Way of Ice

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Way of Ice

Way of ice unmasked face.jpg
Nikki Smith/Way of Ice
Way of Ice
Player: Cuppa Neko LLX
Origin: Science/Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Nikki Smith
Known Aliases: Ice Blue Ranger
Species: Human (Felisthrope)
Age: 20
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eye Color: Green (Originally Blue)
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: Caucasian
Occupation: Ninja/Vigilante
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Known Powers
Martial Arts and weapons mastery, Superhuman Reflexes, Speed, Jumping
Known Abilities
Deadly in hand to hand combat, Has all the characteristic of a werewolf just with a feline breed.

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Way of Ice (MA/sr sci scpr) ((Role player)) Trained in the Hidden Academy of the Ninjas of the 3 Ways Nikki lead a double life. A Surfer girl at day, a practicing ninja after school. Aligned to the Way of Water she was dedicated but often late to classes then one day she was abducted by a rival school needing a lab rat for their stolen formula to make a super soldier. Adapted from the one that created Neko's Law Nikki was thrown into a small cell and injected. You now see the result. Her condition deteriorating she sought mystical help and was transformed to a were tiger but she refuses to accept her new nature and fight her own inner beast. What you see now is a strange sight indeed, some kind of tiger beast with blue fur, was it ever human? This strange creature is even more of a conundrum when one notes the heavy belly of a beast carrying a litter. Where did it come from, who is its mate, and who is its owner. The questions boggle the mind.


Vigilante Ms. Smith doesn’t care about the letter of the law so much as the protection of innocents, her dislike of the council is evident in her use of a 5th column costume on some missions. While not supporting either the 5th or the Council’s goals it doesn’t exactly paint a positive light on this young ninja.


Scrapper Ms. Smith prefer to get up close and personal with her enemies, delivering pulverizing kicks, stunning punches, and a vast array of devastating close ccombat comination moves that leave her enemies in a dazy and keep her a flury of motion of fluidity. At one moment a gentle wave, a raging tsunami the next.


Science/Natural If we are just talking about Ms. Smith’s fighting talents then her abilities come from hard work and training with the Acadamy of the Three Ways, a martial arts organization dating back centuries and spaning both the East and West. Her particular training is as a Ninja of the Water. Trained in hand to had combat, anticipating her opponents moves and focusing her ‘chi’ into various water based attacks she is also skilled with Caltrops, and Shuriken. However if we are talking about her Felisthropy we must look to the rival ninja academy of the Way of the Storm. A friendly rivalry has existed since the beginning between the three way (Wind, Water, and Earth) and the Storm (Thunder, Lightning, and Rain Cloud) but it came to a head when a select group of Storm Ninja got their hands on sample of the drug ‘Neko,’ see Neko’s Law, Way of the Tiger, Way of Power, Officer Carmen for more details on ‘Neko.’ Needing a test subject for their variant strain they kidnapped Ms. Smith and exposed her but the drug’s effects continued to mutate her unchecked, the ultimate result being Ms. Smith would have wound up as a normal tiger. However due to the intervention of some friends she was bound to a spirit tiger and has since become a true lycanthrope all all aspects you expect of a wolf but with a feline instead of a canine.


Female “And you don’t need any long winded explanation of that ‘kay?”


Felisthrope – A feline werewolf. With enhanced regeneration, a vulnerability to silver, a affinity for the moon, and a infectious tough though fang and claw.

Additional Traits/Abilities

As Exemplar of water Way of Ice has demonstrated some liquid manipulation and ice generation abilities in the past. These have fallen out of favor for a preference in mastering additional forms of weapon combat; notably the Shuriken, Exploding Shuriken, and Caltrops.


The Academy of Ice, Wind, and Earth is one of the premiere academies of ninjutsu in the western world. Their rival school, the Academy of the Storm has had a friendly rivalry going for centuries as each school seeks to one-up the other. Nikki as her friends Nicole and Ethan were, unknowingly at the time, the Exemplars or “Chosen Ones” of Ice, Wind, and Earth, respectively, but it is Nikki, a care free surf chick who wound up getting kidnapped by Disciples of the Storm and exposed to a variant of the same formula that gave birth to Neko’s Law and in time would be used to turned the heiress Connie into Way of the Tiger as well as enabling the disgraced Way of Power to come into her own on the Rogue Islands.

With her memory adjusted Nikki was dumped in Paragon City non the wiser but she began to suspect thing were off when her ears started to grow and her nose melted into her lips. As time passed things got worse as her body continued a slow change to a tiger/human hybrid. But the formula was not stopping as it had with Neko’s Law. Nikki soon find herself slave to her instincts bearing numerous litters and in her current state of mind was unable to cope she abandoned the newborns to die of exposure in an island off Talos. A series of actions she is still trying to atone for.

But soon she found her legs more shaped like those of a beast and her mind following suit with her devolving body. No means of science could stop the virus and so Nikki and a couple of her Super Group allies turned to Azuria of M.A.G.I. The only solution that could be enacted in time was to summon a tiger spirit and bound it to Nikki. The Animal spirit functions much in the way of a werewolf’s spirit turning Nikki into a shape shifter. She gained the normal vulnerability to silver all were’s have, enhanced regeneration, and an effective means of halting the virus. But the effects on her mind are the most striking. While still the care free surfer girl Nikki spend most of her time in animal form, and thinks much as a animal would seeking a mate and hunting her prey. While still sentient some of her friends worry was it a fair trade. While total devolution is out of the picture Nikki Smith is so far removed from her own humanity is she truly Nikki Smith anymore or is she Way of Ice?

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