearing grace to her demeanor. Though recently due to Sam's ascension to the Third Seat of the Right Hand of God, she was stripped of all her free will and basic grasp of humanity. Now she has become a shadow of the soft and gentle person she once was. Her voice low, gritty, and a little on the sultry side always holds serious and dark undertones. She goes to any extreme necessary to banish any evil the Father see's fit, whether she wants to or not. Her words are often literal down to the very last detail, her understanding of mankind's ways has long left her clueless about much of human nature. There are only three things she is still completely aware of: Her love for her soulmate Camille, her love for her Fallen sister Pyora, and her obedience to God in the name of the greater good.

Physical Description

The long flowing waves of fiery red hair hand down and over a slender back and small shoulders. Samantha is petite and feminine to the very core. Hazel orbs will stare at you as if searching within the very depths of your soul and heart. She is always wearing whites or gray colors, never daring something bolder. Her skin is like milky white porcelain with a mere hint of sun exposure; just enough to accentuate her natural hued pink lips. Sam hardly wears make-up, as her beauty surpasses any need for cosmetic coverups.
The wings that rest upon her back are only visible to the human eye by her shadow cast behind her, unless she chooses to show her true divine form. This form can be very overwhelming to most humans and metahumans alike as it comes from the highest point of Heaven one can reach. She rarely shows her true form.

Costume 1: Ylondriel - 1st Angelic form, Armored.

Costume 2: Samantha/Ylondriel - Ascencion Uniform - No visible Wings.

Costume 3: Ylondriel - 2nd Angelic form, Armored.

Costume 4: Samantha/Ylondriel - Casual wear. No visible wings.


  • Refers to herself as Ylondriel in battle.*
  • Introduces herself as Samantha or Sam in public*
  • Currently in a rocky relationship*
  • She is a loving soul, compassionate caregiver, a true friend.*
  • She is the quiet before the storm.*
  • She is peace.*
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