The Dutch Destroyer

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DD Stands.jpg
DD in Atlas Park
The Dutch Destroyer.
Player: @Aprion.
Origin: Technology.
Archetype: Tanker.
Security Level: 35.
Personal Data
Real Name: Alex Winter.
Known Aliases: The Dutch Destroyer. DD <for friends>
Species: Enhanced Human.
Age: 22.
Height: 6.7 Feet.
Weight: 121 Kilogram.
Eye Color: Brown.
Hair Color: Brown. Dyed Orange
Biographical Data
Nationality: Dutch.
Occupation: Fulltime Hero.
Place of Birth: The Dutch city of Leiden
Base of Operations: Currently Paragon City. Atlas Park Sector.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: Parents. Two Sisters.
Known Powers
Superhuman Strength. Nigh Invulnerable Body.
Known Abilities
See Below
The Dutch Destroyer wears a costume that displays the colours of the Dutch national flag. And his cape displays the colour of the Royal Family.
Themesong: Dare by Stan Bush.

Its a sad thing, we Dutch don't really have any heroes. Let alone Super Heroes. So making a hero to represent my home country seemed like a good idea.


Personal History

Alex Winter grew up an ordinairy young man. His childhood being largely uneventfull. He finished school with average grades then went on to study Art at the local university. Everything changed during the first Rikti invasion however.

He was driving his parents home when all of a sudden the sky was filled with Rikti ships and drones. The civilian population was a sitting duck with no way to defend themselves. Militairy forces were quickly annihilated and the few heroes that existed could do little but try and stay alive. During the first wave of attacks the car Alex was driving got clipped by an energy beam from a Rikti drone and was send spinning out of controll before crashing into a nearby wall. His parents got off with minor scrapes and bruises. But Alex spine was broken in three places and his left leg was shattered. Only the timely intervention of the hero Generator Gall saved his life. Alex lived but was bound to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Or so it seemed.

After the war, medical science took a great leap forward thanks to the study of captured Rikti technology. And when Alex heard that the doctors needed a volunteer for an experimental treatment that could possibly restore his mobility he immediately said yes. The medical scientists had developed a new, ultra efficient self replicating nanite. This nanite could repair damage to the human body on a microscopic level and also work to reinfocre tissues. Alex received several injections of the nanites. They worked well. To well in fact.

The nanites were successfull in repairing the damage to his spinal column and the regeneration of his leg muscles. But they didn't stop there. They didn't stop at all. They were designed to strenghten existing cell structures and build up atrophied muscle. But the doctors never told them to difference between that and healthy muscles. And so the nanites kept building up and reinforcing Alex skelletal structure and muscle mass. The results were incredible. Not only did they restore Alex to full mobility, but the alterations to his physique granted him superhuman strength. As well as incredible resistance to physical injury. When the doctors wanted to take a bloodsample, their needles failed to penetrate Alex skin. Wich had become almost as hard as steel whilst retaining its normal flexibillity.

Realising the incredible gift he had been given Alex decided to use his newfound powers for the greater good and the protection of those important to him. And so he set out to become the greatest hero the Netherlands have ever had. Were evil would threaten the innocent he would be there to intervene. Were darkness takes root he would be there to wipe it away. Alex Winter became, the Dutch Destroyer.

With the recent return of the Rikti, the Dutch Destroyer has come to Paragon City to assist in the constant struggle against the invaders. Leaving the defence of his home country in the hands of his friends and fellow heroes.


Overall DD is an easygoing guy who enjoys a nice chat and a good laugh. Sometimes he can be very silly. Though he does tend to carry long grudges against anyone who wrongs him. He can also have quite a temper, though he usually manages to keep it in check. He cares deeply for those that have earned his respect and friendship, and will go through great lenghts to help and support them.

The Destroyer and The Defender

The Dutch Destroyer often works together with his crime fighting companion known as The Dutch Defender. They have quite the history together. It began early in life during elementary school. Alex was ten years old when he met seven year old Amber Maas. A headstrong little girl and practitioner of martial arts. She was quite skilled even at her young age. Over time these two developed a close friendship wich has lasted to this day. He supported her after her father died in a plane crash. It was only after they learned that the crash had been the work of a terrorist group that Amber became even more driven to perfect her martial art techniques. Alex never had much interrest in martial arts, though he did pick up a few hand to hand combat techniques from Amber. They briefly lost contact with eachother when alex went off to study art at the university, but they soon hooked up again. Wich was just before the first Rikti invasion.

After Alex near fatal car crash wich left him in a wheelchair it was Amber that stayed at his side to support him through the long months of rehabillitation. When the medical nanites turned the broken Alex into the indestructable Dutch Destroyer it was Amber who supported his choice to become a costumed crimefighter. Even if his parents felt reluctant about their son putting himself in danger like that. During the course of less than a year, Alex incredible power and sense of compassion made him the number one hero of the Netherlands. Amber, who felt a strong desire to protect others aproached Alex one evening and asked him if he might like a crimefighting partner. Though concearned for her safety, Alex had learned not to argue with the headstrong young woman. He smiled and accepted her offer. Thus Amber Maas became the Dutch Defender. Together the two of them cleaned up the last remnants of the Rikti invaders from their home country. It was during those days of cleaning up destroyed Rikti battleships that Amber was exposed to the mutagenic radiation of a Rikti powercore wich granted her superhuman regenerative abillities. Now able to fully keep up with the nigh invulnerable Alex, the two of them went on to become the most iconic heroes the Netherlands have ever seen.

When the Rikti returned Alex decided to go to paragon City in America and assist the remnants of Vanguard in ridding the world of the Alien threat once and for all. Naturally, Amber followed him. And the two of them have been fighting to protect their adopted home ever since. Whatever the future may hold, the Destroyer and the Defender will face it together.


Powers and Abilities

The self replicating medical nanites that gave Alex his powers still continue to reinforce his body. Thus pushing the limits of his powers further and further. At his current level of power Alex is able to easily lift a schoolbus, can punch through a concrete wall, and bend steel girders with his bare hands. His skin is tougher than Iridium reinforced Titanium armor plates. Yet it remains as fexible as that of an ordinairy human being. His incredible muscle strength also allows Alex to leap several hundred yards through the air. Because the nanites replicate themselves by extracting materials from the nutrients in his food, he has a somewhat accelerated metabolism. The nanites are also able to neutralise toxins and viral agents.

Recently, After being jolted by a clockwork construct Alex gained a new ability. When he places his hand on a computer or likewise advanced piece of electronics his nanites can make wireless contact with whatever device he is touching. And in doing so manipulate data with his thoughts. this allows him to open security locks on doors, call up computer files and more. However this ability requires a tremendous amount of concentration. The bio electric feedback of the nanites is also what causes his eyes to glow with a brilliant orange light. He is able to suppress this effect through sheer willpower. But it likewise requires a lot of focus.


The only real vulnerability of the Dutch Destroyer is his mind. While his body may be impervious to almost any attack his mind remains unaltered and thus vulnerable to psionic attacks.

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