
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: @Not Vi
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: Classified
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Currently Unknown
Species: Human/Lich
Age: 903 Years
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Believed to be European
Occupation: Assassin/Terrorist
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Zadumaru - Mother, Father Unknown
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

((Historical information is considered OOC knowledge at this time, while her nature and abilities are documented by members of the Legacy Chain as well as several other groups she has come across.))



Founder of the Aberrant Sodality, an ancient order that has recently experienced a revival among the Rogue Isles. Her co-founder, Seventh Child, is the face of the group, originally believed to be the creator.


Weary switches between attitudes with almost chilling swiftness. Those that have encountered her in a social environment come away with the impression that she's respectful, friendly, and witty, though at times a bit cynical. While slow to anger in conversation, when aroused her wrath is explosive and violent. A violence that is more commonplace in other aspects of her life.

Whereas Weary is talkative while at rest, when she does engage in activity she rarely speaks. Almost completely devoid of morality, she has been known to kill anyone that poses the slightest threat to her fellows among the Aberrant Sodality, regardless of their personal affiliation. While Anica speaks often about the loyalty among the group, Weary's actions emphasize that almost familial protectiveness.


Holy Light

Despite having connections to unknown infernal powers, Weary is naturally gifted with holy strength as well. Most often this is employed by an instinctive blessing that is performed on her hands or feet. Interestingly enough, the Legacy Chain has detailed information indicating these powers do produce a negative affect on her physical health. This suggests that she did not study to attain it, which would grant her an invulnerability to her own mystic summons, but instead having acquired it through shared blood or some sort of ritual.

Negative Matter Manipulation

While the title is sterile, the insinuation is not. The assassin known as Weary is physically identical to a number of infernal denizens, most notably the Lich, a human that attained supernatural powers. In this specific example, Legacy Chain members have observed that the subject is capable of almost complete insubstantiality while maintaining a perfect balance between darkness and light. Authorities in mystic studies have suggested that this is the closest to invulnerability that Weary is capable of, merely evading opponents while her ant-thetical nature erases her from the physical world. In layman's terms, Weary is capable of moving through the world as a ghost, provided she does not imploy either her dark or divine gifts.


((Warning: This information is considered OOC to those that Weary has not told.))

Born in 1104 AD, Weary was the child of Zadumaru and a member of the Knights Templar, named William Dorset. Her father was a renowned paladin of his time, while her mother was a Lich of almost mythical power. A strange match, but one that Zadumaru assumed would produce a child of exceptional ability. She was half-right, in that Weary's very existence contradicts itself. While capable of extreme acts of either good or evil, she always tended to side with those of meager means. The freaks of society.

The crusades raged about her as she grew, but she paid little mind to the actions of men. Instead she dedicated her time to fulfilling her father's vision of a divine world. Many demons were slain by the unexpected holy power which emanated from the young Weary, but in time her enthusiasm for purification dwindled. Overhearing a conversation between two of her father's retainers, she determined that his intent was to harness her power only so long as it could help destroy the enemies of his faith. The revelation was too much, prompting Weary to rebel against her father's vision. A harsh battle followed her declaration that she would no longer abide by his orders, culminating in the loss of her eye as she delivered the fatal blow to Sir William Dorset. Fleeing the attempted retaliation by the Knights Templar, Weary tried to hunt out her mother. While her daughter searched above ground, Zadumaru remained withdrawn from the world, studying the nature of magic itself within her tomb.

After years of fruitlessly searching for Zadumaru, Weary vanished into the European countryside, surfacing only when the capability to deliver a punishing blow to the Knights Templar could arise. During this period she developed the initial incarnation of the Aberrant Sodality, an anti-christian organization dedicated toward the destruction of the Templars. Over a hundred years later, her devotion to the order's destruction paid off. Pope Clement dissolved the order under pressure from King Phillip IV. Many descendents of her father's friends were burned at the stake, eventually ending Weary's personal war. The end of the Knights Templar was effectively the end of the original Aberrant Sodality on the world stage. Her harsh feelings toward Christianity softened following the order's destruction, distancing her from several of her most loyal compatriots. Instead of remaining among them, she struck out into the world to find a new reason to live.

It was at this time that Weary began an almost feverish campaign against demonologists among Europe. The majority of her targets were unable to wield any magics themselves, however their tomes presented too enticing a prize for her to pass up. Her ability to manipulate darkness was further honed through these studies, nearly sterilizing her of those parts of herself capable of wielding the powers of the divine. It would prove to be too much for her body to handle, her physical self taking to the dark arts too readily for her human soul to adapt. Past attempts at increasing her holy capabilities had been complete failures, so a new method of preserving the balance were explored. Alchemy, most notably. The first of Weary's attempts created a new eye for herself made of crystal. After sliding it into the empty socket, she was astonished to find that she could see again, even when her eye itself was closed. The nature of the sight became readily apparent, her once passable mystical vision sharpened to inhuman levels. The dual-vision of the mundane and the mystic world caused terrible headaches when it was open for long periods of time, leading Weary to wear a mask obstructing her left eye. Her mystical vision remained unaffected, giving her welcome relief from her migraines. (more to come)

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