From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
Born a century ago and preserved by potent magics, Alastair Cromwell has already outlived his beloved wife and scores of other heroes.
Decades after he began, the Old Man continues to take up the Sceptre of Kings to mete out justice and protect the helpless as…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ipsum odio, blandit nec laoreet pretium, mollis porta lectus. Phasellus pretium ornare massa dignissim rutrum. Sed vel aorci lacus. Integer volutpat sem at nunc rhoncus accumsan. Aliquam a nulla non lectus rutrum scelerisque non sed arcu. Pellentesque placerat tincidunt massa non tristique. Donec purus libero, vehicula vel adipiscing eget, dictum eu odio. Nullam commodo quam eget velit faucibus euismod. Proin eu dolor libero. Nullam lacinia massa vitae neque lobortis in condimentum eros vulputate. Pellentesque non eros arcu, a egestas orci.
Suspendisse potenti. Nunc vitae nibh leo. Fusce ac neque sem. Integer scelerisque sollicitudin eleifend. Donec justo arcu, cursus non posuere sed, blandit et nisi. Fusce dolor nisl, varius rutrum luctus ut, bibendum eget ante. Ut hendrerit augue quis quam sollicitudin venenatis. Etiam semper orci a turpis tempor cursus. Curabitur vitae consectetur ligula. Phasellus posuere ultrices nisl, nec ultricies velit pulvinar id. Ut odio dui, bibendum a rutrum in, suscipit eu libero. Sed condimentum nisi sit amet nunc egestas mattis. Nam in tortor risus. Vivamus enim nisl, accumsan tincidunt pharetra faucibus, luctus a nunc. Quisque pulvinar consectetur nisi, in hendrerit nisl placerat sit amet.
While the Sceptre of Kings is a formidable weapon by itself, it grants its wielder an Aura of Authority capable of simple suggestion and hypnosis to complete compelation.
The Imperial can extend the magical defenses that encompass his body outward, thereby protecting his allies and innocents when in need.
Even when leading & not on the front lines, years with the Sceptre of Kings at his side means The Imperial always has a few tricks up his sleeve with the medieval weapon.