Three Lions

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Three Lions US.jpg
"The Noble Art of Boxing..."
Three Lions
Player: @Purple Turkey
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Brute / Scrapper
Security Level: ...
Personal Data
Real Name: Montague Jordan
Known Aliases: N/A
Species: Human
Age: 30+
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 16st
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: English
Occupation: Rich Aristocracy
Place of Birth: NK
Base of Operations: London
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Father and Sister
Known Powers
Magicks both shadowy and bright, combined with personal training and skills in pugilism and physical athleticism.
Known Abilities
Sartorial wit and dress sense, mechanical engineering, motor racing
Ghostly Boxing Gloves and Arcane Boxing Belt.
Footnotes: Known to associate with other British Heroes.

The name Three Lions refers to the Coat of Arms of England, and this Hero is an official/endorsed Hero of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and of England, on detached duty/liaison to the United States.


Three Lions on patrol in Kings Row (Archive Photo)
The Hero known as Three Lions came to the United States some years ago as part of an arranged exchange programme between American and European Heroes. A small team of pan-European heroes were seen on patrol in the (relatively) safer districts of Paragon City. This arrangement did not last for long, and only one archive image remains that depicted Three Lions at that time <see left>. Not long after this picture was taken, the European Heroes seemed to disband. It was reported that Three Lions did not return to the United Kingdom and instead remained in a low-key (almost non-existent) training and liaison role in the United States, often working behind the scenes with Longbow. With the current state of emergency and the events in Galaxy City, Three Lions has again been seen on the front line, back-filling for more senior and home-grown Heroes on the streets of Atlas and King's Row. Due to the disconnect between the previous appearance of this Hero and the current activities, there is some speculation as to whether this really is the same person as once roamed the streets of Paragon, or whether another English Hero has taken on the mantle.

Coat of Arms of the House of Jordan
Not a great deal is known about the Hero, Three Lions; his past is shrouded in some confusion. His real identity is a loosely-kept secret at best as official files and media reports both name him as one Montague Jordan, a member of a minor English aristocratic house with family links throughout Western Europe. However, open sources ascribe a number of linkages between this House of Jordan and various other organisations and historical (even mythical) events. In particular, the Jordan family are believed to be directly descended from powerful members of the The Order of the Knights Templar that once held estates and positions of powers in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. Those links then refer back into history and hint at close relationships with legendary European nobility, such as King Arthur of Camelot, and with a wide variety of Western European medieval myths and legends.

However, the name Montague Jordan also appears in newspaper reports from the 1920s in the Eastern United States in association with members of The Gentleman's Hunting Club (GHC). The description of an individual from that group is similar to Three Lions. The GHC are now a small, select Super Hero group that sometimes operates out of Paragon City but at that time they were a secretive group of vigilantes who engaged in a brutal war with both national and international terrorists engaged in magical occultist activities. The Montague Jordan of the 1920s was often mentioned alongside the more newsworthy and infamous crimes and atrocities committed by the historical GHC or their evil opponents.

Coat of Arms of the OCU
Furthermore, Montague's father is believed to be the rather infamous global industrialist and corporate mogul, Sir Malcolm Jordan. Media speculation frequently questions Sir Malcolm's real identity, or potential secret identities, as this man is clearly either immortal or unnaturally long-lived (with a recorded adult life reaching back into the 19th Century). Furthermore, his sprawling business interests and opulent lifestyle, and his personal charisma and magnetism, both hint at powers and abilities akin to a Super Hero (or Villain). It is public knowledge that Sir Malcolm is one of the leaders of the Order of Gratuitous Undertakers - a shadowy organisation who's public-facing works of charity and benevolence do little to hide their checkered histories and nefarious position behind the scene in British politics.


The term "English Aristocracy" pretty much defines much of Montague's public personality. There are good manners, honour, and a stiff upper lip. With these, and the occasional cup of tea, there is nothing a man might not achieve.

Those who know him more personally see signs of a darker, more dangerous and brooding personality.


The powers of this Hero are tied to the concept of the sport of boxing. The costume, equipment and style of combat are related to boxing. However, if is possible/probable that the primary source of these powers is arcane - and dark - in nature and they might exist outside the boxing paradigm. There is even a suggestion that the boxing theme is either a deceptive screen for the dark powers that are being used or merely an artifact of the official persona (i.e. with the official Three Lions England Super Hero mantle comes the wholesome boxing facade, but the underlying powers are less savoury in origin).

It is understood that Three Lions wields:

Personal tools

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