User talk:Mellissandria

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Can anyone take a look at the Oryo Ryou page for me? Just put in a new picture using the URL function...worried it's a bit big. If so, can you leave instructions on how to shrink it? Thanks-> Mellie

Fixed it for ya. :) -- Ant

EDIT I saved the picture to my HD, shrunk it in PhotoShop so it was under the 150kb limit. Then I uploaded it to the wiki. Put in your Rights, too.

Gratzi. I still, someday, need to pick up PhotoShop! Somehow, I couldn't figure out how to do it in Paint. What should the dimensions be, other than the KB limit...having to resort to Photobucket!

It doesn't particularly matter, as long as you're under the 150kb. The wiki will shrink it further if it's larger than the allotted size, based on the template. I usually go with a nice round 750px for height. :) -- Ant
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