The Skull Society

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The Skull Society is a VG, a guild and forum brought over to City of Villains from the AOL-RP Community with over Eight years of activity and RolePlay.

It is lead by Zulrak Var'oun and is established with the "Four Flag Standard." Meaning that not a single person within the group holds ultimate power over it's actions and choices. Holding three "Archeons" or council seats given to trustworthy allies to help guide the Society to it's best extents.

The Skull Society, reffered to as TSS is still generally new within CoX.

Server: Virtue

Alignment: Neutral

Brief History and Explination:

In the third age of Kalim, Winter of Nore, All had been peaceful within the country like landscape of Keld. Foliage flush and grown over expected measures to grace the surrounding areas with their earthy presence. The sun shining down upon the multitude of forest like trees, fields of wheat and rye. It's people, wandering about their lives as they so normally had done before. Markets, blacksmiths, masons and other trade owners working their afternoon away. Families, children, fathers, mothers and others searching through the stalls for what they sought.

The Country of Keld hadn't been much like any other surrounding province. A civilization born from myth and legend, protected by unseen forces believed to be the power of gods. When the earth had shaken, it's splintering cracks surrounded the city as a bowl. When thunderous winds threatened the calming landscape, it blew about the city like a parting of the seas. It's marble walled buildings, and multitude of lives protected from natures fury. Only the warming embrace of the favorable sun from above, a spring shower and winters gentle feather down of snow entered it's domain.

The city had been rumored under the watchful eye of the Winglie's, a magical race once thought to have lived within the cities very spot upon this world. A race of magical beings who wielded natures might at will to both defend their homes, and for more so offensive means. The winglie's had eventually met an end though. Their egos and feeling of self importance had gotten the better of them. The winglie's soon sought after further power, capturing the roaming gods which kept balance within this world, locking them away as to not be challenged by their strength.

With the captured gods under lock and chain, the Winglie's soon turned eye to a less then powerful race. The Humans. These humans were soon captured as well, rounded up within cage and sinew, forced to serve as slaves to the beings which thought themselves rulers of our world. All believed to be fiction, stories, fables and tales weaved. The Winglie's taught to the younger years as a sort of "Boogy Man" to misbehaved children. Very few cared for the truth after so many years had passed, a truth which still held some fact, over fiction.

The bustling city of Keld soon had been shaken. The earth quivered, trembled and shook beneath the gem embedded streets. It's people looked fourth in awe, no natural disaster had ever breached it's walls. A blanket of eyes stared, still and surveillant as the cities citizens witnessed a disturbing sight. From over city wall, a large, bumbling mass of flesh and earth rose to present itself.

A Gor'esh. The fabled protectors of the Winglie's, a guardian to bloods of royal line. Panic ensued, the beast lingered, it's roars of unforeseen fury thundered across the swept planes of Keld. It's massive body worked effortlessly, crumbling the wall in which kept it from it's would be meal or retribution. It's single, off-set right eye set aglow, brimming with an eerily unpleasant red light. A sudden eruption of flame bursting fourth, towering and arcing down upon the city. Striking it's marveled structures like a strike of heated lightening.

The balance had been disrupted. Someone, or something had stumbled across an ancient secret which had been kept from the sights and prying, greedy hands of man kind. One which locked away and kept the horrors of the planets first years, hidden and unable to wreak havoc upon the more peaceful races.

The Winglie's lost and enraged guardian ripped, tore through stone and steel with ease. Rending any who happened to be within it's wake to death. The Gor'esh's eyes fixated upon the capital of Keld, the higher chambers, castle like walls which harbored generals, council and king as well as queen. The sky above darkened, grasped within clouded cover as thunder and lightening roared in the distance, as if mother nature herself had been enraged by this turn of events.

From all points of the landscape, brightened lights of unknown origin soon came into sight. From above, piercing through the raging clouds of storm within that sky, shun a brightened, energetic royal purple, absorbing the arcs of electricity which crossed it's path. From the east, a brightened, white light of purity. It's presence cleansing disruption in it's wake. Burned and charred life of all kinds flourishing, blooming. The clouds above, once darkened now released their fury, milky white and dissipated as it had passed.

From the west, came a bright, shimmering light of brilliant sapphire blue. It's speed of travel causing the oceanic waves in which it traveled over to curve, forming about it's form in comforting circumference. The sheer sight of it's form, seemingly releasing small diamond or crystal like flakes and shards within it's quickened wake.

From the south, a golden, comforting brown light began to shimmer, it's form barely noticed through the cracks within soil, peering fourth in brightened glamour as it tunneled furiously toward it's destination. The earthy soil itself seemingly making way, parting in acceptance of this lights presence before it had even reached.

Another light, one which hadn't been approaching from some far off distance, began to form there within the city walls. One of tremendous heat, a flame fit for that of the fabled bird of fire. It's brightened lustrous presence sprang fourth from the burning city beneath it's attacker. Arcing, jolting upward in a screeching burst of warmed energy and fire.

From these living beams of precious light came fourth the protectors. The fabled guardians of man kind, the beings which within one single night, dubbed the "Dragon Campaign" had disrupted and broken the Winglie's hold upon the other races. Banishing them from their steep of power and releasing the natural gods in which they had captured.

Their armor, brightened and inlaid with the finest of gems, stones and precious metals. Weapons of pure force, a whip of crackling lightening, bow and arrow of pure light, a massive hammer of solid obsidian, a great axe seemingly birthed from crystalline ice, and a spear of righteous fire. The most noticeable attribute, however had been their angelic like wings. Appendages created and formed from the very essence and elements in which they commanded. A wide wingspan of wreathed flame shot fourth.

The guardian of flame. The representation of passion, rage, leadership, fervor, love and hate. Just one of these beings known in ancient times and mythical lore as, the Doul'jin. Protectors of the balance, guardians of right and wrong. Sworn to uphold the secrets in which they kept, and prevent the world from falling into chaos.

The battle had been a quick one. The Doul'jin relentlessly dispatching the fouled beast from the city of Keld within a matter of mere minutes. The beings of light quickly chaining it, locking it down within prison and hauled away to unknown corners of our world so it may never be seen again. But the Doul'jin had been too late. The once bustling city of keld now laid in ruins. Few survivors in comparison to the thousands who once lived within peaceful walls.

A single guardian had remained behind. Witnessing the awful struggle of those who managed to escape deaths embrace. The guardian of flame and retribution. Zulrak Var'oun.

Zulrak had purposed and offer to the survivors of Keld. Unit beneath his banner, aid in the recovery of their lost city and they will have the protection in which they need. Though the city of Keld could not be constructed once more, it's walls must never be rebuilt in order to protect a secret of dire. It's people agreed. Forming beneath the name of "The Skull Society" in remembrance of the losses in which they suffered that day.

The lone Doul'jin, Zulrak Var'oun now lead a band of brothers and sisters. Trained to the extents of combat, children raised and birthed into this world with unique ideals of individuality and solitary strength. The Society, formed to help uphold the balance of the world as the Doul'jin so often did. If a single power, like that of the Gor'esh which destroyed their homes, was to act out of place, it would be the Society which took care of the shifting balance by any means necessary.

The Skull Society earning it's reputation quickly, growing within numbers as those of council seating brought in trustworthy and loyal enlistee's. Zulrak sat back, waiting, watching and guiding those who were once lost, find a better home within themselves and their brothers, then they ever had before. A life of purpose.

The Society's reach had all but dominated the vast and inglorious landscape of Rhy'din. It's words, listened to carefully. It's strength, legendary. It's wisdom infinite. Despite this perfect civilization being formed, a disruption soon came to presence. That of the isles and paragon.

These two portions of the earth, constantly in turmoil. Fighting, warring and wielding power over the lesser beings within their domains without regard or thought of outcome. Greed, jealousy, envy and pride all vibrant within the citizens which inhabited these plots.

In order to restore balance, in order to prevent an unravel of power, the Society was called to act.

The Skull Society has traveled through both time and space. It's presence growing within the isles, until it's strength is peeked for it to strangle the powers which deemed themselves worthy to ruin the lives of so many others.

A new land to guide, a new power arises to challenge.

Both Lord Recluse and that of Statesman targets.

The eyes of the Skull have settled upon them both.

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