The Pandora Twins

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((Yes there will be more! I swear!))


Alastrina (Allie) Beatrix Pandora

Azure Cicely Pandora

Life with trailing cameras

((More comin' Soon!))

Caraline and the rest of her band the "Elements of Rock" were a famous rock group, she being the lead singer let fame come into play. The paparazzi was always near-by. Mostly following her in Paragon City than Detriot. When she married Gregory, almost the whole guests were the press. As time flew by... Alastrina and Azure came along. Caraline was out of the public eye before they came for months! No wonder! The press was everywhere, when the Twins got older, the worse it got. More camera's came, they started to point fingers at them for what they did, wore, even what they said! When they found out about Alastrina and Azure being parted, they stayed inside of the house as much as they could. There even were some cameras standing right infront of their door-step. The Pandora Twins were trapped in a hell-like room, where everyone is watching you, and no one says exactally what you said, or they make a lie, make a big deal about something that wasn't very important. When Caraline and Gregory died, the cameras... seemed as if they had dissapeared. Although they didn't, at least, no literarly. The paparazzi turned their direction on someone else. When Alastrina and Azure finally had the cameras off of them, but now they are seperated by many blue waters. It seemed if the cameras only looked when they were together. No one payed attention to the Pandora's since Oct 4, 2002. No paper in the whole world posted anything about Caraline and Gregory's killing. The kids at school, started to like Alastrina, since wasn't she is not known as a rocker's daughter. At that time, she was Alastrina Pandora, a school-wide track star, running faster than everyone else. Alastrina Pandora was know as one of the smartest kids in school, in math, science, and writing. Poor Azure was known as the most aimed gunner of all punks on the street. Maybe the best for a stragler. She was known as Indigo Bandit to those in Rouge Ilse. The cameras have been showing a little bit of attention to Alastrina now since she is known to be a hero in Steel Canyon... but not a lot, just a little. When the raid of Circle of Thorns attack Talos High and Alastrina, they mentioned only her friends names, not hers, since she was taken into a Longbow Base instead of a hospital. They already had an Idea that she was going to be... different, when she wakes up in the medical bed.

Oct 4, 2002

It was that day where the fog marched on the lands, and the cool mist was dense. The indentical twins, Alastrina and Azure, would be parted for a year or 2. Sobbing massivly the twins held each other tight, singing the songs they sung best together.

"We'll be soaked" Azure started.

"When Rody comes." Alastrina continued

"Rows of pearly dew-drops drop's."

"Tis the lucky lucky penny penny penny." They sung syncronized. They had made a mix of different songs they both loved. They had been practicing like they were a band, or professional singers. When they found out they would be seperated for this long of a time, devestation took place. Their tears soaked each others clothes.

"If your cold, I'll keep you warm." Azure started again.

"If your lost, just hold on." Allie followed

"Cause I will be your safety. Oh don't leave home. Cause I will be your safety. And I will be your safety. And I will be your safety. Oh don't leave home." They sung together, hopeing Caraline and Gregory (their parents) would change thier minds. Caraline being drunk, she had completely forgotten their golden friendship, and they being indentical twins.

"When tyrannts tremble in their fear."Allie begun to sing.

"and hear their death knell ringing." Azure added. Eyes starting to flush out cries of sadness. Same with Alastrina.

"When frinds rejoice"

"Both far and near"

"How we keep from singing?" They both sung

"In prison cell and dungeon vile."

"Our thoughts of them are winging."

"When friends by shame are undefiled."

"How can we keep from singing?" After that note was tears, more tears than ever. They thought it shouldn't be long. Maybe their parent would think that it was time for Azure to go back to school, and see Allie again. Ofcourse, it ended nothing like that. Caraline and Gregory Pandora were murderd. The press never heard of it.

Was this planned?

Some say that Caraline was loosing her fame when the twins came along, but really didn't...

"Honey, look at these, they are so... you know... unnessary..."

"I know Caraline, I hope or kids can stay out of it..."

"Yes, that is when they grow up..."

"Hon- what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I didn't change my last name to Pandora so I can just forget about my family... I wanted to have the world who the Pandora's are, not some rockstar that decided to change her last name..."

"No, Alastrina and Azure don't need, and probably won't want to be watched by photographers on their spare time... It would be better, less stressful, less depressing if they stay away from the paparazzi."

"Maybe there is another way to get the Pandora's name known... you had a Hero decent no?"

"Yes I did Caraline... are you Drunk again? We made a promise remember?"

"I haven't touched any beer, wine, champaine, nothing since we found out that we were going to be parents."

"Well what are you talking about? What about my parents being heroes to Rouge Ilse?"

"Maybe they should be like our parents, heroes."

"Oh Caraline, please. They are bound to sing together, make their own band together. They're indentical twins! They are like one person in two forms!"

"Ya, you think?... I still don't think that will be enough..."

"Caraline! Can leave this consersation for another 10 years? They aren't even 1 month old yet!"

"Shh... Gregory, you'll wake Allie and Azure up..." Caraline and Gregory stepped out of the kitchen into a small bedroom, with a craddle contianing 2, small new-borns. They begun to wiggle a bit as they got closer.

"Shh... go back asleep you two... it's very late, Mommy and I are going to bed soon too... go on, shut your pretty little eyes." Caraline began singing the useful lulabye that would calm them down to the point it would be almost impossible to wake them up again. After the last verse, they creept away silently, and went to bed.

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