Voodoo Girl

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VG Main Face Front.jpg
Voodoo Girl
Player: @Voodoo Girl
Origin: Dominator
Archetype: Magic
Threat Level: 50 + 3
Personal Data
Real Name: N/A
Known Aliases: The High Mistress
Species: Human
Age: 27
Height: 5'10
Weight: 127
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Leader of The Hellish Crusaders
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Deceased
Known Powers
Plant Domination & Thorny Assault
Known Abilities
Her Praetorian counterpart is Golden Gaia



Early Years

Sarah was born in Croatoa in October 1983. She was the second child of Jerome and Helene, and their only daughter. Sarah had two brothers, her older brother Kurt and her younger brother Samuel.

Death of Family

When Sarah was thirteen her house was destroyed by a fire, the cause of which was never determined. She had no surviving family or relatives in Paragon City and was thus sent to spend the remainder of her teenage years in the Croatoa Orphanage.


Sarah's time in the orphanage wasn't pleasant. Still grieving the loss of her entire family she spent her time in the nearby gardens, fascinating herself with the climbing vines that grew there. She was constantly taunted and harassed by the other children, most of whom had never had a family growing up.

Sarah still managed to excel at school, taking an intense interest in botany in her natural science courses. She decided to attend the local university to continue her studies there.


A Failed Ritual

While Sarah was attending university the Circle of Thorns had quietly been attempting to establish a presence in Croatoa. One night as Sarah returned home from classes she was abducted by the Circle of Thorns and taken out to the woods.

Criminal Career

The Hellish Crusaders



Notable Foes

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