The Dusk Prophet

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"Goodnight, Genetlmen."
The Dusk Prophet
Player: @Undique
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 9
Personal Data
Real Name: Matthew Krae
Known Aliases: "The Midnight Picket" (Younger Years)
Species: Human
Age: 34
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 173lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: College Professor
Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Father Colton Krae
Known Powers
Mental connection to the Netherworld, that allows him to manifest things from that plane to this one. Able to also manifest his own body into the Netherworld and bring it back anywhere in this plane, by means of Teleportation. The link also allows him to glimpses into the past and future by Postcognition and Precognition.
Known Abilities
Holds a Doctorate of Philosophy, and teaches Latin as a Professor at the near by Colledge. Trained as a martial artists.

Matthew Krae; (September 13th, 1973) - (Present)

The Dusk Prophet is masked hero in Paragon City, USA. He has a indepth mental connection to the Netherworld of Reality, that allows him an array of metahuman ablities. He uses these powers to help keep safe the citizens of Paragon City, while trying to ground himself in his new ways, and put right the wrong things he had taken into before the mask. He is known around the city by his large, brimmed, duster hat, and dark long coat.


Early Life

Matthew Krae was born unto and raised by a "Fire and Brimstone" Christian Preacher of a father, Colton Krae, and child physiologist mother, Carolin Krae, in Seattle, Washington, on September 13th, 1973. He attended church with his father, over the most of his childhood, and his earliest admirations where to follow his father in his footsteps in 'Service of the Lord.' As Matthew grew older, into his early teen years, he began to experiment with alcohol and pre-martial sex, along with the number of his peers. It had began to drive a plit between him and his father, that eventually led to Matthew closing his Bible, and began taking into philosophy.

When he graduated his class of 1991, he began attendance at Seattle University, where he later recieved a Doctorate of Philosophy. It was here that he began his life as a 'mask', which shortly ended soon after, not to be taken up again untill years later, in Paragon City.

Time spent as "The Midnight Picket"

Matthew Krae first began to manifest his powers five months before his mother was diagnosed, though he has finally convinced himself that the two are not connected, after many years.

It was not a great traumatic event that manifested his abilities, but a searching for self. When he began to take into Philosophy, as a child, he never thought that it would open to his awarness his latent mutant abilities. After a long time spent in secrecy, learning and trying to understand what it is he was capable of, he decided that he should follow in the footsteps of the 'masks' that he'd seen on the television and read of in the paper, under the psuedoname of "The Midnight Picket".

Though, after eight months of heroing, he eventually gave up on the 'masked business' to focus on his school, now attending Seattle University, and to help out around the house with his mother growing sicker each day.

Early Adulthood

His mother was diagnosed with cancer soon into his college career, and finally died soon after he graduated from Seattle University with his PhD, in the year of 1995. Her death drove the final strike down on the already present crumbling relationship between he and his father. Matthew moved out of the family house a couple months into their mourning, and he and his father have not spoken since.

He spent the next couple years working jobs, and living in an apartment on the outskirts of Seattle. It was in this time that he began to drink again. He eventually began school a second time, in 1997, and graduated 1999, with a Teaching Degree, and Teaching Liscense. Due to his drinking, he did not graduate as high in his class as he previously had in Hich School and while attending College, but he did not allow it obstruct his graduating.

He began dating a women from his class, and the relationship lasted past when both had finished schooling. He began teaching at the elementary school not far from his apartment, and she moved into live with him there. They stayed together for many years, though it was increasingly strained as his alcoholism got worse, untill he finally proposed to marry her, though she declined, in light of his having prophisized she would say yes with his precognition. With his drinking, she refused to wed him, and when he was unable to quite, she left. Ultimatley, his failed Premonision and her leaving led him to believe his powers where escaping him by his drinking. He moved to Paragon City soon after, in 2004.


Professor Krae has taken a job teaching Latin at the college in Paragon City, having learned the language while attending Seattle University. Confronting himself about his alcoholism, and his standing idely by and not participating in the help of the city during either Rikti invasions, he has decided to take back up the 'mask', this time as "The Dusk Prophet." He keeps his identity a secret, and still holds his position at the college teaching Latin.


The Dusk Prophet had worked on his own, while in Seattle, until he later gave up the mask. Now, living in Paragon City, he has teamed with the Gods of the Golden Age and their coalition to help defend the city, and the people within it.


Matthew Krae is kind, but very quiet with a gentle voice. He is a keen observer, and often watches the conversations instead of taking a part in it. He usually holds a shy smile while talking directly with anyone, as an offering of good sentiment.

When he wears the mask, Professor Krae will talk a bit more, but tries to keep in line with the impression he tries to derive off of his costume and abilities. He uses phrases and dialogue tones he picks up watching old Film Noir, and the Pulp Magazines of old.



Matthew Krae has a great amount of accuracy within Postcognition; "[T]he paranormal transference of information about an event or object in the past by means that are unknown to current science." For this, he reads the information that the past has left on the Netherworld; like an influence that it has on our own plane of reality, open to him as a book from the Netherworld.


He is also able to take influence in the same form about things soon to come, by Precognition; "[A] form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person is said to perceive information about places or events through paranormal means before they happen." Though, this is only the influence that is apparent to build up by the things written to the past, and is possible to be changed if a large event unfolds that is unseen by this.


Matthew Krae is an experienced martial artist, although the only form of formal training he had when he was younger, in a calss during his High School attendance. Professor Krae holds a Doctorate of Philosophy, and a Teaching Degree. He was offered, and took up, a job teaches Latin as a Professor at the near by College in Paragon City.

Weaknesses and Limitations

When his mother died, and under the pressure of the schooling he was going to, he took up dirnking. Something that no one else knows, and he keeps a secret. He never dropped out of school, and graduated in the top twenty of his class, but it has held a great impact on his life outside of his profession. He tries not to let it get in the way when he is under the mask, or his job lecturing at the College, but he fears it may come up sooner or later. A part of the reason to his taking up the mask a second time is to try and help himself out of his alcoholism.

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